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joined Jul 19, 2018

Why is it always "a weird body" with these sub-par manga writers?

I was a little excited by the premise and then it turned out to be a load of gobshite.

Is this sort of magic gender bender thing where the character has a weird body that can flip their sex back and forth like a cliche in B rated manga that I'm just not aware of?

I can't say I've ever run into this particular trope before outside of Boku Girl, but I guess is this like a thing?

Anyway, this was a cute little story, albeit a sad one.

last edited at Jul 28, 2018 2:02AM

Looking East
joined Jul 19, 2018

Who knows when we will get to find out what happened between Uta and Kaoru?

Has it even been confirmed that anything has happened between them off screen? From what we have seen so far it appears mostly like Uta has tip toed around letting Kaoru know about her feelings, but due to repeated small slip ups Kaoru finally put the pieces together and has had an epiphany about how Uta actually feels.

So far we haven't seen much fall out from this realization, and there isn't any indication that Uta knows that Kaoru has become aware of what's going on so Kaoru may be keeping it a secret from her for now.

I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but I think this story is about to get really get rocky.

last edited at Jul 28, 2018 4:22AM

Looking East
Killing Me! discussion 27 Jul 00:05
joined Jul 19, 2018

It's unfortunate. It was fun little series and pretty unique as well.

Looking East
Killing Me! discussion 26 Jul 15:52
joined Jul 19, 2018

The latest issue of Cune announced the serialization is cancelled.


Looking East
joined Jul 19, 2018

Psychoanalyzing fictional characters is always a bit silly, but I think the term that best describes Yuu's behavior is demi-sexual. Demi-sexuals are people who only develop a sexual attraction to others after they have formed a strong emotional connection with that person.

Looking East
Citrus discussion 26 Jul 02:49
joined Jul 19, 2018

Blastaar, sorry I was already adding to and editing my post before you responded, so I was under the impression it was still safe to do so. It's rather rude to edit something that somebody has already responded to and it was not my intent to do that to you.

When I have a bit more time I will come back and give you a proper and more in depth response as to why I thought Mei's behavior really was subtle, but effective foreshadowing for the fact that she had her upcoming arranged marriage looming over her and it was weighing heavily on her conscience the whole time Yuzu and her were together.

last edited at Jul 26, 2018 2:52AM

Looking East
Citrus discussion 25 Jul 17:38
joined Jul 19, 2018

@matsuri_wins That’s an interesting take, and a somewhat plausible one. But if that’s the case, I’d stil argue that it was a very badly mishandled one, with the text failing to send the right signals and messing around with irrelevancies for far too long.

Sure, readers interpret the actions of characters against a template of their own experiences and subjectivities, no doubt. But the idea that Mei is intended to be an ambiguous Rorschach blot subject to multiple, irresolvable interpretations implies that Saburouta is being a much more sophisticated and complex storyteller than anything else in the series suggests. To me, anyway.

As to the author's exact intent, only she knows that, but it is very clear that Mei has always been purposely written to be a mysterious and ambiguous character. Who Mei really is as a person and what she is thinking and feeling behind her impenetrable mask has always been the central mystery behind this series. That much seems quite clear.

Saburouta is skilled at writing good characters and rather poor at writing plots which makes for an overall rather uneven experience for the reader. She has demonstrated that she is capable of rather sophisticated storytelling when it comes to character development and interaction. Chapter 36 was an example of what Saburouta is capable of at her best.

That chapter made it very clear that she had been foreshadowing and intentionally building Mei's characterization with this over arching plot twist in mind since the first few chapters of the manga. It was in that chapter that we finally see all the puzzle pieces fall into place as to why Mei has acted the way she has up until this point. That chapter gave me a new found respect for Saburouta as a writer. Having said this, she is also capable of some really cheesy soap opera style cliches when it comes to trying to drive the plot along. She basically has these well developed and quite nuanced characters trapped in the story line from a bad daytime drama. Anyway I don't mean to diminish her work, but rather to point out that she is more skilled than a lot of people give her credit for. It's just that her skill set as a writer is a bit uneven.

Unfortunately, given her weakness when it comes to crafting the plot, I think ending the story well is going to be quite a test for this mangaka. I wish her luck with it.

last edited at Jul 25, 2018 6:20PM

joined Jul 19, 2018

To insert oneself is masturbation no?

Not if it's with a blender. Then it is castration.

Edit: Is there some trick to making the accursed quoting system work properly?

last edited at Jul 23, 2018 8:30AM

joined Jul 19, 2018

-- the stupid ass idea that girls are just inherently attracted to men.

That's... something of an integral and necessary part of sexual reproduction actually...

