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WDTFS fans - off topic 16 Apr 17:48
joined Jan 13, 2016

Martian you're still here!

WDTFS fans - off topic 16 Apr 16:39
joined Jan 13, 2016

My freaky ass ex is at my door. It's late in the evening and she just keeps knocking at the door, asking to be let in. Holy fuck, I have a stalker! O__O

Man that sucks. Is she drunk or what?

WDTFS fans - off topic 16 Apr 16:30
joined Jan 13, 2016

In my culture when you drean that your back fall back tooth cracks or falls off someone close to you will pass away which has happened to me since te last couple of years. Each time i dreamed about that far tooth fell off someone related to me ended up dying. Now i'm really scared to dream about teeth.

However if you dream about someone dies it means the person will be heathy. Before my aunt passed away i also dreamed about my tooth fell off. The night she passed away i dreamed that she got better and was sitting healthy looking at every which is the opposite of dreaming about someone dying. Last year it happened the same to me too. My sister got bad kidneys so she went in for a surgery while at the same time i had a relative who was sick at the hospital. Before she passed away i dreamed that she got better and was sitting looking at everyone in the hospital why mu sister has died and everyone was performing rituals for her and i was crying. In reality my sister's surgery went well but that relative ended up passing away.

OMG this is so crazy.. I've had very vivid dreams about teeth falling out, or teeth cracking. Im always kinda weirded out about them, ive googled the meaning of these dreams on several occasion with no luck. i wonder if these dreams happen around the time my childhood friend passed away.. =< oh boy im going to be scared of these now
also Mvl where are u from?

I'm from Minnesota. What about you?
Yeah now i'm really scared dreaming of teeth falling. Gosh one night i dreamed that all my teeth started to fall one by one and i could not eat anything.

WDTFS fans - off topic 16 Apr 16:17
joined Jan 13, 2016

Cool. Yeah now there are two peope from Indonesia. Are you two speaking same mother tongue? I think she said she's Chinese.

Nope, I'm not Chinese. I'm not even sure what my mother tongue is hahaha

Ok then you are a pure blood Indonesian lol. I'll have to check out what Indonesians look like.

It wasn't fun seeing you being raped by some black thingy but i learned to fight it off. I haven't experience it for a while now.

It's better to never experience that ever again, I think.

Yes. I have killed it to ashes so it won't ever come back. Hehehe. I will use my power to teach the thing a lesson.

last edited at Apr 16, 2016 4:19PM

WDTFS fans - off topic 16 Apr 16:04
joined Jan 13, 2016

Martian what country are you from again?
I don't know why peope are cruel.

I'm from where Rainy's from :3

Cool. Yeah now there are two peope from Indonesia. Are you two speaking same mother tongue? I think she said she's Chinese.

Faylicia the most scary dream is when you dreame half asleep of some dark shadow coming on top of you like trying to rape you. You cannot move or scream. You know exactly that you are sleeping and it is just dreaming but cannot fight the black shadow off of you. When this thing comes to you, you feel your whole body just freezes.

I've experience this. Only the shadow was not trying to rape me, but just standing on top of my body staring down at me. It was quite terrifying.

It wasn't fun seeing you being raped by some black thingy but i learned to fight it off. I haven't experience it for a while now.

WDTFS fans - off topic 16 Apr 15:56
joined Jan 13, 2016

hey guys Happy Saturday.
Azai oh so ur the Brazilian i thought martian was.. how is the queer scene in brazil?

Happy Saturday, elthundercat!

Well, I'd say Brazil has a quite friendly queer scene. There were a lot of progress regarding lgbt rights and social acceptance in the last years. Regarding lbgt rights, couples can get married and adopt, although those rights aren't really guaranteed by our legislation. You may ask permission and it will be analyzed by the judiciary branch. There's a lot of rights to acquire though.

ughh thats so frustrating to have to ask permission. At least there is a option though not right out just denied, i imagine the whole process is rather expensive though? which would probably make it less likely for certain demographics to be recognized legally.

