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joined Jun 28, 2012

For anyone who doesn't want to draw their own conclusions:

Yukari was a human the whole time. She and Ran left to die together. Ran didn't want Chen to have the same fate, so she cut Chen's shikigami contract. (I don't know why they just left her there.)

By the way, in the actual series, Yukari is in fact post-human. Technically, she is not a youkai; she probably started identifying as one when she abandoned the surname Hearn.

In traditional Japanese folklore, oni are post-human as well, as are some animal spirits like snake spirits. A number of the Buddhist-based creatures are like that (although Tengu aren't), with people dying with certain thoughts like rage, jealousy, greed, etc. turning into creatures that prey on humans. Oni, for instance, were people who were so filled with rage and thoughts of revenge they became insatiable killing machines after death. Of course Touhou doesn't follow that.

joined Jun 28, 2012

ah, also I gotta say Shinki has a sexy attire on.

She's a member of Meiling's [No Panties Club(

Membership has its privileges.

Actually, she's wearing a thong in that one - (very last panel).

It took me a couple of reads through that to notice, myself.

Cripes where's the strap for that, over her shoulders?

Nezchan Moderator
Image Comments 15 Jun 16:03
joined Jun 28, 2012

idk, this looks like someone who doesn't really want to be kissed, or at least isn't enjoying it.

joined Jun 28, 2012

ah, also I gotta say Shinki has a sexy attire on.

She's a member of Meiling's [No Panties Club(

Membership has its privileges.

Nezchan Moderator
Lily Love discussion 15 Jun 11:55
joined Jun 28, 2012

I'm So sorry. if I didn't talk with you. Mayby sometime I'm very busy.
I wish have chance to talk with you again.

sorry for my poor English

Wow! Thanks very much for showing up. I've never heard of such a thing before.

I've been reading manga for many a year, with a particular liking for yuri, and I find I'm liking yours very much. It has a fresh feel and the emotions come through well. And as someone else said, your art is expressive. The characters seem individual, not just stock. And it moves along well, with a nice light touch.
Overall I respect your craftsmanship. Good stuff. Please keep writing!

I'll join PLG in sending you greetings from Canada! And I agree with them on the point about Lily Love having a really fresh feeling, part of which comes from novelty but a lot more comes from the artwork which really gives room for the characters to be expressive, and the well-told story. Very impressive work!

joined Jun 28, 2012

She was known in this doujin as a lustful demon, so perhaps Shinki specifically mentioning being unfaithful caused Byakuren to think of someone she had been attracted to. Still think it was unnecessary to the story. Yohane has created yuri NTR before.

There's also the comment at the beginning that suggests she had dallied with Kanako before, but now Suwako was chasing her away. Again, the big concern with that is the Kanako from the other story was incredibly devoted to Suwako, to the exclusion of all else. In that story, it's very hard to imagine her being unfaithful, which makes this one kind of weird. But again, continuity is very fluid in Yohane's work so details change a lot from one story to the next. Just look at the Patchouli-Alice-Shanghai-Marisa stuff for a good example of that.

But still, it's hard to put that one story out of my head when reading this one.

Nezchan Moderator
joined Jun 28, 2012

The bit that gets me really is where Patchouli is burning the book, and saying Youkai don't have to respect a human's mortality. That couldn't have been part of the prank, since it wasn't somewhere Meiling could have seen it.

The bit at the end with the watch is clearly in the future after she does die though, and Meiling is working on bringing her back as promised.

joined Jun 28, 2012

Something about how Hijiri is presented here, she seems so insincere. Like she's being a player or something. The beginning where she's longing for something would suggest she actually does miss being with Shinki, if it weren't for her trying to go to Kanako instead. That either means that Kanako was a substitute for Shinki, or Byakuren's thoughts are turning to Shinki because she can't have the squeeze that's nearby. Either way it doesn't feel good.

Not to mention, it's also hard not to think of Rakuami No Hara when reading this, making it hard to imagine Kanako being unfaithful to Suwako in the first place. Intellectually I know that Yohane's continuity is very malleable and maybe in this case Kanako and Suwako's relationship is accepting of that, or maybe it started more recently, I dunno. But it's hard not to think about it all the same, adding to the bad taste.

last edited at Jun 15, 2015 9:42AM

Nezchan Moderator
joined Jun 28, 2012

I like this because I know it's not fully closure but at the end it seems that she finally moves on, let's her go finally and moves forward

I'd actually say that's pretty much the definition of closure.

Nezchan Moderator
joined Jun 28, 2012

I didn't realize that. I'd noticed that divorce seems to be . . . much more final there. None of this "and he has the kids for one week in four, picks them up from daycare sometimes etc." stuff. Very much more "And my parents divorced and then I never saw whichever parent I wasn't living with again until years later".
I've actually seen quite a few manga, yuri and boy-girl, where long distance relationships are attempted, and the difficulties seem to be pretty much the normal problems with long distance relationships.

(If anything slightly less because it is, in the end, a geographically small country with a very good transportation system. As a Canadian, for me "long distance relationship" means "You gotta take a plane or do a multi-day road trip to get together". For these Japanese types it's "You're three hours away by bullet train! How will we ever manage?!" Bah. It's like getting from the city centre to an outlying burb.)

Look at Shoujo Holic, she makes such a big deal about being in a remote, rural location. But when she goes to Tokyo, it's only four hours by train. A day trip! It's like the time from Toronto to Ottawa by rail, not that much in the end. Now try being in Ontario and having a SO in Missouri, now that's a challenge.