It's healthy to have an active imagination and all, but it doesn't change the fact that in reality there are a lot of women that inherently are not attracted to men.

joined Jul 19, 2018

Yes, and anyone who would argue against a simple fix with no down sides is a moron. Now that we have finished calling each other imbeciles why don't we move on fix the problem?

The problem is yours to fix. Read the tags before you click on things on a site that hosts a significant amount of porn.

EDIT: It's tough clicking on something you didn't mean to click on, but use this as an opportunity to learn and grow and not let it happen again (or acquire a new fetish).


You are completely missing the point. I'm not here to cry victim and complain that I was like somehow traumatized by accidentally seeing a little pedophilic pornography. I wasn't and I actually have nothing against people enjoying child porn so long as real children weren't harmed while making it. I'm here to point out that this thread is full of other people who have also made this same mistake and clicked on this thinking it was something else and a bunch more that even after reading it still are confused if this is canon or not.

I was merely pointing out that a simple rewording of the title and making it clearer will take 5 minutes of somebody's time would solve most of these miss-clicks and misunderstandings and it would literally have no down side what-so-ever. There is no reason not to fix it. That's my point.

It's like if there was a stop sign at the end of a street that was slightly obscured by a tree branch. Because of this people who aren't paying enough attention occasionally miss the sign and wreck or run over children etc. Rather than point out that the people who miss the stop sign should pay more attention why not take five minutes to remove the branch and fix the issue?

last edited at Jul 19, 2018 8:12PM

joined Jul 19, 2018

I vote that the word "hentai" be changed to "smut" in the title.

I'd say no. This is a site for Japanese doujins, much of which is porn. If a user doesn't know what basic terminology like hentai means, they should learn, fast.

A person that clicks on something tagged hentai, loli, nsfw, and are shocked at the content, they are a schmuck.

Yes, and anyone who would argue against a simple fix with no down sides is a moron. Now that we have finished calling each other imbeciles why don't we move on fix the problem?

joined Jul 19, 2018

Has anybody asked her if this is actually non-canon? Isn't it usually up to the creator? Can we tag Itou Hachi into this thread?

What this is a series of unrelated hentai images collected from the author's social media posts which they later took down. Somebody then cobbled these images together, slapped a title on it, and then posted it here. It is in no way an official release and part of the Master and Me series.

This is what I am talking about right here. Some people even after reading it still can't tell if it is canon or not. It takes five minutes to fix the title and end the confusion.

joined Jul 19, 2018

Some people also might not like having child pornography in their search engine profiles. Like I have said repeatedly there is no logical argument as to why the title cannot be changed to make it clearer and decrease the odds of a miss-click. It will take literally like 4 minutes of somebody's time to fix this. That is the only down side. The simple fact is a large number of people are miss-clicking on this thinking it is something that it is not. There is absolutely no real reason not to fix it with a simple title change.

If someone doesn't like having such things in their search engine profiles, then they shouldn't be on a site like this that hosts such content... surely, it'd still be pretty bad if it's prominently displayed on the main page and all. I mean, I admit that I certainly don't like having even yuri lolicon stuff in my history either (out of probably unfounded fear more than anything else though), but I love this site too much to ever give it up so I don't fuss over it too much. And, frankly, I think you're the only one who missed the "ONEELOLI HENTAI" in the title. It takes literally a second to read the whole title. Maybe you'd have more of an argument if the "hentai" thing wasn't in the title, but... it is. And, furthermore... it's pretty obvious this is not part of the actual series. I think anyone who actually reads the series should understand it's not...

Go back through this thread. Pretty much any of the posts that aren't bickering about pedophilia are people confused thinking this is part of the Master and Me series. There is absolutely no reason not to make the title more clear if it is leading to people clicking on it thinking it is something else. Hell, many of these people are still confused if it is canon or not even after reading the entire thing.

I can't believe people would argue against such a simple common sense suggestion and fix. You have multiple users miss-clicking on explicit child pornography that they are not interested in. This is reason enough to spend a couple of minutes needed to fix the title and make it something clearer. In literally a tiny fraction of the time people have spent wasting their breath arguing over it, this could have been fixed with absolutely no down side.

last edited at Jul 19, 2018 5:31PM

joined Jul 19, 2018

I vote that the word "hentai" be changed to "smut" in the title.

Even something as simple as reversing the order of the title and starting it with OneeLoli Hentai would likely greatly cut the number of miss-clicks caused by just rapidly scanning tittle.

Something like "Non-Canon OneeLoli Hentai, Master and Mel" would likely remove the vast majority of miss-clicks and misunderstandings and it will take somebody with the proper access no more than a few minutes to fix.

joined Jul 19, 2018

Re: Retitling

Sometimes I click on things I think I might like and realize after a couple of pages that it’s the kind of thing I don’t like. So I click away.

Is there some compelling reason that solution would not work in this case?

Some people aren't aware of the reader's sacred right to stop reading whenever they want, maybe?

