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Nezchan Moderator
joined Jun 28, 2012

I read it, but I need to go back and re-read the original because I'm not making the connections I should be.

Nezchan Moderator
joined Jun 28, 2012

Nez Note

Agree with Maus, let's stay on topic here, which is the advance of Same-Sex Marriage (or a reasonable, hand-drawn facsimile) in the country that produces our entertainment. Which, I expect, will eventually be reflected in said media. Such as in Kisses, Sighs and Cherry-Blossom Pink where they mention at the end that non-binding marriage ceremonies have recently begun to be provided at some locations there.

Let's leave the personal squabbles and speculation about entirely different countries than the one at hand, and religions other than the relevant ones (Shinto & Buddhism primarily) at the door, shall we?

Nezchan Moderator
joined Jun 28, 2012

Nezchan, I'm being condescending? or there is something wrong with my tone?

Dude, don't look at me to back you up against a longstanding member (322 posts since 2013, it's right there under their avatar, you can check for yourself).

Nezchan Moderator
joined Jun 28, 2012

One complicating factor is worry about Japan's already-declining birth rate. I can imagine the propaganda opposing SSM would leverage that trend and say it would get worse if this was allowed.

It' funny because legalizing gay marriage, maybe they would make more artificial insemination to have children, and the fact that prohibiting gay marriage wouldn't make difference on birth, it's the otakus that are not having children, but if course let's put the blame on gays!

Actually, at present artificial insemination isn't permitted for lesbians in Japan either. So that's a separate battle.

Also, otakus aren't such a big population that they have much impact on the birth rate. One of the more realistic explanations I've heard is that traditional Japanese marriages really aren't very attractive from the female point of view (little autonomy, often pressured to give up career, husbands pushed to work very long hours so rarely see them, etc.) so an awful lot are just opting out altogether.

Nezchan Moderator
joined Jun 28, 2012

It's almost always stupid old people that can't accept change that try to fuck with gays, and japan has a lot of old people, I sure hope this Abe guy won't be able to stop things now that they started...

What does this Abe do? I don't have any idea who he is...

He's...the Prime Minister. You've talking about Japanese politics and can't even Google that much?

One complicating factor is worry about Japan's famously-declining birth rate. I can imagine the propaganda opposing SSM would leverage that trend and say it would get worse if this was allowed.

last edited at Mar 31, 2015 12:07PM

Nezchan Moderator
joined Jun 28, 2012

Is there any set procedure for deleting your account? I want to cut down my forum usage (in general, not just on this site). Will still visit to read manga, of course, just don't need my account anymore.

Given there's no mail or any personal information attached to your account, and it's only actually good for posting in the forum, seeing what comments are new in any particular thread, and making lists, wouldn't simply not logging in or using the forums have pretty much the same effect?

I'm doing it because I've constantly proved I haven't the will power to keep away and not login. Besides, there are other reasons, mostly personal. If you could humour me and delete this account, that'd be great.

Okay, I've put in the request so the account should be deleted presently. Glad to have had you here, and you're always welcome to come back.

Nezchan, is it possible to take back this request? I was having some issues with identity theft, but that all seems to be sorted now. That was the real reason I wanted to get off the internet. I'd like to retain this account if I can.

Okay, acknowledged. Hopefully the cancellation gets noticed in time to prevent removal. Should be fine though.

Nezchan Moderator
joined Jun 28, 2012

I'm more the type to prefer expensive games most of the time I guess

I'm the type to prefer expensive games at a cheap price

And I'm the type that only pays if necessary, why pay when I can download most of them.... Being poor is suffering...

Hopefully we're not talking pirating games here. I think this is not a good forum for promoting that.

Personally, since a lot of what I play is from smaller studios, I prefer to buy wherever possible. Fortunately non-AAA titles tend to have better price points, much as I'd like to give DA:I a shot.

Nezchan Moderator
joined Jun 28, 2012

Certainly if a city of 3.7 million like Yokohama adopts partnerships, that'll signal a sea change that'll bring over more areas that are currently on the fence.

Nezchan Moderator
joined Jun 28, 2012

Oh, i've heard it in the radio earlier
Unfortunately i also heard that the majority of the population doesn't agree with this

Well, Abe's been pushing hard against it so that's no surprise. The fact that there are other wards as well as the city of Yokohama looking at following suit suggests that in some areas (as opposed to the country as a whole) there are pockets of tolerance that want this to happen.

I can see in the long run, this turning into a similar situation with the States where it's a slow, bit-by-bit process until there's enough critical mass to trigger change on a national level. Certainly the longer things like this stay in place, the more proponents can point to it and say "See? Society didn't crumble, marriage is still marriage, and the only real change is that more people are happy."

joined Jun 28, 2012

Something like this is more likely to be seen if it's put in the suggestions thread, could you re-post it there?

Nezchan Moderator
joined Jun 28, 2012

Is there any set procedure for deleting your account? I want to cut down my forum usage (in general, not just on this site). Will still visit to read manga, of course, just don't need my account anymore.

