Didn't know this had a LN. I just checked it and it's 242 chapters. I wonder if one LN chapter =one manga chapter. Because that would be huge. Regardless, the manga will still be long either way, so yeah it will take years. I'll start reading the LN then, even though I like manga as a medium better.
I have read all the 1st act of the WN and now on the 2nd one. I have to say this manga is one of the most faithful adaptation to the WN. And yes one manga chapter equal one WN chapper. Because of this this WN can be one of the most slow burn manga out there, taking it run all the character you see in these few chapters will be explored later on, all your doubts and questions will be answered. So don't be worried.
Furthermore, i cannot praise enough on how they translated the WN to the manga. The characters are so lively and have such deeper meaning in their eyes. This even exceeded than what i can imagine. I felt in love the second time the moment i read this. You can call this is the kind of story that i was lured into by the yuri, and continue staying for the plot.
Have a nice trip with your read!