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Tsuki-chan Uploader
Chads no Teikoku
joined Dec 18, 2013

Also ch157 needs a BDSM tag

Tsuki-chan Uploader
Chads no Teikoku
joined Dec 18, 2013

Pootin posted:

I love the credits page, idk if anyone ever mentions them but they’re really fucking funny sometimes

Thanks! I think sometimes Limonene really has some genius ideas! <3

Tsuki-chan Uploader
Chads no Teikoku
joined Dec 18, 2013

Serenata posted:

You know in my case, I thought Shizuka wanted Mio to act like Kaoru at some point, like she wanted Mio to be more aggressive and decisive with her so she often let her guard down to see what Mio was willing to do... Like, she was looking for a replacement but at the same time she wanted the same but there's noooo way Mio could become like that. But I never said it because there wasn't really much proof to that, it was more like a possibility rather than a theory... Maybe just all in my head XP

Actually I think the opposite, I think Shizuka is a hopeless bottom, and wishes to be topped by Mio, but Mio is nothing like Kaoru because she's caring, it's a totally different dynamic. Shizuka wanted to be the one leading her, but I still think there is quite a good potential for Mio as a top.
Yeah I think too much about them I know. But what can I say, I love them.

last edited at Sep 29, 2019 3:23PM

Tsuki-chan Uploader
Chads no Teikoku
joined Dec 18, 2013

random posted:

She's just going to do it again. Mio will keep getting hurt by her.

What brand of tea leaves are you using for this forecast? Sounds like they have a higher resolution than mine.

She doesn't care and she tried to make Mio the bad guy in that argument.

Oh she cares all right; too much even. She wouldn't be having a near hysterical breakdown if that wasn't the case. She's frantic, outright panicking and desperate, and severely emotionally rattled - people don't exactly tend to make fair and balanced assessments in that kind of mental state.
She's basically spilling out all her fears, anxieties, frustrations and so on and so on as complete collapse of composure took the various internal dams people hold such things behind with it; that's never a pretty sight.

I'd argue the whole point of the scene was tearing down the idealised perfect sempai/sweet kouhai facades they were projecting onto each other and - so to speak - baring their raw unvarnished souls, Shiz in particular. It's pretty telling that after she stormed out and had a moment to calm down she's entirely spent and literally can't manage anything beyond a final desperate appeal in teary silence.

Luckily for her Mio cares more about Shizuka the Person, "warts and all", than the idealised facade she'd built up that just now "caught fire, fell over and sank into the swamp" as it were. Contrariwise same goes for her and the fantasy all-forgiving Mio in her head (RIP) versus real thing who isn't so unconditionally forgiving.

I don't like Shizuka right now.

That was rather likely the author's intent. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

One interesting thing to note about the entire thing is how on the whole it's fundamentally something of a rerun of Shizuka's breakup with Kaoru years ago - only instead it's now her hauled before the figurative court for philandering, and at very real risk of losing someone of great emotional importance. Shiz is likely too preoccupied by the immediate crisis to consciously realise the Ironic Echo here but it's probably nagging at the back of her head at least...

o my god kaoru realizing she's herself was hilarious.

About the SizMio situation, I'd say that there's another parallel with Sizuka and Kaoru's breackup: the main problem of their relationship was the lack of compromise, mostly due to Kaoru's insensibility to Shizuka's grief. Now Mio and Shizuka are finally communicating and they seem open to dialog and to understanding each other situation. I'm really glad Mio didn't put everything under the carpet to continue her "fake dream".
Also, talking about the parallel with Kaoru, we Chads had the half intuition that Shizuka might have been copying Kaour's behaviour to appeal to Mio. We saw that Shizuka has been stopping doing so after not so much, but still is trying to appeal to Mio as the "perfect senpai". I think it's great how Mio's reactions has driven the personalization of the characters, eventually leading to all of this.
For any way this is going to continue, we at least know that from now on they'll try to be themselves and a bit more honest with each other.

