Forum › Posts by OrangePekoe
I'm a little bit confused about the exact circumstances of the ordering, but we'll leave it as-is for the time being. The chapters in the anthology are ordered exactly as they were in the published anthology. Ideally, the series ought to be read on its own, and the oneshots Love Prep Room, Our Future Plans, and Starting Over should be read in the order they're displayed as on the anthology page. Love Prep Room also has a sequel. I'm not sure if the other oneshots are related or not, but I don't think they particularly are.
What happened to the translation?
You may continue reading the remaining 14 chapters on MangaDex. We have everything up to chapter 183. I'll get them here soon. I imagine they'll pick it up again now that MD has returned.
last edited at Jul 26, 2021 9:29PM
If anyone happens to have the official English versions through Tapas, please get in touch. No, I won't add it to the site or anything. It's just a personal favour, since the chapters readily available on the internet aren't the best handled. The difference between the two versions is readily apparent, given the Tapas title translation is "Wish You Were Gone," which appears at the top of every page. Thanks!
Have you been able to get access to them yet?
Sadly, no. The search remains dry for now.
Also I apologize if this post has gotten too off topic. I am more than willing to continue this discussion in another thread.
Also also, I cut some quotes of your posts to reduce overall post size, dunno if that’s bad etiquette or not. Sorry if it is!
Yeah it's great, do whatever suits you. Let's continue in the Cafe over here. It got really long, sorry about that.
Assuming the artist did look at these "critiques," I'd point them to Linterdiction's posts on the previous pages
I'm blushing in the club right now.
You're earning it more with every post, keep it up!
y'all can't just appreciate this yuri, instead we're arguing about usbs, smartphones, and small nuances lolol
Seriously, lol
last edited at Jul 26, 2021 8:35PM
I disagree that one can prove value in moralistic comments based on whether they might be encouraging for someone else.
I've had a lot of thoughts of how to work out definitions like "value" in measuring comments, but I think this is sort of a sideshow, it's also not super interesting to me for now since we agree on those broad basics. I'd like to take the discussion in a different direction, to get closer to what I think is the root of our disagreement. You're of course welcome to just ignore whatever doesn't interest you.
What is "moralistic" to you? How are you using that word? I use it by this dictionary definition: "Given to making moral judgments, especially in a self-righteous or judgmental manner." I don't see a single comment on page 14 that is particularly moralistic. Yes, users are expressing disgust towards a particular character. Is the emotion of disgust inherently a moral one? If so, in what way do these moral judgements go beyond the personal?
I don't see anyone here preaching or pushing any agendas. I can't see anyone acting particularly righteous or judgemental (of real people, anyway). They're merely stating their personal reactions. On this forum, those reactions happened to be the majority (of those voiced) for a few pages. What is wrong with these comments, relative to any other? If we look at the primary responses to them, I think we see comments of an entirely different nature.
Nene laughs at and mocks them. This is poor behaviour, but it doesn't seem particularly moralistic. Blastaar takes the mockery a step further and seems to mischaracterize his opponent's views. Nobody on page 14, to my knowledge, said anything about reality or applying the "moral lessons" of this manga. If we assume that disgust as an emotion may only be expressed in moralistic terms (again, I do not), then surely Blastaar's post is also creeping into moralistic territory, as it's making value judgements about other user's views. Finally we get to Maple LovesYuri, and finally we reach a comment that I would consider completely moralistic.
why are half the people here are so sensetive...real life morals is gone.
Sensitivity as a value is dismissed, and viewing media with any moral lens is dismissed. A particular viewpoint is being pushed not just towards the manga, but towards other users here, too.
I decided to go through each specific post because I wanted to include something I consider important in these discussions; specificity. If we're just having a meta discussion about general trends in media fandoms, we're having a stale conversation that's already been had a few thousand times over, here and elsewhere. So we finally get back to...
Besides, should I really just be a cheerleader for whatever position I favour, in order to make people who cleave to the same ideals as me feel more welcome, so that they too can add their voices to the chorus? Wont that just result in less discussion and more vitriol and radicalization of opinions?
