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joined Dec 20, 2018

When in doubt, YURIDON.


Image Comments 12 Jun 17:04
joined Dec 20, 2018

Didn't even know there's a third one. And while I'm usually fine with futa, magically becoming one just doesn't make any sense in K-On... But yeah, the two here are great.

last edited at Jun 12, 2019 5:13PM

joined Dec 20, 2018

True, at this point boob sucking is likely not to happen. I just don't know why Hino wouldn't when it's been explicitly stated it would be the reward. The way I read it didn't seem vague at all, unless she said "I want to suck on them," and I am misremembering.

Well, not necessarily misremembering, but she did mention she could ask for something else.

Image Comments 12 Jun 14:23
joined Dec 20, 2018

This series is my bible. At least when it comes to K-On ships.

last edited at Jun 12, 2019 2:32PM

joined Dec 20, 2018

^Well, I guess we've seen the same thing between girls here as well, but still, coming up with that reasoning in the case of this series requires one to completely disregard the dislike she's had for him ever since overhearing this.

joined Dec 20, 2018

39 myself, so yeah, we're the ancients here... :D

Image Comments 11 Jun 05:40
joined Dec 20, 2018


Image Comments 11 Jun 05:38
joined Dec 20, 2018

That's a blade I see there, right?

Image Comments 11 Jun 05:33
joined Dec 20, 2018

Just accept it.

Image Comments 11 Jun 05:33
joined Dec 20, 2018

^I've been calling the series "SeX Fantasy" from the start, yeah. :D

And looks like Arisa has finally decided to take charge herself.

joined Dec 20, 2018

Author probably wanted to make a shout out to Nanoha and Midori. I refuse to believe the likeness was a coincidence.

The uniforms are an almost perfect match as well. ~nods~

joined Dec 20, 2018

Hm. Someone who feels this guilty just from sniffing hair never has the mental fortitude to go further.

Yeah, as I said it elsewhere about the last chapter, Hino seemed possibly even more nervous about this than Koguma after hearing they would be alone in the house. She clearly didn't expect that, and possibly only even suggested going there for the request to use it as an excuse to see Koguma's room.

Well, she may still go for something unexpectedly brave, though, being there together is clearly affecting her brain already. :D

joined Dec 20, 2018

Perfect, really.

joined Dec 20, 2018

Crazy , the homophobic rate is geting up , it's like they hate that some people became happy in this life ...

The rate of homphobia is not going up. In fact there are far more neutral or supportive people with every year.
The actual difference is that the more public LGBT people are, the more the resistance from homophobes rises as well.
These people were here 20 years ago and they are still here now. But back then homosexuals would have hidden their true self and thus avoided such attention.

That and, as the article points out as well, people are more and more willing to report such attacks as the hate crimes they are, and the improved awareness of the police itself.

joined Dec 20, 2018

and Shimamura's mom already knew her.

I guess it may be easy to mistake the random lady in the sauna with them for Shimamura's mom with this manga's art, but we do not actually see the two meet, so there's no way to tell whether they know each other just based on this chapter - although as parents of two classmates they may have met indeed through school-related business.

joined Dec 20, 2018

Been so long that I honestly don't remember, but it must have been something translated by Dynasty back when it still was an active scanlation group as well. Possibly Sasameki Koto.

joined Dec 20, 2018

Ah, this was wonderful, especially seeing the support of their friend and the hope in a new and better era for couples like them. ^_^

Heh, the school couple on page 16 and 17 make me really notice how similar Nanoha and Chidori from Hana Ni Arashi are to Akko and Mari from Girl Friends cause seeing them made me think of both couples.

Didn't really see that much Girl Friends in them, but just seeing the hairdo of the dark-haired one immediately made me think along the lines of "Chidori and Nanoha are dating, but it's a secret from everyone". :D

Image Comments 08 Jun 07:47
joined Dec 20, 2018

Always nice to see this pairing.

joined Dec 20, 2018

Looking through the list, under games the Mass Effect series needs to have Mass Effect: Andromeda added, featuring BioWare's usual variety of romance options, including lesbian/bisexual ones.

And while Star Wars: The Old Republic initially avoided same sex relationships, these have been available since its expansions, first only as short flings with side characters, but later also including proper relationships with actual companions.

joined Dec 20, 2018

Kind of reminds me of that discussion about Game of Thrones, in which people stated that foreshadowing was not equal to meaningful character development. Probably applies here as well.

Not really, seeing how it's been blatantly spelled out again and again instead of just foreshadowed here, and we're really only in the early to middle stages of character development, not at the end, which is exactly why she's still behaving a lot like she used to before, even if she's started to improve in some ways.

joined Dec 20, 2018

Of course, now I keep expecting the morning to look like this.

joined Dec 20, 2018

Ah, Mya-nee, even when you're feeling down and afraid of losing Hana, you still truthfully assure her she can make any snacks she wants if she practices. ^_^

And then Hana-chan turns it around and invites you to open a cake shop together as a married couple, because Mya-nee's snacks are still the best.

joined Dec 20, 2018

Love the manager. :D

joined Dec 20, 2018

^And to add to the above, being in love with someone else is not the same as considering you "unfit".

And it's not like Sayaka can't show a more vicious side when she's truly been wronged - see how she showed off Touko to her ex.

joined Dec 20, 2018

I'm getting Tadokoro-san vibes.
Not from the delinquent x class rep thing.
But from the blonde superwoman x black-haired normie thing.

Seeing her destroy that wall (and the apple before that) certainly reminded me of Nikaidou, yeah. :D