Tsuki-chan Uploader
Chads no Teikoku
joined Dec 18, 2013

DerMetzger posted:

You know, one of my favorite things about this manga is how quickly and often it's updated. And, when you have a series with a story, characters, and art as awesome as this one is, I feel that this is something that can kinda easily get overlooked.

Lol I laughed so hard thinking about how many years I've been following this series.

So, to Chads no Teikoku and everyone helping with every aspect of the scanlating for Virgins' Empire, I just want to say thank you so damn much. Like, seriously. Y'all are awesome and I truly appreciate all the hard work that I know y'all put in.

Oh you're welcome! And thanks for the appreciation! <3

Tsuki-chan Uploader
Chads no Teikoku
joined Dec 18, 2013

ok but that girl kaoru kissed was really cute


Tsuki-chan Uploader
Chads no Teikoku
joined Dec 18, 2013

I think these are all the pairings:
Mahi x Mahi
Ai x Chie
Nononon x Yumimi
Honoka x Elisha
Michiru x Airi
Kanae x Haruka
Mari x Yuu
Miyoshi x Ayano
Onibi x Nao
Shizuka x Mio
Midori x Hibiki
Mask x Kaoru
Mayuyu x Mariri

Almost all of us are here for the yuri, but to be fair, Ed x Ian should also be on that list.
Actually, weren’t they the first couple officially going out (chapter 57)? Even the MahiMahi couple was only introduced as “super duper friends”…

Definitely! Adding Kaoru and Shizuka as well!

Tsuki-chan Uploader
Chads no Teikoku
joined Dec 18, 2013

Nene posted:

Nice! It's ok if you add the pairings as you tag them in the chapters :)
I'd think of Nononon and Yumimi, Honoka & Elisha, Kanae & Haruka, Shizuka &Kaoru, Kaoru&Hibiki, Kaoru&Mask-chan
Then we have some maybe couples like Hibiki&Midori, Nao&Onibi, Mariri&Mayuyu, Mask&Onibi

You know, right now, at this point of scanlation, Mask&Onibi is more canon than Kaoru&Mask-chan (which would be the most "maybe" of maybe couples). Of course, that can change in the future...

I was referring more to characters that have actually declared some feelings than actual couples. In the latter case we would have just some very few couples.
Also, I really have no idea why you would consider Mask and Onibi as canon...

last edited at Sep 27, 2019 1:07PM

Tsuki-chan Uploader
Chads no Teikoku
joined Dec 18, 2013

OrangePekoe posted:

So I went ahead and made a Doujin page as a container for the various pairing tags. I've tagged the few images and will be going through chapters as I make my way through them! Tag suggestions are welcome to speed things up.

I must bashfully admit I have not read the whole series! I'm sure there are couples I didn't tag - please feel free to @me with them and I'll add them to the pool.

Nice! It's ok if you add the pairings as you tag them in the chapters :)
I'd think of Nononon and Yumimi, Honoka & Elisha, Kanae & Haruka, Shizuka &Kaoru, Kaoru&Hibiki, Kaoru&Mask-chan
Then we have some maybe couples like Hibiki&Midori, Nao&Onibi, Mariri&Mayuyu, Mask&Onibi

Tsuki-chan Uploader
Chads no Teikoku
joined Dec 18, 2013

This manga should be more popular of course, maybe the long abandonment hurt it's popularity (and the jump from batoto to MD) who knows, it should at least have the same or more than Mudazukai... Or maybe because at the start the style wasn't as cute as it is today... I mean damn! if people knew how Onibi senpai looks they would LOVE IT!

shadesofgreymoon posted:

On a totally different note, I've thought for a long time this series could use its own pairing tags given the variety of couples. On the other hand, this could leave the series page feeling cluttered. Any thoughts?

Frankly I'd be all for it. I have a very very difficult time remembering names and keeping names associated with faces (despite the fact that there is definitely no "same face syndrome" going on in this one).

I think what we need is a chart with pairs and which chapters they appear like we used to have with A Kiss and A white Lily For You... Because seriously that other manga really had problems with it's cast! xD hmmm the problem would be to have it in a place where everyone can find it.... Maybe is a credit page bonus page?

