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joined Feb 1, 2013

My god, this is so stuuupid! And yet, I just can't help but enjoy it in spite of how duuumb it is. I really shouldn't like this comic as much as I do, but it's so unapologetic in its presentation of this preposterous story that I can't help but like it on some level. Maybe it's because I can never tell what the f*ck is going to happen next. It's so transcendentally stupid that it somehow ends up being clever on some level.

I really shouldn't like Yurika as much as I do either... I mean, she's a total moocher, but it's not like she's doing anything for malicious reasons. After all, everything she does stems from the fact that her useless father abandoned her, forcing her into a situation where she'd do anything simply to keep from going hungry on a daily basis. And then there's the fact that she keeps going about how she wants to be a bride... Though really, for as much as she keeps insisting that she's totally straight, it's increasingly obvious that her hearts not really in it like it once was.

"I'm not a lesbian, I straight! It's just a coincidence that I couldn't attract a man even if my life depended on it! Just like it's a total coincidence that I seem to be genetically predisposed to attracting girls to me like moths to a flame, or that I was seemingly born with the innate ability to pleasure them to orgasm! I'm telling you, I'm totally straight!"

Yurika... You're in denial, sweety. The universe is clearly telling you that you're destined to love women!

joined Feb 1, 2013

They broke up...?


Seriously, that's a terrible way to end this... No, it's not even an ending, it's a non-ending!

The story went to all that trouble to get the blond girl and the dark-haired girl together, then it has them break up like it's no big deal, all "what evs yo".

Well, this was certainly a bad ending- a love triangle where everyone gets friendzoned!

joined Feb 1, 2013

Oh wow, this story was so full of feels, I love KonaKaga. Great Doujin!

Citrus discussion 30 Oct 05:31
joined Feb 1, 2013

Awww yeah, the b*tch is finally gone! Seriously, Matsuri could not f**k off farther or faster!

My heart soared when both Yuzu and Mei saw through the plot and told Matsuri to piss off. Do you see what happens when f**k mess with G, son?!

And now to the real development of this chapter: Dom Mei cornering a totally Sub Yuzu and telling her that she wants to do 'bad' things to her! Hghhh!

Come on Mei, just push her down! You know she secretly wants you to dominate her! XD

joined Feb 1, 2013

Awww. Seriously, this is all the good feels. Looking forward to the science babies.

joined Feb 1, 2013

I can't believe I read a Kantai Collection doujin... Which turned out to a goddamned metaphysical exploration of what makes us alive, and the concept of the soul.

Were it me, the moment I saw Akagi's body as Abyssal Fleet Girl, I would have totally lost it and freaked out! I would not have been at all reasonable! Seriously, I'm shocked that the replacement Akagi didn't have a total mental break the moment she saw "herself" as the equivalent of a revived ghoul!

And Then Kaga goes and finds all the other "Back Ups" on top of that, and "Akagi 2.0" just accepts it?!!! That is some serious reality-shattering shit!

You are making a fuss over it.

I think this caught me in a bad moment, the total under-reaction of the characters just annoyed me.

Image Comments 25 Sep 06:42
joined Feb 1, 2013

I love how Ymir is all "What? Don't mind me, just go on with your reading."

Image Comments 25 Sep 06:23
joined Feb 1, 2013

Shhh... Just bask in the warm soothing glow of the cuteness.

joined Feb 1, 2013

I can't believe I read a Kantai Collection doujin... Which turned out to a goddamned metaphysical exploration of what makes us alive, and the concept of the soul.

Were it me, the moment I saw Akagi's body as Abyssal Fleet Girl, I would have totally lost it and freaked out! I would not have been at all reasonable! Seriously, I'm shocked that the replacement Akagi didn't have a total mental break the moment she saw "herself" as the equivalent of a revived ghoul!

And Then Kaga goes and finds all the other "Back Ups" on top of that, and "Akagi 2.0" just accepts it?!!! That is some serious reality-shattering shit!

joined Feb 1, 2013

Wow, this is the second story with a 'f*ck-off' ending that we've gotten from Takeyima Jin.

Is this a recent thing? I hope this doesn't become a trend...

Image Comments 28 Aug 16:28
joined Feb 1, 2013

Because Mari is a far better boyfriend than Shinji would ever be

Citrus discussion 14 Aug 07:58
joined Feb 1, 2013

This is one of those mangas I love, but where I hate a character I like.
I just hate how passive Mei is in the most ridiculus scenarios. It is so easy to win this for her, yet she does nothing. She could beat up Matsuri, take the phone and go to Yuzu with it to tell her that Matsuri tricked her into kissing her. If she just told her about the blackmail and right afterwards confesses her feelings, Yuzu probably be too happy to not belive her.