I want to say that I don't believe in those kind of things, but I've had quite a few experience with them ><. I totally relate to that, I hate it when I see my dog staring at a certain spot for a very long time and starts barking, also when they start crying in the middle of the night Dx. You know, I have an aunt who can foresee death through her dreams. But she never tries to do so, the dream just come to her. The last time she dream seeing my uncle in a coffin, and about a year later he passes away. And that was not the first...o.o

Hahaha why am I turning this into a horror night xD

EEEKKKKKK >""""< omg that just send chills down my spine.. Im such a coward when it comes to these thing. Someone who can predict death idk if thats a gift or a curse. i believe 100% in there being things i cant see, the human eye and our senses are so dull compared to other animals. When i was back home it was said that when u saw huge moths around ur house it meant someone was close to death. I didnt believe this until one day i saw one near the bath house and freaked out cause it was the size of my hand. Three days later my cousin got really sick and passed away.

In my culture when you drean that your back fall back tooth cracks or falls off someone close to you will pass away which has happened to me since te last couple of years. Each time i dreamed about that far tooth fell off someone related to me ended up dying. Now i'm really scared to dream about teeth.

However if you dream about someone dies it means the person will be heathy. Before my aunt passed away i also dreamed about my tooth fell off. The night she passed away i dreamed that she got better and was sitting healthy looking at every which is the opposite of dreaming about someone dying. Last year it happened the same to me too. My sister got bad kidneys so she went in for a surgery while at the same time i had a relative who was sick at the hospital. Before she passed away i dreamed that she got better and was sitting looking at everyone in the hospital why mu sister has died and everyone was performing rituals for her and i was crying. In reality my sister's surgery went well but that relative ended up passing away.

WDTFS fans - off topic 16 Apr 15:42
joined Jan 13, 2016

Since the topic scary things appeared, have you ever experienced sleep paralysis?

omg, yes but I didn't realize I was paralyzed. This is not real (just saying) -> I was in this ship and there was a door and the door knob was going crazy and I was really scared and I knew it was because I had taken a pill to feel what it could be like to be mentally ill and I tried to get up but it was like the view was rotating in a strange way... and at that point I suddenly came to and I realize I had been looking at the wall the whole time and that I was in my room. And I literally had my eyes open but it felt like waking up from a dream; I was like dreaming awake... Well, probably hallucinating... which is kinda creepy.. >.> and the pill thing was a dream I have before the hallucination I guess?

Faylicia the most scary dream is when you dreame half asleep of some dark shadow coming on top of you like trying to rape you. You cannot move or scream. You know exactly that you are sleeping and it is just dreaming but cannot fight the black shadow off of you. When this thing comes to you, you feel your whole body just freezes.

this seems so scary; I've heard a couple of people who have experienced it as well. I hope I never do honestly... it sounds very traumatizing... it reminds me of a children's yeah, children's book story I read about how if you feel a weight on you at night you should never open your eyes 'cause Sir Midnight will gorge you down before you even know it. But they way it was written was really creepy... and he wouldn't say why you shouldn't open your eyes he kept repeating not to open them and I got really scared and stopped reading but then the next day when I read the next page I was like "meh, cliche" XD

Yeah it is creepy and disgusting at the same time because the experience is like being raped.
I got a huge dog stuff animal sleeping to me because i heard that dogs are your friends. If you keep a dog stuff animal close to you it will help.

Also i hear that when you sleep don't all straight face up. Sleep on your side with bended knees. And try to have enough sleep.

One time when i was sleeping so late and couldn't fall asleep i ended up experience this scary thing.

Now i hug a pillow to sleep because it helps me keep my arms together. One time one of my arms ended up stuck in my neck i also had a nightmare about something pulling me.

So as long as you sleep in good positions and sleep early those helps. I believe in keeping the stuff dog next to me.

WDTFS fans - off topic 16 Apr 15:33
joined Jan 13, 2016

However, the violence against lgbt people is awfully expressive, and it's on the rising.