Given there's no mail or any personal information attached to your account, and it's only actually good for posting in the forum, seeing what comments are new in any particular thread, and making lists, wouldn't simply not logging in or using the forums have pretty much the same effect?

I'm doing it because I've constantly proved I haven't the will power to keep away and not login. Besides, there are other reasons, mostly personal. If you could humour me and delete this account, that'd be great.

Okay, I've put in the request so the account should be deleted presently. Glad to have had you here, and you're always welcome to come back.

Nezchan Moderator
joined Jun 28, 2012

"Shibuya ward in Tokyo has become the first locale in Japan to recognize gay couples, a major step forward for LGBTI rights in the conservative country."

"The district assembly Tuesday (31 March) voted overwhelmingly in favor of issuing certificates recognizing same-sex unions as 'equivalent to marriage' and granting them housing and hospital visitation rights."

May this spread to the entire country, and encourage more married couple yuri along the way!

Nezchan Moderator
joined Jun 28, 2012

Is there any set procedure for deleting your account? I want to cut down my forum usage (in general, not just on this site). Will still visit to read manga, of course, just don't need my account anymore.

Given there's no mail or any personal information attached to your account, and it's only actually good for posting in the forum, seeing what comments are new in any particular thread, and making lists, wouldn't simply not logging in or using the forums have pretty much the same effect?

joined Jun 28, 2012

Why wasn't Yuri Yuri recommended yet? You guys are all fired!

No, no. They wanted something with yuri in it. :y

last edited at Mar 30, 2015 9:54PM

joined Jun 28, 2012

Read everything by itou hachi (can't believe op didn't recommend this coughcough)


Wow is right. I'm going to have to spank you for missing Itou Hachi :p

I thought the point was to punish her?

joined Jun 28, 2012

I consider Collectors pretty damn fluffy.

joined Jun 28, 2012

There's a lot of fluffy Nanofate on the site, but parsing the wheat from the chaff might be tough. I think Nezchan had a list of cute Nanofate doujins? Check that out - if you don't mind reading Nanoha doujins, of course.

Oh yeah, I've got a NanoFate romance list, one for Tohou, and a general one that includes my favourites from the site in general, both originals and doujins. Feel free to take a look.

joined Jun 28, 2012

Gokujo Drops is quality fluff. And if you don't mind Touhou, Vivit Gray's a good choice. Or Millet Soup if you're more interested in the fluff than the yuri being explicit.

joined Jun 28, 2012

One time when he was talking to his scenario writer, it clicked with him that the setting of girls turning into weapons when they are aroused (by other girls) is fantastic because it gives the girls a reason to do it and adds drama.

Aroused by other girls?? and it adds drama? THERE IS HOPE FOR REAL YURI!!!!

Actually that sounds more like an excuse for loads of fanservice given the motivation is showing as much tit as possible, but who knows.

last edited at Mar 30, 2015 1:29PM

joined Jun 28, 2012

It's more about us having standards than them being crazy. Unhinged or not, they still shouldn't be stolen from.

I see, well at least someone need to have standards, I wonder how's Dynasty reputation out there, you guys are maybe the more sane people that I found, Dynasty reputation must be good with the non crazy people.

OrangePekoe and specially Nezchan, I lways see comments made by you two so it got me curious, what are you guys? Female? Male? Are you at least human? Maybe a vegetal? Mineral? Alien?

Going by the names, I'm a rodent of some variety and Pekoe is an anthropomorphic cup of tea.

Going by the dude in question, we're both power-tripping dictators. Which is, of course, absolutely correct.

joined Jun 28, 2012

The decision of whether these doujinshi are uploaded or not will be left to the staff. However, if you attempt to change the edits slightly and submit them for upload, these submissions will be rejected at once. We do not accept stolen or altered work.

I suggested that because I was not sure that rule about stolen or altered work was also for crazy people.

It's more about us having standards than them being crazy. Unhinged or not, they still shouldn't be stolen from.

joined Jun 28, 2012

Reposting his links is especially off, let him keep that carp to himself. Not to mention, it's not a great thing to be spreading his fantasies about named individuals for a number of reasons.

If you really want to show what a nutter this dude is, and how much he's willing to use yuri as a tool to push his agenda, we've already established that so more examples aren't really necessary.

Nezchan Moderator
Image Comments 30 Mar 10:48
joined Jun 28, 2012

I see they're getting married in Saki world, where panties are merely a rumour that nobody really believes.

Nezchan Moderator
joined Jun 28, 2012

Whenever someone asks if FF is going to have a het ending, I die a little on the inside. If FF ever ended that way, ssamba would be the greatest troll the world has ever seen.

ssamba and Shou (Stretch) should go out for drinks.

Nezchan Moderator
joined Jun 28, 2012

So, will it be a type 2 or type 12? DON'T ANSWER ME