Some people also might not like having child pornography in their search engine profiles. Like I have said repeatedly there is no logical argument as to why the title cannot be changed to make it clearer and decrease the odds of a miss-click. It will take literally like 4 minutes of somebody's time to fix this. That is the only down side. The simple fact is a large number of people are miss-clicking on this thinking it is something that it is not. There is absolutely no real reason not to fix it with a simple title change.

last edited at Jul 19, 2018 5:12PM

joined Jul 19, 2018

Looking East posted:

I think the reason so many people have miss-clicked this thinking it was an actual Master and Me story by Itou Hachi rather than a random assortment of hentai pictures is precisely because of how its titled.

"Master and Mel OneeLoli Hentai"

I took one quick scan of the new releases, saw Master and Me and just clicked it. I think if you simply changed the order of the wording and titled it OneeLoli Hentai, Master and and Mel would probably seriously cut back the number of miss-clicks.

So, it is issue of order tittle, not the fact people can't bother to read the whole thing first. Yea, let's pander to people's laziness. Lets color all works people might not like red with trigger warnings images all around while we are at it in order to make sure they won't click on them by accident when they hastily browse site for new stories!

Since Itou never intended for these photos to be cobbled together as a makeshift story and certainly did not title the work themselves you should be able to rename it whatever you like.

Except they pretty clearly follow a progression and show a short story of them having sex. Itou might publish them on tweeter, but it doesn't mean they are not meant to be read together. And honestly if it was added as images, there would be no difference as staff would probably link them all together into story anyway.

Like I said I am far from the only one who miss-clicked this and there is absolutely no reason the title can't be changed since the original author never published this as a single work let alone gave it a title. So what possible reason is there to not change the title to make it less likely to cause people to erroneously click on it?

joined Jul 19, 2018

I made an account just to comment here. Let me start by saying I'm not some uptight moral crusader and I have absolutely nothing against lolicon etc. that doesn't involve actual kids. There is however a serious problem with how this specific work has been titled, tagged and listed on this site.

This is not an original doujin by Itou Hachi. It's actually just a collection of random hentai images drawn by this mangaka that were briefly posted on their various social media accounts and then taken down. Somebody has since then cobbled the images together, labelled it as an original doujin and given it a title and the illusion that this might be an actual cannon chapter or side story from the Master and Me series which it is not. Master and Me is basically a non-explicit, cute little yuri age gap story not hentai.

I'm sure the majority of the people who clicked this title were expecting just that, some cute little installment from Master and Me and instead they get something very different and very misleading. I'm not saying it should be taken down, but somebody should first of all remove the doujin descriptor and add something like (Collection of Non-cannon Hentai Images) to the title.

As a self-published series of pictures posted by the author online of their own characters, it is a original doujinshi. And to make sure that the release is kept separate from the main series itself, it was not added as part of the series, but as you said, a original doujinshi.

With the words "OneeLoli Hentai" and "NSFW Lolicon" tags attached, I don't think there is anything more that could be done to make it clear that this is not a normal release in the series. If anyone clicked on this release expecting neither hentai nor nsfw lolicon, renaming it slightly won't help.

Other than the people screeching back and forth about pedophilia there are a lot of people on this thread voicing confusion about this being part of the canon etc. I think the reason so many people have miss-clicked this thinking it was an actual Master and Me story by Itou Hachi rather than a random assortment of hentai pictures is precisely because of how its titled.

I took one quick scan of the new releases, saw Master and Me and just clicked it. I think if you simply changed the order of the wording and titled it OneeLoli Hentai, Master and and Mel would probably seriously cut back the number of miss-clicks. Since Itou never intended for these photos to be cobbled together as a makeshift story and certainly did not title the work themselves you should be able to rename it whatever you like.

last edited at Jul 19, 2018 3:14PM

joined Jul 19, 2018

I made an account just to comment here. Let me start by saying I'm not some uptight moral crusader and I have absolutely nothing against lolicon etc. that doesn't involve actual kids. There is however a serious problem with how this specific work has been titled, tagged and listed on this site.

This is not an original doujin by Itou Hachi. It's actually just a collection of random hentai images drawn by this mangaka that were briefly posted on their various social media accounts and then taken down. Somebody has since then cobbled the images together, labelled it as an original doujin and given it a title and the illusion that this might be an actual cannon chapter or side story from the Master and Me series which it is not. Master and Me is basically a non-explicit, cute little yuri age gap story not hentai.

I'm sure the majority of the people who clicked this title were expecting just that, some cute little installment from Master and Me and instead they get something very different and very misleading. I'm not saying it should be taken down, but somebody should first of all remove the doujin descriptor and add something like (Collection of Non-cannon Hentai Images) to the title.

last edited at Jul 19, 2018 6:03AM