/sighs heavily/
You know, sometimes I really wonder what we've ever done to them. If we'd be out there, trying to spread homosexuality like it's a world view with methods similar to terrorists, then I'd understand it. But we're not. All we want is to be able to live and love freely, just like everyone else. /shaking head/ It's just sad. It's really sad how such ignorance and arrogance are still not a thing of the past.

I watched Ellen Page's Gaycation program, and it covered how the life of LGBT people in Brazil was. And there was this man who said that they kill any gay people they meet. If any gay person ever cross path with them, they will kill them. He started doing that after barging into his son making out with his boyfriend.
Is this one true, Azai?

In my country, they treat LGBT as a disease. They say that gay people are trying to convince straight people to become gay, that's why parents should be alert of gay people who are trying to prey on their children. Because LGBT people are targetting children. You would be surprise with all of the stupid and ridiculous statement they make about LGBT people here.

Martian what country are you from again?
I don't know why peope are cruel.

WDTFS fans - off topic 16 Apr 15:29
joined Jan 13, 2016

Since the topic scary things appeared, have you ever experienced sleep paralysis?

omg, yes but I didn't realize I was paralyzed. This is not real (just saying) -> I was in this ship and there was a door and the door knob was going crazy and I was really scared and I knew it was because I had taken a pill to feel what it could be like to be mentally ill and I tried to get up but it was like the view was rotating in a strange way... and at that point I suddenly came to and I realize I had been looking at the wall the whole time and that I was in my room. And I literally had my eyes open but it felt like waking up from a dream; I was like dreaming awake... Well, probably hallucinating... which is kinda creepy.. >.> and the pill thing was a dream I have before the hallucination I guess?

Faylicia the most scary dream is when you dreame half asleep of some dark shadow coming on top of you like trying to rape you. You cannot move or scream. You know exactly that you are sleeping and it is just dreaming but cannot fight the black shadow off of you. When this thing comes to you, you feel your whole body just freezes.

WDTFS fans - off topic 16 Apr 15:15
joined Jan 13, 2016

Since the topic scary things appeared, have you ever experienced sleep paralysis?

Dude that used to happen lots of times to me. It happened to me so many times that eventually i got used to it and not scare anymore. However it is disgusting.

WDTFS fans - off topic 16 Apr 13:52
joined Jan 13, 2016

Something weird just happened here. I was sitting in the dining room and suddenly I heard a loud noise, like someone's trying to open a door with a lot of force. It was so loud that I quickly turn my head towards source of the sound, which is the front door. But the door was locked. And there was no sign of anyone trying to open it. I checked every door and window but it was all locked. Now I'm scared....o.o

I think it is just the wind. I am hearing it all the time.

WDTFS fans - off topic 16 Apr 13:30
joined Jan 13, 2016

Its a comic book called Scott Pilgrim (also made into a movie a few years ago)
where a guy has to face like 7-8 of his gfs evil ex boyfriends XD its so jokes haha

That sounds awesome, I need to find that movie. xD

Lucy the stone butch hockey player.. nice.. XDD. Poor Su hahah. much as I love her, but I think she would really get her ass handed to Lucy.

Btw, @Mvl:
I just retraced my steps in my dating history for a bit and uh...ehehe...I actually have 11 ex's. ^_^;;

Hehehe you are cool. You only have one life to live so might as well date as many as you can. I would probably date more than 11. I want to date everyone hahaha.

I told my sister and cousins many times to date more than one guy before they got married. Oh well...

WDTFS fans - off topic 16 Apr 11:56
joined Jan 13, 2016


Hahahaha you made me laugh so hard. Might as well cry too. It's no longer privacy when you went into that dark room to have some stranger massaging you. I am pretty much the darknesd in that room.

The stranger was a professional massager..
But u...
u even cant tell my underwear color!!

I can tell what color it is. It is black. My eye sight is really good.

Its Saturday and u re already expecting to see Sumin's underwear.. its too fast..