I would say that cheering on your side, or probing the other, is a far better use of our time than either the meta commentary or the mockery. There actually are a handful of comments on page 14 that had responses or which could've been worth replying to if one was interested in discussing the manga in particular.
Who does the meta commentary and mockery serve? What is the purpose, where does it lead? Is it really getting us there faster than if we bothered to actually talk to people who have interesting insights to share, rather than disparage and talk about (but never with) people we disagree with? To me, this two-track circular head-patting contest is already leading to more vitriol, less discussion, and further radicalization of opinions.
But if I wanted my posts to not be picked apart by others, then I shouldn’t have posted at all. Like, if I just said: “My Younger Senpai has no moral issues”, for instance, I’d expect that post to be torn apart, and rightfully so.
Sure, and I hope anyone doing that would address you or your points directly in a manner that facilitates actual thought or discussion.
In fact the amount of voices decrying works of fiction for their moral content on this site is sometimes discouraging, and a driving reason behind why I’ve never posted here before (been lurking just a little while, since 2018~ish).
I've already agreed a few pages back that this is a problem and we have made a rule for it some months ago, too. I've given this a ton of thought in the past year since I began moderating, but my views are still in flux. Upon a look back across this thread, I don't see "moralistic" comments from puritans as being especially concerning. Please do fill me in if you disagree.
I wanted to do exactly this, add my voice to that of people who like this work, not just in spite of some of its’ content, but who wholly embrace it. Because I sure don’t see a lot to positively identify with. In fact the amount of voices decrying works of fiction for their moral content on this site is sometimes discouraging, and a driving reason behind why I’ve never posted here before (been lurking just a little while, since 2018~ish).
Welcome. I hope we can continue to clean up the forum such that more people like you feel included enough to contribute. Take care.
Splitting into two posts, don't mind me.
I’ll repeat that moral qualms people have with this manga are so foundational that they could hardly be called a trap. There’s a bigger discussion you’re touching on here about how much influence fans should actually have over the content of any work of art. Critiques that encourage authors to commit framing changes to avoid pushing a given boundary aren’t inherently good things..., really detest framing a boundary pushing decision that alienates readers as a ‘trap’.
I'll rescind my use of trap, perhaps it was a poor choice of word. When I say "framing change," I mean to say the artist could have pushed the same boundary in a way that didn't offend certain portions of their core audience. Now, if the point is to offend, then my critique is empty and so be it. I believe this particular artist wants to stimulate their audience, not offend them. If my view is correct, then a framing change would seem perfectly acceptable to me.
Personally, I’m in ‘the artists vision over all’ camp
While it's a fine view to have, it's not really one I share. Creating a 1:1 representation of an "artists vision" on paper is difficult enough in the best of circumstances, and these folks are generally subject to strict deadlines and rigorous work processes. They'll win some and they'll lose some. Their future selves will look back on some work, down to the minutiae, much more fondly than other works.
The vision also doesn't have to be static, internal and external critique can be valuable in molding that vision to be the very best it can be. Maybe the response to Linterdiction would be, "tough luck buddy, story isn't for you." Maybe it would be, "wow, those are some good points I hadn't thought of previously, I'll consider them when working next time." There's no way of knowing, but the latter being subject to external influence doesn't suddenly mean it's not the artist's vision anymore. If the artist were compelled to change their vision for editorial or commercial reasons, maybe we'd have a different discussion.
But in regards to the benefits of these reviews, I have some strong misgivings, but I can’t prove that someone doesn’t find they serve a purpose.
Majere already attested that they find those comments serving that purpose for themselves, so I've got one. Only one, though.
So, since only someone with access to the raws, which I doubt constitute the majority of ‘reviewers’, could answer definitively whether or not the positives grow/negatives wane (and even then they would be giving a review so much as a content warning. Maybe that’s just semantics) does that then leave the main benefit to these reviews in discouraging or encouraging people to continue reading a given work? How virtuous is that on a free website, for material that have generally low reader time investment to boot?
