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joined Jan 18, 2016

Oh don't get me wrong I understand why those pairings aren't well liked. I just liked them anyway. In Mirei and Mamori's case, I thought it was sweet to see a very cool and capable woman crush big time on a ditzy girl. I didn't find it forced. Mamori didn't necessarily reciprocate at first but that's true of most crushes. Some of my closest friendships weren't exactly natural to begin with, but became so overtime.

last edited at Apr 26, 2017 1:29AM

joined Jan 18, 2016

But I hope there is some Lady Lady next too. Seriously, best couple of VDM imo.

I seem to be the only one who didn't like them.

They didn't really stick out to me either. I liked the the girl who could grow into a giant and her gf, Mamori and Mirei, and Kasumi and Hibiki, but it seems a lot of people saw fit to diminish or make fun of them for one reason or another, which they're entitled to do I suppose.

Their Story discussion 02 Dec 03:37
joined Jan 18, 2016

Hopefully that long-winded explanation help clear up the situation a bit. SJ is not being "creepy" or "pushy" or whatever scary traits you've attributed to her -- she's actually just the adorable dork that she's been since the beginning of the series.

That's subjective within ANY culture. This post was extremely informative and I commend you for that. However, if Sun Jing wasn't such a charming and attractive person by nature, Qiu Tong might not be quite as receptive to her friendship. In practice it looks like things are turning out well for the two, but I don't think it's unreasonable to interpret Sun Jing's actions as 'potentially' pushy and scary.

Image Comments 02 Dec 03:18
joined Jan 18, 2016

She's talking about sex

joined Jan 18, 2016

id go as far as saying that what their editor told them is the biggest tragedy of this manga.

What kind of sense does that make? It's not even particularly subtle, the resolution is just ambiguous for no clear benefit to the story. I'd go so far as to say the ending, without the extra, just comes off as weird

last edited at Dec 1, 2016 9:46PM

joined Jan 18, 2016

''Yuri is subtle, its beauty lies in its ambiguity...'' (though it means different things to different people). I agree with this definition, I'm not closed for certainty but, wouldn't you agree that the most memorable couples and stories are the ones that does not completely satisfy us? (I think I already made a point of this before somewhere) legends like MioRitsu, NanoFate, KyoSaya, NicoMaki (etc) all have something in common.
Besides, They are living together ... they are basically married!

Gonna have to partially agree but mostly disagree. I do think the most beautiful romance stories are subtle ones
but it still feels like a cruel joke when it's never made fully clear, even in the very end, whether the characters' feelings are mutual. I honestly don't think a kiss at the end would have hurt this story, even though I love it as is.

joined Jan 18, 2016

As you can see blood on mouth and a missing shoe with blood where the bunny was standing. And her gaining weight. It clearly shows that she is a carnivorous and ate those innocent bunnies.

I feel bad for them :(

The above commenter was interpreting the story metaphorically, not literally.

joined Jan 18, 2016

Also, on the futa thing: I honestly dislike it because I see it as a fetish and not as a representation of trans people.

I've heard a similar argument about yuri as a whole, that "real lesbians" always present themselves as butch and femme, and that yuri manga featuring two especially girly women in a relationship are playing exclusively to straight male fetishes


joined Jan 18, 2016

I have totally been feeling the same way for a while now. Can't really think of anything to add except: Yes

joined Jan 18, 2016

Cheating? It was a threesome that Hibiki arranged.

Really? In what panel was Hibiki involved? The dialogue made it sound like the purpose was to set Kasumi up with Charlotte for sex. That's also what the tags indicate. Now I'm not making any moral judgments mind you, but I definitely would expect Kasumi to turn down an arrangement like that, especially if her partner is doing it because she feels her GF is paying excessive attention to someone else

EDIT: Actually I kinda see what you're saying, I still find it a little sad

last edited at Nov 28, 2016 11:01PM

joined Jan 18, 2016

I'm really not cool with Kasumi cheating on Hibiki like that

Anime season 28 Nov 22:27
joined Jan 18, 2016

Obviously, I don't think anime editor want to scream lesbian sexual innuendo from the roof top. But I feel that Jojo interpretation seemed to be really forced in this case.
(frankly, it was a bit like how AoT fans keep thinking that other anime was influenced by AoT)

Firstly as mentioned, the music indicating the nail clipper supposed to be a joke punchline, instead of foreshadowing or screen interpretation. When i watched it, I thought the punchline was: we thought it was something important to the plot, but instead it was just a random thing. But that does not explai why it is a nail clipper

Secondly, one thing that everyone universally agree with in ep 7: Cocona created a bunch of Papika identity, and she was 'lost' over selecting which Papika she want to be with. That does not fit in the Jojo narrative of the nail clipper. As she was not resisting to maintain the status-quo (relationship real Papika), she was confused over whether she want the status-quo. Those two theme almost opposite to each other

I would pay good money to see the anime editor scream lesbian sexual innuendo from a roof top.