She could still save this by going to the date with Yuzu as a backup. I mean, ANY sensible human being would outraged at Matsuri for blackmailing Mei and more so for sending her on a forced date with some male/female creep. Even someone as retarded as Yuzu should be able to see that Matsuri is evil then.

She can only win this, but I'm afraid Mei has fallen victim to the Reputation-Syndrom, where an author tries to justify the sudden retardation of a smart character by acting as if wanting to safe your Reputation would suddenly make your brain incapable of coming up with a smart escape from the situation. OMG my reputation is at risk, obviously there is no other way to escape this situation than to do exactly what the blackmailer wants me to do!!

I just noticed how often this is used even in Western TV when I saw crime show today where one of the main characters pointed out how ridiculus those persons where being, as if the show was written by two authors and the second one made fun of the first one for using that stupid trope.

YES, thank you, finally someone else who's on the same wavelength as me! Amen brother!

Citrus discussion 14 Aug 07:55
joined Feb 1, 2013

Wow, it's looking like we might have been wrong about Mei... Seriously, if she actually ends up going on that "date" and giving Yuzu to that fucking bitch, then I'm done with this manga. Mei doesn't take crap from any one, the fact that she didn't break the phone across Matsuri's face is such a let down.

At no time while reading this did I think "what this comic really needs is a manipulative bitch shoe-horned into to it as a way of forcing an unwelcome plot twist into it!" Seriously, fuck Matsuri, I'm sick of her crap- she cannot fuck off faster! This forced love rivalry bullshit is one of the reasons why Hollywood romances suuuck!!!

The ONLY way this could be salvaged if this is the impetus for Yuzu to get her act together and take a stand. Otherwise, if both Mei and Yuzu let themselves be jerked around by the Bitch, then I'm done!

Image Comments 11 Aug 16:49
joined Feb 1, 2013

I can't see Mokou wearing such a cute swimsuit. Keine must have picked it out for her and convinced her to wear it.

joined Feb 1, 2013

Glad to see this was finally updated... though the ending was really sudden, like there were some missing pages.

This really is Dowman Sayman's best work. Since it's an ongoing drama, with an established cast of characters, it's able to explore things that his other works can't. And while the graphic violence is more toned down than in a number of his one-shots or his anthology series, the tone is arguably darker, since we see the characters reactions to events.

This whole series really strikes me as being similar to Twin Peeks, in that it blends horror, comedy, and wierdness. It's a good thing that it'll never get licenced in America, because a censored version would ruin the atmosphere.

Image Comments 31 Jul 03:29
joined Feb 1, 2013

While I really enjoy the manga, the anime is just okay... The only outstanding thing about it was the original one they did about the catnip tea. For such a conventional style of animation, that one had a lot of effort put into it- dynamic colors and angles, multiple styles, etc. And, we get to see a totally uninhibited Nekoyama, who turns out to pretty sexy.

Prism discussion 31 Jul 01:04
joined Feb 1, 2013

On one hand, I can understand why the manga was put on hiatus, given the likelihood of instances of tracing within the series. On the other hand, I find it both bewildering and frustrating that it was canceled. It's suddenly as if a handful of possible traced images is enough to negate all the script-writing and the majority of the art that he did do himself.

joined Feb 1, 2013

Man, this series... It's sooo dumb, but I just can't help enjoying it. The art is great, the characters are gorgeous, and the story is so unapologetic in telling this profoundly stupid idea. And yet, I still find myself reading each issue, just to see what the hell is going to happen next. Honestly, the characters are all pretty likable in their own way, and I do hope that Yuria and Saori will eventually become a couple by the end of this.

Image Comments 07 Jul 23:43
joined Feb 1, 2013

The feels... seriously, this is all the feels. I think I've just died from all the good feels from this.

Image Comments 25 Jun 23:16
joined Feb 1, 2013

That look... Homura is SO about to have her way with Madoka!

Homura: "And now, my darling Madoka, that I have you all to myself... For what I have planned for you, I'm afraid you won't be getting much sleep tonight."

joined Feb 1, 2013

After reading Chapter 50, I was wondering if anyone else thought that Nozomi looked sexy in her battle bikini?

She's living proof that you don't have to have big breasts to look good in a skimpy outfit. Maybe I'm wrong, but it seems like there's just something about her overall look and the way she carries herself that is kind of tomboy-ish and sexy at the same time. But then, I've always found her confident, no BS attitude rather attractive.

Ultimately, it's kind of like how whenever the other girls focus on Hime's chest. Personally, I'm more inclined to notice how 'fluffy' and girly she is. She has more of a cute vibe to me.

Citrus discussion 12 Jun 02:30
joined Feb 1, 2013

This is certainly an interesting development... Mei seems like she would have been content to just casually 'use' Yuzu with no thought of the long term issues. Then Matsuri comes along and flat out tells her she's just using Yuzu, and that she should just piss off, because she doesn't really care about here anyway.