Well I don't know if it is semantics, but we'll see it aside. I'd extend the reviews idea out further. If I read for 7 chapters and am feeling weighed down by what I'm seeing but not entirely willing to drop it, seeing others doing exactly that is likely to push me to make the final decision myself. Alternatively, maybe users can give me new light with which to continue reading. I'd argue Linterdiction makes an interesting point in the third paragraph here that could change the way someone views the piece and convince them to continue. Readers aren't static either, and I find many posts inherently good for that reason.
Also lowering the bar for what we’re calling a ‘review’ to “this work does or doesnt match my morals” isn’t something I wanted to do, but then again the integrity of that word probably died with Steam “””reviews”””.
Yeah, I used it a bit tongue-in-cheek. I'm well aware of the limitations of some comments.
This is a misinterpretation of my expectation that a position held so confidently should be rightfully expected to have some strong backing. I felt Lizstar’s comment of “lol, that’s a weird thing to insinuate” was supremely smug and condescending, so I expected it must've been backed by strong arguments.
Sure, sorry for the misinterpretation.
The mere expression of one’s opinion may be all they’re after but the second they’ve expressed it it’s open to be analyzed and discussed as much as anything else posted here is, isn’t it?
To be clear: I don’t think every post should be obligated to be anything more than a blog post. But they obviously shouldn’t be exempt from responses, either, regardless of whether they aim to be part of a larger argument or not.
Sure, no issues here. To be honest, we seem to agree on all the broad issues. We agree that no artist owes it to the audience to bend to their wishes, or self-censor. We agree that any given commenter bears no responsibility further than blogging their thoughts. We agree that measuring the value of comments is tricky and in some cases impossible.
Regardless, In this specific instance do you interpret Lizstar’s post as just a blogpost? I saw his post as part of an active back-and-forth and decided to throw in.
No, it's not a blog post. Though, it starts to get sticky here, and this is the crux of my issue with...everything. I view the comments made by Lizstar and the OP as pertaining primarily to blog posts. Neither Lizstar nor MapleLovesYuri are really talking about My Younger Senpai. They're talking about the people talking about My Younger Senpai. We're in complete meta territory now. To me, these comments are perhaps more negative in nature than the comments they're referring to. We'll come back to this.
Chapter 83 has been updated. Please clear your cache if the page isn't correct (correct page says, "Oh come on, just hug her already?"), thanks.
Hi, is this the right place to ask for help with the spam filter? I think I used the preview post option too many times and my post is being detected as spam.
Should be good now I believe, sorry about that. Nice avatar btw.
last edited at Jul 25, 2021 11:33PM
Just a thought. For my part, I never understand why people stick with something they find major problems with in hope that it will 'get better', especially when their feedback and opinion have no influence on the production of the work. I don't even read reviews for the most part. If I like something, I read/watch it. If I don't, I don't. Modern people are inundated with entertainment, why bother with something you don't enjoy 100%? Not to mention that free stuff like this are free so your money is not being wasted.
For this particular manga, first chapter tells me it's a wacky comedy ecchi series with a baka perverted MC ( I mean, she time slips by masturbating furiously in a kiddie playground and impulsively kisses her underage senpai on their 'first' meeting) and it remains a wacky comedy ecchi series with a baka perverted MC. So it's not like the manga changes its direction 180 degree after a few chapters. It's been like that from the start.
Don't wanna carry too much on a tertiary subject, but here goes. It's nice that you have your experience, but that doesn't mean others will, or are even capable of it. So, I'm only really interested in one big genre (yuri), and don't have much time for entertainment. While it's easy for me to enjoy basically anything, I also have reasonably high standards for what I'd consider "enjoying 100%." I stick with plenty of middling series because I've read everything else I want to, or they have some redeeming quality that I really adore that I will not find in many other places. So yeah, we're different.
Lastly, I'll repeat again that I don't really see these comments from anyone surprised this series is suddenly ecchi or hate-reading and hate-commenting all the way through. As far as I can tell, those commenters enjoyed (or continue enjoying) the manga enough to continue, and (in some cases) eventually dropped it and commented as much when that stoppe being true. Doesn't seem unreasonable to me.
