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joined Jan 2, 2022

That was fun. I like the unspoken jealousy present with the flower bracelet. I'm not totally sure what that last panel meant though. Did Kozue not pick out Kaho's underwear? Did Kaho lie to make Sayaka jealous on purpose? Or am I misreading it?

joined Jan 2, 2022

Maybe Miyuki helped Natsuko realize that she likes girls?

I was thinking the same thing. She caused like 50 gay awakenings and now has to deal with the consequences, although judging by the cover art only 3 seem to have latched onto her (so far). It would be hilarious if Natsuko ends up as the final girl though just by being supportive in the background, but I would kind of love it if she just has a stable relationship the entire manga.

joined Jan 2, 2022

Kanna is such a baddie. Joe needs to step up his game.

joined Jan 2, 2022

I don't see much the animated medium could add to this, TBH. To me at least, this is a lot more suitable for a live action adaptation, preferably a movie, given how short a lot of the chapters are. You could probably make a very good 1h45-ish movie out of this story.

As long as it's not like one of those anime adaptations with the excessive close ups and where everything looks too clean. It's gotta have a grungy, realistic feel to it, like a Linklater or Fincher film (although obviously less dramatic in the latter sense), or something like Only Lovers Left Alive or Booksmart. Actually, I'd even take Alice Wu, especially since she does sapphic films well, and the Half of It wasn't as clean as most of the other teen Netflix fair.

But then I'm thinking, it definitely can't be a one on one adaptation, because either the halfway point is the cultural festival reveal or that's the end of the film, and if it's the end then you'd probably want to put a kiss there. If it's the halfway, then the end could be Mitsuki writing her own song and sharing it with Aya.

...I got too into this.

joined Jan 2, 2022

Ch 68
This just feels so unearned. Like, am I supposed to root for this?

joined Jan 2, 2022

This is kind of brilliant. Props to Maria-sensei, she bumped up in my fave spots to number 2 behind Karin. It's essentially a way to make everything explicit. She's calling out all the players involved and is hoping to force Mei to actually deal with these people and their feelings. Will it go that way? Depends on if the author wants to actually move the story along or keep in the holding pattern it has been so far.

So it's okay for Mei to be fawning over multiple girls, but it's not okay for Karin to have multiple girls fawning over her?

This is really starting to aggravate me about this story. The hypocrisy that Mei is allowed to get away with just because she's main girl.

Mei does call herself out on it in chapter 27 internally, and they do talk about it in 28. I think the bigger problem is that Mei isn't actually in love with any of these girls, just really attracted to them. She can call that love if she wants, but all the relationships seems really shallow right now.

joined Jan 2, 2022

This might actually be good for Kaguhara. More layers in the summer means more sweat after all. She might explode though from the overstimulation.

Still, she got her notebook back which is huge. Now we have what Akishita wanted to ask her in chapter 10 left. Ughh, I want some kind of confrontation between Akishita and Kaguhara. Akishita is such a sweetheart.

joined Jan 2, 2022

It's nice that despite finally dating Tsukushi still lives up to the idiot couple philosophy. Just dumb as bricks.

joined Jan 2, 2022

Library girl doesn't even get a face. I wonder if this will go the typical route of having her be a catalyst of some sort. That'd be kind of disappointing.

joined Jan 2, 2022

I think that with the success of this work, the gay shenanigans had to take a backseat because the main sponsors of Sumiko have become the music industry (mainly Universal Music Japan) and not the manga industry or the yuri fandom.

She's been enrolled to promote Universal's catalog in Japan, not to promote the gay agenda.

For her sponsors, the gay is secondary. It's cute and it adds some appeal to the manga, but it's not the main theme anymore.

The first part focused on Aya and Mitsuki and the gender misunderstanding, but once it was out of the way, the second part focused mostly on music, because it's what pays the bills for Sumiko. So she toned down the romance (still keeping the rizz moments) and propped up the western music side.

So I wouldn't expect any actual onscreen kiss or definite gay thing, because it's become too big for that unfortunately, even if Sumiko has not shied away from the gay in the past.

I could maybe see this, but even recently, chapters 75 to 79 seem much more character focused than music industry focused.

joined Jan 2, 2022

We've come so far from people doubting whether this manga was even yuri, lol.

I dunno if you're reading the same comment section as me, but people were arguing about it not long ago saying it was yuribait. I'm sure it'll come up again.

To be fair, there's still a pretty good chance that we won't see anything definitive as far as confirmed romance goes. It all depends on how you define ''bait'' in the end.