I am a bit relieved.. i didnt wear black..
Maybe u peepped Kittokatto massaging Llama's butt..

Liar. You were the only one who went into that dark room.

But, i went to the rest room before a staff guided me into another room..

That is the point! I was the staff in disguise. You naive woman.

Mehh... that staff walked fast.. not as slow as u..

Well once i was a staff in disguise my energy also went up many levels. So i was able to walk very fast.

Girl, you win. I am starved right here. I am gonna go eat my bowl of rice with water then take a cold cold shower. Chasing you has drained all my energy.

Good night if i don't see you.

last edited at Apr 16, 2016 11:57AM

WDTFS fans - off topic 16 Apr 11:52
joined Jan 13, 2016


Hahahaha you made me laugh so hard. Might as well cry too. It's no longer privacy when you went into that dark room to have some stranger massaging you. I am pretty much the darknesd in that room.

The stranger was a professional massager..
But u...
u even cant tell my underwear color!!

I can tell what color it is. It is black. My eye sight is really good.

Its Saturday and u re already expecting to see Sumin's underwear.. its too fast..

I am a bit relieved.. i didnt wear black..
Maybe u peepped Kittokatto massaging Llama's butt..

Liar. You were the only one who went into that dark room.

But, i went to the rest room before a staff guided me into another room..

That is the point! I was the staff in disguise. You naive woman.

Mehh... that staff walked fast.. not as slow as u..

Well once i was a staff in disguise my energy also went up many levels. So i was able to walk very fast.

WDTFS fans - off topic 16 Apr 11:50
joined Jan 13, 2016

Uh huh. o__o; I was just walking Jacky and suddenly I hear this uncomfortably familiar voice behind me going "Omg, Angie? Is that you? It's you, right?" I turn around and whom do I spot? Of all the girls I dated, the freakiest one. I mean, if I would have lived the rest of my life without ever seeing her again, I would've been perfectly happy. And now I run into her in the street and she immediately starts talking about how it was such a mistake that we broke up and she has dated a few after me, but they could never compare and blah blah blah. I ran. I'm not kidding. She was still going on and I just hailed down a cab, told her I just remembered I needed to do something, hopped in and told the driver to step on it. /shivers/

I lent Draglin to Azai, so I guess I'm on my own for a while. Dx /hides behind Reeba/

Lol. How many exes do you have anyway?

WDTFS fans - off topic 16 Apr 11:45
joined Jan 13, 2016


Hahahaha you made me laugh so hard. Might as well cry too. It's no longer privacy when you went into that dark room to have some stranger massaging you. I am pretty much the darknesd in that room.

The stranger was a professional massager..
But u...
u even cant tell my underwear color!!

I can tell what color it is. It is black. My eye sight is really good.

Its Saturday and u re already expecting to see Sumin's underwear.. its too fast..

I am a bit relieved.. i didnt wear black..
Maybe u peepped Kittokatto massaging Llama's butt..

Liar. You were the only one who went into that dark room.

But, i went to the rest room before a staff guided me into another room..

That is the point! I was the staff in disguise. You naive woman.

last edited at Apr 16, 2016 11:46AM

WDTFS fans - off topic 16 Apr 11:39
joined Jan 13, 2016

So the Raimvl ship's sailing? XD

I thought they've been canon for a while now? I mean, weren't they Honey Bee and Honey Comb? Gawd, I can't keep up with your wild romances anymore. xD

That is the magic of this thread.

WDTFS fans - off topic 16 Apr 11:36
joined Jan 13, 2016

That's a very accurate reaction in Raimvl ship.

Strange name... can u think sth else?
Oh, ok.. mvl doesnt have vocal character..

So the Raimvl ship's sailing? XD

Howdy all :3

Hey Martian. Haven't seen you here for a few days now.

last edited at Apr 16, 2016 11:36AM

WDTFS fans - off topic 16 Apr 11:35
joined Jan 13, 2016


Hahahaha you made me laugh so hard. Might as well cry too. It's no longer privacy when you went into that dark room to have some stranger massaging you. I am pretty much the darknesd in that room.