We were thinking about creating the chart once finished with the editing (or maybe O-Chan would once finished with the translations).
I think having the tags would be useful, especially when we're creating the credits, we use to search for specific chapters and we mostly use the table of contents to find them but it's pretty hard to. Also, it would probably be the only official Manga with this method (not that I care), I wouldn't mind having more tags on the pages. I'll leave the decision to you.

last edited at Sep 27, 2019 2:55AM

Tsuki-chan Uploader
Image Comments 25 Sep 02:33
Chads no Teikoku
joined Dec 18, 2013

Also for a matter of movements and everything, that would be a movement too fast to block at midair, she has a strange position for that arm and closed eyes. To me everything sais that she's pulling.

Tsuki-chan Uploader
Image Comments 25 Sep 02:31
Chads no Teikoku
joined Dec 18, 2013

Naah, I think the other gives it away that she's pulling the hand towards her.

Tsuki-chan Uploader
Chads no Teikoku
joined Dec 18, 2013

So, is she actually a sadist as well? Is that why she was considered a "defensive"?

Tsuki-chan Uploader
Chads no Teikoku
joined Dec 18, 2013

Ok! We'll stick to that!

Tsuki-chan Uploader
Chads no Teikoku
joined Dec 18, 2013

We usually dump chapters as they're ready, we were two typesetting (now a new Chad just joined!) and we divided them based on the characters. I have more free time, so I have already other 9 chapters ready, but they're not in the correct order. We decided to dump them as soon as they are done, would you guys prefere having one chapter at a time from now on?

Tsuki-chan Uploader
Chads no Teikoku
joined Dec 18, 2013

Do really people in japan think the hymen is a "wall" to be pierced? That's terrible misinformation...

Tsuki-chan Uploader
Image Comments 21 Sep 11:21
Chads no Teikoku
joined Dec 18, 2013

BDSM tag

Tsuki-chan Uploader
Chads no Teikoku
joined Dec 18, 2013

RandomGuy posted:

I'm disappointed on this development.
I liked the idea of presenting a new character but i didn't like the new girl and Hino doing something to her was just unnecessary.
The only reason why Hino harasses Koguma is because she likes her, doing it to someone else makes me feel like she's cheating...

I mean... that’s kinda the point. Hino harassing this new girl is meant to feel like cheating (although it technically isn’t, as no exclusive relationship yet exists between our pair of lovable idiots) in order to force Kohima to confront her feelings. While it’s been established that Hino is somewhat aware of her feelings for Koguma, Koguma has never really recognized her feelings for what they were. Sure, she knows that something keeps her coming back to Hino, despite the harassment, she doesn’t really know what that thing is. The whole point of this upcoming “arc” (if my predictions are accurate) is going to be to force Koguma to confront the reason why she felt jealous of the thought of Hino teasing another girl. Once she has realized (hopefully) that her feelings for Hino go beyond those of mere friendship, then it will clear away one of the biggest roadblocks to the two of them actually bothering to get together. Either that, or it will cause Hino and Koguma to form a more exclusive relationship that makes them look even more like girlfriends, without actually dating. This new girl is just meant to be a vehicle to get them to one of those two points (kinda like the teacher who advised Koguma to stop troubling herself with Hino). That’s just my theory, of course, but it strikes me as the most narratively sound course of events.

Also, let’s be fair, Hino only started harassing Kohima because she found her cute, the other stuff started to come in as time went on. Considering the fact that Chihiro kinda looks like a tanned Koguma, and the fact that Chihiro had told Hino (who already sees herself as a bit of a burden on Koguma), that doing so would lighten the load on Koguma... well...

I'm 90% sure this is exactly the case. But really, I don't understand why it has to go through this kind of development (like a cheating). This is definitely a dom-sub play and in the BDSM community comunication is the key. I'd like them to better understand their feelings though introspection and discussion.
Well, let's see how it goes.

Tsuki-chan Uploader
Chads no Teikoku
joined Dec 18, 2013

Also this needs a masturbation tag

Tsuki-chan Uploader
Chads no Teikoku
joined Dec 18, 2013

Sus-lik posted:

I wonder if there are people that really think lads can get any pleasure from anal in real life? Especially after reading stuff like that.