That aside, I don't think she was selecting between the different Papikas, so much as her mind unwittingly conjured progressively changing Papikas, representing her evolving relationship with her. When she says she wants the "real" Papika, presumably she means she's afraid of how her feelings toward her are growing and changing, and desires the safety of the past Papika to whom she lacked a romantic attraction. My greater point here is that Cocona was not "confused" as to whether or not she wanted to maintain the status quo. The status quo was already rapidly changing beyond her control, and for the time being she resisted. The nail clipper could represent nothing, or it could, indeed, represent Cocona's fear of change.

joined Jan 18, 2016

I'm a guy and I don't liked being stereotyped, so could everyone cut it out?

What are u talking about?

Several commenters have attributed Rin's pushy attitude about sex in this doujin to how male characters often act in hentai stories

Their Story discussion 28 Nov 01:55
joined Jan 18, 2016

I really enjoy the dynamic between the main characters, but I've been taught that staying persistent after your confession has been turned down can have bad consequences. Is a romance (which I assume will come later) like this truly realistic after a rejection like that?

Anime season 28 Nov 01:29
joined Jan 18, 2016

I think what was going on there was the stone was crystallized mana, letting Zophie ignore the dead spots, rather than shutting down Izetta. Still bullshit, though

Izetta commented something like "this area should be rich with magic" indicating that her powers were being suppressed by an external force. Then again, is Izetta supposed to know exactly where the ley lines are?

Image Comments 28 Nov 01:25
joined Jan 18, 2016

Now if it had included the "Who loves Tsukamoto? silence" bit, that would have been great

joined Jan 18, 2016

RIn looks super cool as Spider-Rin, the other designs aren't quite as successful

joined Jan 18, 2016

So heartwarming

Anime season 27 Nov 04:34
joined Jan 18, 2016

Poor Izetta, how will she get herself out of this fix? The cloning concept is the most ridiculous thing so far, wish they'd come up with something better but whatevs. The whole political aspect is annoying too, the spying and backstabbing is somewhat true to life but a little contrived and gratuitous. The show is better than I expected it to be, but I'm still certain the story is being written as it goes

joined Jan 18, 2016

I still feel these releases could do with more proofreading/QC script wise.

As an example, "Were you that much into...when we did it?". There's a lot of sentences like this throughout.

At least they didn't get all philosophical like some of those Touhou doujins with interesting translations

joined Jan 18, 2016

Ah I remember prop 8. There were warring protesters down the street from my middle school, one side for gay marriage, the other against it. Eventually the anti-gay marriage people gave up and left, but prop 8 passed anyway. My parents were lucky enough to get married the summer before

joined Jan 18, 2016

A relationship like this needs to change fast or it won't work out. Rin isn't listening to Maki at all

Anime season 24 Nov 01:56
joined Jan 18, 2016

I meant it like, along the same idea of are confessions like crimes somehow, if the reason we confess is because we hide it (generally from the love interest), and if we hide it cus it's something that needs to be hidden

Sometimes, I do get the feeling inside my head, that I'm committing a crime of sorts when I like someone. I think to myself, "I am giving this person attention that they probably don't want. That's harassment. I'm being selfish." Have you ever experienced something like that?

last edited at Nov 24, 2016 2:00AM

Anime season 24 Nov 01:45
joined Jan 18, 2016

Actually, why do ppl tend to keep their love a secret?

Like from your friends and family, or from the person you're infatuated with? Personally, I feel like if I haven't said anything yet, there's an uncertain chance of something happening, but if I ask her out and she says no, all hope is lost

last edited at Nov 24, 2016 1:49AM

Anime season 24 Nov 01:28
joined Jan 18, 2016

Well there was that one time you linked your blog in which you admitted to "fangirling." I'm not positive though

Shiet that's probably girly or something, and sounds negative for some reason ^, like a sin
I admitted to fangirling lmao. I feel kinda self conscious about it, weirdly

Y'know I was just thinking the other day, do they call love confessions, "confessions" because it's a crime to love?