The stranger was a professional massager..
But u...
u even cant tell my underwear color!!

I can tell what color it is. It is black. My eye sight is really good.

Its Saturday and u re already expecting to see Sumin's underwear.. its too fast..

I am a bit relieved.. i didnt wear black..
Maybe u peepped Kittokatto massaging Llama's butt..

Liar. You were the only one who went into that dark room.

WDTFS fans - off topic 16 Apr 11:27
joined Jan 13, 2016

This ain't creepy at alllllll....

Well, its not Friday the 13th... bear with it.. xD


Hahahaha you made me laugh so hard. Might as well cry too. It's no longer privacy when you went into that dark room to have some stranger massaging you. I am pretty much the darknesd in that room.

The stranger was a professional massager..
But u...
u even cant tell my underwear color!!

I can tell what color it is. It is black. My eye sight is really good.

WDTFS fans - off topic 16 Apr 11:20
joined Jan 13, 2016

Lol mvl89 and rainy

I leave you talking about sleeping time and when I come back, there's butt massage and bdsm. Things escalated quickly.

Can't blame me. Rainy365's cute butts are calling for some whipping. They are crying for attention.

When did u see my butt??

When you went into that dark place and had some stranger massaged you duh...

Omgee.. xd
U were peeping, in a dark place, in silence...
I was being abused.. now i feel so dirty and no pride left..

Haha. What do you want for payment? Should i marry then? Or should i pay you $100 for the service?

Payment? What payment are talking abt?
Im not an entertainer...
I deserve a privacy..

Sure you deserve privacy. Were you the one saying how much you love staring at stranger's butts?

When someone wearing sth sexy at beach, it means they are all prepared being stared, its their risk. But u peepped me at my most fragile time... and i didnt expect that..

Hahahaha you made me laugh so hard. Might as well cry too. It's no longer privacy when you went into that dark room to have some stranger massaging you. I am pretty much the darknesd in that room.

WDTFS fans - off topic 16 Apr 11:16
joined Jan 13, 2016

That's a very accurate reaction in Raimvl ship.

Haha...those cats!

WDTFS fans - off topic 16 Apr 11:12
joined Jan 13, 2016

Lol mvl89 and rainy

I leave you talking about sleeping time and when I come back, there's butt massage and bdsm. Things escalated quickly.

Can't blame me. Rainy365's cute butts are calling for some whipping. They are crying for attention.

When did u see my butt??

When you went into that dark place and had some stranger massaged you duh...

Omgee.. xd
U were peeping, in a dark place, in silence...
I was being abused.. now i feel so dirty and no pride left..

Haha. What do you want for payment? Should i marry then? Or should i pay you $100 for the service?

Payment? What payment are talking abt?
Im not an entertainer...
I deserve a privacy..

Sure you deserve privacy. Were you the one saying how much you love staring at stranger's butts?

WDTFS fans - off topic 16 Apr 11:06
joined Jan 13, 2016

Lol mvl89 and rainy

I leave you talking about sleeping time and when I come back, there's butt massage and bdsm. Things escalated quickly.

Can't blame me. Rainy365's cute butts are calling for some whipping. They are crying for attention.

When did u see my butt??

When you went into that dark place and had some stranger massaged you duh...

Omgee.. xd
U were peeping, in a dark place, in silence...
I was being abused.. now i feel so dirty and no pride left..

Haha. What do you want for payment? Should i marry then? Or should i pay you $100 for the service?

WDTFS fans - off topic 16 Apr 10:57
joined Jan 13, 2016

Ooww.. what an offer.. give it to Kittokatto
Im not into bdsm..

I've been through that for the past few nights that Newp kept me up. So yea xD

Now, u can start mvl..
What position d you like, Kittokatto?

But i only want to whip yours. No offend to kitkat. Newp can do it for her.