Lizstar can speak for themselves if they wish to, but I just wanted to make a few brief points.
Could you elucidate on the value of critiquing a work on morals the author is clearly deliberately ignoring?
I ask because for one, I cant see how the author could use criticism like that when the moral failings being decried here are so foundational to the works premise.
One, even English-fluent artists who approve of their work being posted here are unlikely to browse these forums frequently, if ever. Assuming the artist did look at these "critiques," I'd point them to Linterdiction's posts on the previous pages. Even intentionally provocative media can push boundaries in a way that turns some of its core audience off, and even framing changes could avoid that trap entirely.
It couldn’t help readers either, since if their morals don’t align with the work they’d have been able to tell and jump ship by the end of the very first chapter.
Two, several readers have been hopping off the train for the past few chapters, some rather disappointed. Most humans don't deal in absolutes, and are willing to stick with resonant pieces even if those pieces are grating in some fashion. In this instance, without the benefit of reviews to guide them, any given reader may stick it out for several chapters in the hopes that the positives grow and the negatives wane. Ignorant though this apparently is to you, the proof lies in this very thread, and the posts her serve as "reviews" for prospective readers.
I dont intend to strawman your position as ‘this is bad so you shouldn’t like it’, but what other arguments are 'real life morals' going to contribute to here? Besides, of course, the argument of ‘this is bad so it shouldn’t be made’.
Third, and finally, you suggest that a comment must be made in service of a larger argument. These forums operate for discussions, yes, but also serve as the equivalent to blog posts for others. The mere expression of one's opinion may be all they're after, and still holds value besides.
Look back on Ryuu-chii's post, wherein they draw dissatisfaction with the tenor of comments present. Just as they come away from the thread feeling negatively about moralistic comments, one on the opposite side of the spectrum would feel a positive sense of identification with those same comments. The expression of disgust amidst (apparently) growing distaste among this story's audience engenders a sense of belonging that doesn't exist if none of those comments are ever made.
Thus, between the inherent value of reviews to some readers, and the further value of identity to others, there seem to be valid reasons to comment "moralistically" on a given work without suggesting anything about whether the piece should exist or whether anyone else should or shouldn't like it. And we didn't even get into the fun stuff! Maybe next time.
why are half the people here are so sensetive like let the characters be, you know since the first chapter that this is going to be dumb but great manga to read. real life morals is gone.
In the same vein, maybe you should let people critique a manga they're reading and not enjoy it?? No one here has said "this is bad so YOU SHOULDN'T LIKE IT" but I've seen a lot in the reverse.
A comments section is there to... make comments. Positive and negative.
And for the record, no, real life morals don't suddenly disappear cause we're reading manga lol that's a weird thing to insinuate.
Yeah, people have differing views on media all the time and should be free to express them. One's taste not aligning with some random stranger on the internet should never be reason for feeling upset or attacked. Also don't think someone saying "this makes me uncomfortable" is really a moral argument, but eh.
TctyaDDK, thanks so much for sharing! Better late than never, I hope...? Double thanks to T.Claes for her work!
Anyone, please send more gems!
last edited at Jul 24, 2021 12:56AM
I don't get the references (to the extent there are any) but this is super cute! I really wish we got more scenes like this...Thank you for sharing with us!
You may wish to try this thread for more help:
Hiya, we don't have a ticket system or any subscription services. I think you're in the wrong place!
I'm actually most inclined to begin integrating all of these into two-part (or more, in rare cases) series. This addresses a number of issues that other solutions unfortunately don't, and it's much easier for us to do now than when we originally chose the tagging solution. Will definitely consider your suggestion in the meanwhile, thank you.
Any change that would make it easier to navigate between a work and its appropriate prequels and sequels would be great.
If you think it would prove beneficial, I suspect you could offload some of the work onto the community. Perhaps, a thread in which members could indicate which prequels and sequels belong together, and in what order they should be listed. This could allow site staff to keep track of what works need to be grouped.