Oh I can assure it's real. It's just that it's done the wrong way because people don't talk about it. If it hurts, you're not doing it in the right way.
Also I know some girls that are able to have orgasms just though anal sex.

Tsuki-chan Uploader
Chads no Teikoku
joined Dec 18, 2013

Kal3d posted:

It will be interesting to see if Igarashi ever does return. While everyone here was anguishing about what Miss Possibly Misunderstood’s motivations and intentions were/had been, I was pretty convinced that Igarashi only really mattered insofar as she did or did not affect our beloved power duo.

“Sempai was probably just teasing me for her own amusement all along”—that may or may not turn out to be the case in the long run, but as of now that’s where it stands as far as the Nanoha/Chidori relationship is concerned.

So thanks for leading to the transcendental kiss, sempai. Now fuck off.

Hey now, I'm as happy as anyone that Chidori and Nonoha got a happy ending, but i'm still of the idea that every confused girl in any yuri story deserves some sort of redemption arc. I just wish Igarashi comes later in the story and tells Chidori how her own braveness to be with the one she truly loves gave her the strength to finally start dating that cute kouhai she's been eyeing in college or whatever. Igarashi deserves a girlfriend as well. But like you said, Nanoha x Chidori forever.

Totally agree

Tsuki-chan Uploader
Chads no Teikoku
joined Dec 18, 2013

Dark Ren posted:

Oh my god...we won't know what happened with Nao and Onibi-senpai until chapter 157

Don't worry we have half of those chapters ready!

Tsuki-chan Uploader
Chads no Teikoku
joined Dec 18, 2013

This is gold

Tsuki-chan Uploader
Chads no Teikoku
joined Dec 18, 2013

I wouldn't say Kaoru is similar or dissimilar to other people, it's more.....
It's more like Kaoru lacks substance
Mask-sempai, we understand, we know what makes her tick, but Kaoru, as a character, isn't she, like, an empty shell? There's almost nothing to her except her vamp ways and a tendency to break down (and become obsessive) when she's rejected

Not really true. Over the chapters we've caught quite a few glimpses of her actual character under that somewhat affected aloof seductress persona she likes to keep up in public - not coincidentially mostly when she allows it to slip, which mainly happens around family but also classmates/presumably-close-ish-friends like Nononon. Short list without links 'cause I can't be arsed to hunt down all the references:
- likes cats, terribad puns and her little sister
- probably also children if the way she acted with Midoriri and the Mahimahi is to go by
- sense of humor seems to veer towards both childishly trollish (just ask Honoka) and surprisingly self-depreciatingly sardonic (see: infirmary scene after short-circuiting in face of Bou-chan)
- in her own weird way often tries to cheer up people feeling down, both implied friends (Nononon) and complete strangers (Hibiki, who incidentally seems to have turned pretty badass as a lasting side effect)
- seems to be fascinated by (other) unusual people eg. the Manga Club nerds

Kaoru and Mask-sempai actually have quite a bit in common. Both have built psychological walls around themselves and both hide behind their respective masks. Oddly enough despite her manipulative and at times almost psychopathic behavior Kaoru doesn't appear to be evil underneath. In this last chapter, for instance, we saw her trying to prevent Shizuka from carelessly self destructing her relationship with the younger girl she's been dating.

I really like this consideration, didn't notice it!

Tsuki-chan Uploader
Chads no Teikoku
joined Dec 18, 2013

Also RIP Mio... Not only she found out the truth, she also found out what Shizuka REALLY thinks about her... Seriously, "forced" into a date... I don't think she deserves a second chance.

She didn't say she was forced, she said she was asked forcefully. As in, with fervor. She's trying to express Mio's enthusiasm to make Kaoru jealous.

I mean, not like it matters, the kiss alone is critical damage, but I don't think she was saying that she feels put-upon by Mio. I mean their entire dynamic is that she is turning to Mio for comfort and affection.

Exactly! Thanks.