Nezchan Moderator
Lily Love discussion 14 Jun 17:19
joined Jun 28, 2012

Aren't there LOTS OF GAY PEOPZ in thailand??
Would it be that bad to out oneself?... O_o


Google tells me that they're not so tolerant to their own, but it's good for tourists?

I'm tired and probably read it wrong, but holy crap, a day or so Nezchan? I had no idea people could be so sure of themselves, kind of makes me feel bad.

Whilst I'm not exactly an authority on good friendship (because to the few unfortunate enough to consider me such, I have been a terrible one, as I'm sure you can imagine), I think it's a little much to condem the friend for focusing on supporting rather than what's negative about coming out? A worldly friend would be nice, but one with less forsight isn't bad.

Not to mention, Donut actually lives in that culture so she's probably got some idea of how people as a rule see homosexuality. I doubt her friend would be telling her much she didn't know (assuming her friend is even more knowledgeable about it). A big part of what she's saying here is "You won't lose me as a friend", which is important.

And ffs, any of the queer folks here, would potential negatives make you stop being queer? How would telling her about homophobia (again, assuming she didn't know) change Mew any more than it would change the people here?

Nezchan Moderator
Lily Love discussion 14 Jun 16:06
joined Jun 28, 2012

Hmmm... she didn't exactly aim for originality there.

"I feel good when I'm near her... okay, I didn't think about it at all until today, but it seems I'm a lesbian! cool!"

Must be nice to have a mind that flexible.

Funny, I was exactly like that when it came to being trans, which arguably is an even bigger life event. Seriously I went from clueless to planning transition in a day or so.

These things happen, just because they're briefer than the usual script doesn't mean they're utterly unrealistic.

Nezchan Moderator
joined Jun 28, 2012

Granted of course, in a bygone age couples managed to find a way even when the only communication was a letter that took weeks or even months to arrive. And there are a great many yuri stories like Yearning For Macaron, Summer Is All About and Female x Female = Love which push the idea of putting in the effort to make a LDR work. The possibility is there, even if you're Japanese.

Nezchan Moderator
joined Jun 28, 2012

Indirect kisses are serious business.

I'm sure you can make babies that way.

Nezchan Moderator
Anime season 14 Jun 10:42
joined Jun 28, 2012

Ushio and Tora: An adaptation of an old but famous manga, which is usually a good sign

Wait, seriously? That was an awesome anime back in the day, can't believe they're remaking it.

Nezchan Moderator
joined Jun 28, 2012

As a counterpoint to the almost-always-right anonymous, it does remain your choice and you likely have your own reasons that you've thought about so don't let yourself feel pressured to do something you're not comfortable with. Even if you're the only one who ever sees your art, I feel that still "does justice" to the work, and if you share it somewhere that's still a Good Thing.

Do what you're comfortable with, in other words.

Nezchan Moderator
joined Jun 28, 2012

That's a shame, maybe they'll release DVDs or something (I don't know how that Netflix original stuff works).

It's a pretty ambitious concept. I had some problems with the first season, but I'm interested enough that I will definitely watch the second season. It's written in part by J. Michael Straczynski from Babylon 5, so I trust that he has a long term plan.

Aren't the Wachowski's involved too?

Nezchan Moderator
joined Jun 28, 2012

TV Series: Sense8; one of the main characters is a (v. minor spoilers) trans woman in a lesbian relationship. I can't rate this one yet. I find the plot interesting and the characters likable but my rating will depend heavily on how it develops. On Netflix, definitely worth a watch.

I was interested until I saw "On Netflix". Because Canadian, not able to afford it in terms of money or bandwidth, and don't watch enough movies/TV to make it worthwhile, and obviously it's not going to stream elsewhere. So choice is torrent or not bother, and I dunno, torrenting it doesn't sit right so that leaves one option. Pity, the concept sounds good.

Nezchan Moderator
Anime season 13 Jun 21:24
joined Jun 28, 2012

Glad they're going with regular super saiyan and not super saiyan god super saiyan

Mister Satan is in it, all else is unimportant.

Reserved judgment until the true hero of justice Great Saiyaman shows up

I rephrase my comment: Mister Satan's Awesome Porno 'Stache is in it, all else is unimportant.

Nezchan Moderator
Anime season 13 Jun 21:14
joined Jun 28, 2012
Nezchan Moderator
Image Comments 13 Jun 21:12
joined Jun 28, 2012

Would anyone be offended if I pretended these two were Meiling x Patchouli from Touhou, since that's a personal fantasy crackship, and they look kinda-sorta close in this pic.

Nezchan Moderator
joined Jun 28, 2012

I'm usually one to defend a story like this especially from Takemiya Jin, but even in light of Nya-chan's points this is still a bit hard to suspend belief for. Not so much about the moving on part, since honestly not that many people end up long term with their first love (something Jin's touched on before) but the giving up and walking away part. Especially since there are quite a few yuri stories on the reader where separation is not enough to cause a breakup.

Nezchan Moderator
joined Jun 28, 2012

If I'm reading this tweet right, then Takemiya Jin's birthday is today, June 13.

Nezchan Moderator
joined Jun 28, 2012

"Breaking up because we're taking different paths.". It's so forced.

Japanese seem to think that living in different places, or even not going to the same university, spells the end of any relationship. What are phones, internet, trains or planes for?

If you're in love enough, you'd want to make your relationship work, no matter what.

In anime, it's kind of a recurrent plot. But in real life - is it the same?

Long-distance relationships can be hella tough to maintain. My record is three years, and that's with someone I got along with extremely well and was committed to the relationship.

Nezchan Moderator
joined Jun 28, 2012

so w8, why r u guyz behind again lolo