Matsuri has effectively delivered a declaration to Mei: 'you don't really care about her, so what's the point in fighting over Yuzu, now leave.' She expected that Mei would react from a position of anger, that she'd react to the insult to herself and and simply hit her. Instead, Mei reacts to the declaration with a declaration of her own: 'No, Yuzu is mine and I'm not giving her up to you or anyone else.' Hopefully, this means that Mei finally got the proverbial kick in the ass she needed and will start taking things seriously- that she'll finally by honest with both herself and Yuzu.

I'm not sure what the heck Matsuri is planning... She's like 15, and she behaves like she's some kind of diabolical mastermind and manipulator. I doubt Yuzu is so gullible as to think that there's something between the two of them, so the pictures could only serve to possibly humiliate Mei by publicly outing her. And even then, the only person she shows any level of weakness around is Yuzu, so shaming her would likely only drive her back into Yuzu's arms.

Rather than keep her as a harlot and a villain, it would be more interesting if the story actually addressed why Matsuri is so messed up in the first place. She clearly appears to have been emotionally/sexually damaged at some point in her life, and is unable to form normal relationships with people- hence her casual admittance of 'compensated dating' to Yuzu. She clearly needs help that she's not getting.

joined Feb 1, 2013


Again and again, I keep coming back for more and more of Morinaga's punishment! I swear to f*cking god, if she doesn't PUSH the Class Prez DOWN and just GET ON WITH IT in the next chapter, then I'm done!

Phew... As you were......


lol, I'm not really thaaat mad.

joined Feb 1, 2013


Again and again, I keep coming back for more and more of Morinaga's punishment! I swear to f*cking god, if she doesn't PUSH the Class Prez DOWN and just GET ON WITH IT in the next chapter, then I'm done!

Phew... As you were......

joined Feb 1, 2013

Reading this manga was strange at first- there's a lot going on, and it's all really weird- but I soon got in-sync with the "feel" of the comic and I was hooked. I marathon read my way through this, and was shocked at the incredible array of themes. Being that this is written by Dowman Sayman, the mixture of horror, comedy, and over the top violence and gore is to be expected.

Though, it's interesting that this manga is much less disturbing than some of his other works. I think this mainly because the violence has a context to it- we really get to know these characters, so when something shocking happens to them, it's upsetting. Usually, the violence isn't meant to be taken too seriously, but there are exceptions- like when the younger sister gets cut to pieces, the usual humor gives way to something genuinely tragic. I also loved the confrontation between Elena and the Demon, after he dismantles Beluna (and f*ing mails the parts back). The usually jokey aspect of the violence quickly vanishes, as Elena totally overpowers him with no effort- even breaking off his horns just to add insult to injury.

It also took me a while to get a handle of the impressive cast of characters (which has been "thinned" over time). Of course, we have the main pairing of Taizo and Elena- which should bother me more, given how she looks, but given that she's an immortal witch and her cute and bubbly persona is (partially) an act. Plus, there's just something about the combination of cuteness, dark-skin, and her tattoos that draws my eye to her- plus she's pretty cute when she's being all girly.

Beluna is strangely compelling- being the literal composite of two people (I have my theories on who the head came from). Despite this, it's clear that she's more than just a stand-in for Elena's dead sister. Beluna, as a person, clearly has her own agenda- independent of the parts that comprise her. It's unclear if she understands emotions- or, if she's even capable of experiencing them (at least at the present)- but it's obvious she understands what makes the feelings important. And so, she willingly takes on the role of "Elder Sister" to Elena. The evolution of this is seen in her interaction with the Sleuths- when she tells Lilly that she'll help her ("free of charge"), stating simply "that's what a friend does".

When we meet "Leader", we get further insight into the dark past of the island- that because of the conflict, that it's commonly known that you know you or friends could just suddenly step on a landmine! I'm not sure, but I wouldn't be surprised if Dowman is intentionally referencing the continued landmine problems, in places like Cambodia or parts or Afghanistan. Back to the Sleuths... the relationship between "Doctor" and the Eldest Sister was really cute- especially how devoted they were to each other. I felt so sorry for her when she started decaying rapidly (and was scared of being rejected), but Doctor doesn't leave because his feelings haven't changed. That is how you do a Zombie RomCom (hear that, "Warm Bodies"?). I'm seriously shipping Leader & Vixen (she's clearly tsundere for him). I hope we get to see more of them (and more Sleuth Brigade adventures).

Even the half-crazy suicidal Amalia is strangely cute in her own way- even when she's doing all batshit! But she can't help it, she just luvs the Manager too much. And I'm still waiting to see what happens with the "Snark" plot.

I hope the next chapter is posted soon, I'm really enjoying this series!