Forum › Posts by FluffyCow

joined Sep 27, 2017

Mmm titty

joined Sep 27, 2017

Gudako is going to have to explain the pregnancy to the medical team

joined Sep 27, 2017

Bocchi the attack

joined Sep 27, 2017

She definitely has her work cutout for her, and sleep probably won't be an option. Also is the girl hugging her left leg looking between her thighs? It looks like it, but it's bit hard to tell if her legs are together and the knee is blocking the view, hmm

joined Sep 27, 2017

The moment she heard the parents are out the switch flipped lol

joined Sep 27, 2017

Kissing at all hours of the day, the sun being up or down merely impacts if there's clothes lmao

joined Sep 27, 2017

The Tsun Tsun is breaking away

joined Sep 27, 2017

Lumine has some specific taste lol

joined Sep 27, 2017

Feeling a little wild I see lmao

joined Sep 27, 2017

Fun to see Ticcy drawing Farcille

joined Sep 27, 2017

Jessica go practice this powerful technique on your dear Jennifer

joined Sep 27, 2017

^Sounds like a battle they're both winning

joined Sep 27, 2017

Adorable, let's go season 3!

joined Sep 27, 2017

Sorry I can't come to your girlfriend's birthday party because I have to eat dorm dinners! Girl what are your priorities?

She doesn't know does she? So as far as she knows Kase is just a friend of a friend.

Ah I might have misremembered. Still go eat dinner with your friends, don't be some dorm cafeteria gremlin every night of the week :P

I am suspecting that the "new hire" in the cafeteria is a future girlfriend.

Well if that's the case I can forgive her haha

I'll say it. Birthday pizza is vastly superior to birthday cake.

Especially as you get older and your tolerance for sweets lessens. But even when I was younger, I was way more interested in getting a pizza on my birthday than a cake.

Agreed, I'll have maybe half a slice of cake on my birthday...but I'm not big into sweets and my tolerance for them has definitely worsened with age. Some kind of special and/or fun food that's not sweet is definitely preferred.

Also, someone should tell Kase that he fact that you're legally allowed to drink alcohol doesn't mean you have to.

Yeah a lot people think when you hit drinking age you have to drink, and you really don't have to. When I turned 21 I didn't drink, mostly because I've never had an interest in drinking, plus family history with drinking isn't great so I try to avoid that, though I had also gotten out of the hospital a couple days before my 21st and was in recovery. So a combination of factors lol

joined Sep 27, 2017

Sorry I can't come to your girlfriend's birthday party because I have to eat dorm dinners! Girl what are your priorities?

She doesn't know does she? So as far as she knows Kase is just a friend of a friend.

Ah I might have misremembered. Still go eat dinner with your friends, don't be some dorm cafeteria gremlin every night of the week :P

joined Sep 27, 2017

damn kase's a lightweight

Well, by real people standards, sure. But it's well established that manga characters, being two dimensional, can take very little booze . . . some are capable of going down from a single boozy chocolate; there's even recorded cases of drunk literally from the smell of booze.

I was honestly surprised when I found out that there are people whose alcohol tolerance is just as bad or worse than anime/manga lightweights. I've heard a story of someone I know getting hammered over taking a sip off of wine that only had 0.05% alcohol content. She was apparently giggling through the whole ride home. And then there's this cousin of mine who took a sip off of lite beer and... well, he went red in the face and threw up soon after that.

Yeah there's definitely people in real life that have 0 tolerance, and less than that even lol

joined Sep 27, 2017

So weird. Why are we fetishizing food? Lol

It's nothing new, there's various food stuff in real life that's sexual. Aphrodisiac foods, which chocolate comes into play with, and sometimes people do kinky things with chocolate. The party trick of tying a cherry stem with your tongue. Which hell, googling "sexy cherries" gave me stuff like this,

Plus if you think this is weird there's IRL literal porn and cam stuff involving food lmao

Kinky food content is generally pretty tame as far I'm familiar, though I haven't dug too deep. There's also far weirder and more disturbing fetishes out there.

joined Sep 27, 2017

I can't say I'm a fan of stories like this. It feels miserable in all the wrong ways imo

Ah well, maybe others will enjoy it more than I did lol

joined Sep 27, 2017

Another new Somnophilia doujin I see. The art is cute, Love Live works are generally appreciated, unfortunately it's just not my fetish lol

joined Sep 27, 2017

Sorry I can't come to your girlfriend's birthday party because I have to eat dorm dinners! Girl what are your priorities?

Also R.I.P. Kase, and R.I.P. the pizza/drinks flying everywhere when she hit the floor lmao

joined Sep 27, 2017

I'm confused. Did the goddess followed the human for a short amount of time , but later return to being a goddess?

I think basically the goddess "consumed" her and from there they went on a dream like journey together. Afterwards the goddess let her go via returning her to her home/bed, and so she awoke in the morning thinking the whole encounter was a dream. Very fantasy and magical in nature.

I agree, but instead of the story being told in historical Japanese art, it's drawn in a comic style. I enjoyed it :)

Yeah it's great, I'd definitely like to see more stories like this

Deep Sleep discussion 05 Oct 18:44
joined Sep 27, 2017

This was hot as fuck. Literally. This is what happened.
The thing is... the sleeping person cannot give you consent, it is kinda considered as rape and this bothers me...

I wouldn't say this specific story is rape, though I would agree that it plays with elements of dubious consent that revolve around a sleeping fetish. Which is not something I'm into/or particularly comfortable about. So I think we generally agree. If the snuggling led to both of them being awake and then sexual activities proceeded from there, this work would be top tier for me. Or at least a bonus page where they both consent to Somnophilia play, that would be a better way to include it I think.

Deep Sleep discussion 05 Oct 17:23
joined Sep 27, 2017

I don't really understand the appeal of the sleep fetish personally, however more Sulemio couple works are always appreciated

last edited at Oct 5, 2024 7:00PM

joined Sep 27, 2017

^I think they're more like antlers but yeah, and the scales on her hand. While Hu Tao is the one with nipple piercings here.

Or to put it another way, Yanfei is doing the eating, and Hu Tao is being eaten haha

joined Sep 27, 2017

Very interesting, it felt a little like some of the old mythology stories I'd read growing up