(P.S. First time in this forum. Whenever I try to post, it gets flagged as spam and doesn't allow me to post.)
Yeah, we may just do that. You've got a spam exception now, shouldn't have any further problems. Hopefully we can figure out what keeps triggering this but...
Happy birthday Nico!
Yes, this is a menu screen from a video game.
Go play the free (translated) fan game over on RudyTudy's website. Or go play in the original Japanese if you prefer that! Summary below:
"Nico Yazawa Is Dreaming is a RPG-esque game by 7 Colored LED made in Java, mostly centered on character interactions with some RPG elements sprinkled in-between.
When Nico-chan woke up one day, she found herself inside a mysterious dream world!!
Joined by the rest of μ's, she embarks on a great adventure!
Beset by many strange and cute creatures, she must bring a smile to all of them!
Aim to become the number one idol in the universe!"
Are there currently any plans to expand the way
are tagged? I find it a little inconvenient to have to scroll through the comments in the hopes that someone provided a link to the sequel or prequel of a work, oftentimes having the story spoiled before I have even read it. This is compounded by the fact that the titles of a multi-work series may not have an obvious indicator in the title to tell whether it is “Part 1” or “Part 2”.To be clear, I’m not referring to multi-chapter series that have a series page and description, on which all the chapters are listed, but to the oneshots and individual works that have sequels or prequels.
A simple solution could be to pin a link to the sequel or prequel of a work at the top of the comments section, so that it can be easily found without having to scroll through the comments.
I'm actually most inclined to begin integrating all of these into two-part (or more, in rare cases) series. This addresses a number of issues that other solutions unfortunately don't, and it's much easier for us to do now than when we originally chose the tagging solution. Will definitely consider your suggestion in the meanwhile, thank you.
last edited at Jul 22, 2021 5:34PM
Yuru Ichigo (translators) abandon the proyect but there are 3 more chapters in japanese, hope someboby else take it. any source on the abandoning or is it purely speculation on the count of them being absent for a long time?
Based on everything I've been able to gather, nobody in the broader yuri/Dynasty community had any contact with them outside of Twitter, and since their Twitter was nuked there's been no sign of any return. I guess for the time being we're just assuming they decided to retire after the MangaDex fiasco.
No sign of it in the release archive (and there's a related discussion where we decided not to upload it in the first place), so I'm thinking this is just some déjà vu! It was posted on the Discord a couple years ago by multiple folks, though.
Oh whoops. Sequel to this.
Thanks so much for sharing this with us! Awesome work!
May I ask mods to just delete all these moral lessons comments ?
You may, but I don't really intend to. There are three users in the past four pages with such comments, all of whom even did so well as to connect their complaints to the story itself. Neither saltyslug5561 nor Ushio have returned to comment again, and have presumably dropped the manga here. You might disagree with 17hunter00 (and I quite hope the conversation is over), but they did raise substantive points and attempt to engage with others about the story.
In general, I've taken towards just removing comments from users who clearly don't mind tags before reading. I don't like them either. Rule 10 was added specifically for that purpose. However, again, I don't think these comments really apply - the users clearly read and (wanted to) enjoy[ed] the story before the most recent chapter. Should they return or continue to repeat the same story, action will be taken at that time. In the meanwhile, I'm sorry that they ruin the experience for you, but I think this is just a drawback of having a diverse crowd of people on the forums. If we banned every post or person that might annoy someone, I'm afraid there really wouldn't be many comments left.
Lastly (and I'm not directing this at you because I sincerely appreciate your comment) if one is really put-off by comments like this, they'd do best to report it to mods or simply ignore them. Mocking or attacking users you disagree with is fun in the moment, but usually it makes you look like a jerk, and wastes valuable space that actual discussion could fill.
In the case that you'd like to discuss moderation some more, please head to the Help thread so we don't crowd this one further. Thanks.
last edited at Jul 21, 2021 12:26PM
Did someone accidentally label the title box “summary” on the upload form? That would explain a lot.
Love this comment. Story was nice, too.