Based on how she normally talks about the series, I'm expecting something like what Yukiko does with her pairs ("Futaribeya," also the recently posted "Cry for the Moon"). Both authors describe their character relationships and their intentions in similar ways. We'll see though.

Except that's not really how any of Sumiko's other works go. Like a lot of Yukiko's oneshots are subtext too. None of Sumiko's are.

joined Jan 2, 2022

That was fantastic. Adorable and sexy, which is a great combo.

joined Jan 2, 2022

Riri is so boring to me. This felt like a nothing chapter to me. I'm not feeling the chemistry either, it was just Mei checking out her boobs.

joined Jan 2, 2022

Mitsuki's fashion gets talked up a lot, and it is great, but as a femme I love Aya's looks so much. Those earrings are adorable!

joined Jan 2, 2022

It's a little vague, but I think this implies Chizuru hasn't picked up that Aya was talking about Mitsuki.

Unless I'm completely forgetting a scene, Aya only told some of her friends about '' Onii-san'' to begin with and she didn't tell anyone about finding out that it was Mitsuki all along. Narita might be the only other character who's been privy to the whole thing.

I was thinking there were some scenes that might imply she knows, but I reread through it and I think it's just the end of ch 52 that does. "The watching over MitsuAya Squad..." implies it's more than just Narita, which in this case should be Chizuru and Mao, but idk.

joined Jan 2, 2022

It's a little vague, but I think this implies Chizuru hasn't picked up that Aya was talking about Mitsuki.

joined Jan 2, 2022

For saying herself that she is not fit to be asked about love questions, Chizuru is very perceptive and gives good advice with actual explanations about why she thinks that way. You have won my respect, girl!

Seriously—two instances of solid, well-founded love advice there.

Now I want to see Aya giving Koga head pats.

Head pats would be nice. I want to see some hugs though. Some warm and tight hugs for all the feelings to seep through.

joined Jan 2, 2022

Well, pretty much what I expected, they discussed nothing and just made out a bunch.

joined Jan 2, 2022

Xiaoen taking care of her girlfriend physically and emotionally. Ugh, I love her.

joined Jan 2, 2022

Now that I'm thinking about it Natori and Lapis is toxic reciprocated and Natori and Diana is toxic unrequited.

joined Jan 2, 2022

The main thing supporting in the text right now is Natori doing dokidoki for both Diana and Lapis (obviously with the latter having far more emphasis). I just think that kind of unexpected plot development would go in line with the story's recurring theme of their lives being divergent from the otome game in surprising ways. Additionally, given all the emphasis on her and her feelings, her ending up as a third wheel would retroactively feel like a harem manga trope character, a pretty girl who falls for the mc without it going anywhere because that's just what pretty girls with a third place prominence in the plot do.

That's just a question of execution though. That harem manga often has a third or fourth place character that loses reflects the poor writing of the characters, not the idea that multiple people could be vying for the affection of one person. And also, having two people in love with one person is not a harem, that's just a love triangle.

By this logic, is Bloom Into You a shitty harem manga because Sayaka loses? Of course not because the manga does a great job of writing for characters like Sayaka who feel full.

joined Jan 2, 2022

Arai Sumiko just does body language so well. She's absolutely goated.

joined Jan 2, 2022

Hatori and Hirose's conversation just made me think "what a bunch of cute little brats". Hatori with her whole "everything is easier when I don't have to be vulnerable" nonsense. That sure is true Hatori. That's why you're poking the bear and asking why Hirose didn't choose you. Because you totally don't care and have 0 feelings involved.

joined Jan 2, 2022

It's so annoying... Last chapter had Diana with her eyes glued on Lapis, but then this chapter goes again down with her being obsessed with Natori. It's been going on forever - one chapter gives me hope by having various character interact, the next one goes back on it and has everyone act like some dumb harem romcom character with Lapis and Diana in love with the MC no matter what she does and putting her above their own life and wishes.

Diana standing up for the nobles was literally the perfect opportunity for her and Lapis to discuss and cross their opinions, and for Lapis to act kindly towards Diana, but no, Lapis decided to take a vacation out of the plot when it was most critical.

I wish the story would commit one way or the other, either towards poly or by kicking someone out of the triangle, but noooo - gotta have the isekai MC with several love interests competing, obviously.

I'm not really sure what you mean. Diana admires Lapis, but she's constantly talking about Natori with her. She doesn't have her eyes on Lapis in a romantic way, and nothing in the previous chapter indicated such.

joined Jan 2, 2022

Apropos of nothing, Nekotarou tweeted smth yesterday about the contrast in Natori's hugging scenes with Lapis and Diana respectively. A neat lil thing that~

Spoiler on that the second picture is from an untranslated chapter.