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joined Aug 21, 2017

New favored trope: person lives their life strongly believing in something, and one day finds that everybody else no longer believes in it. See: Soara wanting to kill monsters vs. everybody else not caring.

joined Aug 21, 2017

I might be misinterpreting this but I feel a bit confused about the fact that Kanon is scared of overcentralizing and becoming overly dependent on Saki yet she doesn't want to extend her hand of friendship because she has Saki...who she is scared to push away by demanding too much of her.

I think the hug at the end of chapter 3.5 represents Kanon accepting Saki taking care of her. So I don't think there is a conflict there. Kanon accepts Saki but still has a wall up against everybody else.

last edited at Dec 16, 2021 3:20AM

joined Aug 21, 2017

Uncommon to see the main character not be the one in the relationship.

School Zone discussion 14 Dec 04:08
joined Aug 21, 2017

I think the author has gotten better at these serious parts. Early in the manga, the way they switched between comedy and drama was like whiplash. Now they've given it its own place as nearly an entire chapter. I still prefer comedy, but I think they've done the drama pretty well this time.

joined Aug 21, 2017

Thanks for the translation! I like the manga and I was wondering about how it differed from the novel, since the end notes context often has information not present in the manga itself.

joined Aug 21, 2017

I was talking to my friend about this manga today and apparently it's actually somewhat common in Japan for people to have unused homes in rural areas, with the aging population and urbanization. You inherit the property but can't uproot your life to properly use it.

I've also heard that property often depreciates in value in Japan.

joined Aug 21, 2017

Pretty good. The art is great. The way we never see Miko's full body in monster form, which makes her seem limitless.
Looking forward to volume 3.

last edited at Dec 5, 2021 2:23AM

joined Aug 21, 2017

I'd be funny if Mizushima turned out to be gay in the end.

joined Aug 21, 2017

This seems fun so far. Looking forward to seeing all the home designs!

joined Aug 21, 2017

This is an interesting use of Lots of JPG artifacts

joined Aug 21, 2017

I like how the manga is expanding outside of just gags with Ruri and Liane, though on further reflection, it's always been like that.

joined Aug 21, 2017

The Villainess System said to lock Elsa in a room for an entire hour, yet when Yvonne looks at the timer, it says only 28-ish minutes are left.
Later, Yvonne notes that time has gone by much faster than she expected (ch. 5, pg. 12).
Did the Villainess System let them out early, or am I reading too much into this?

Summer Love discussion 23 Nov 02:02
joined Aug 21, 2017

I kept waiting for some twist and there was just a little one at the end. Pretty good stuff.

joined Aug 21, 2017

I hope their relationship doesn't turn out to be toxic.

joined Aug 21, 2017

I enjoyed this.

joined Aug 21, 2017

I like this one so far. Looking forward to how it plays out!

joined Aug 21, 2017

Pretty good. Art style, story line, characters, all pretty solid.

joined Aug 21, 2017

Dropping the series btw. Good run, but I just don't have time to give consistent updates. Sorry! Hopefully someone can give it what it deserves.

Thank you for your hard work. I think you did a great job.

joined Aug 21, 2017

I wonder if prehistoric humans enjoyed the beach like modern humans do. This thought came to me because we know people in the far past made dolls. The idea that people thousands of years ago might have enjoyed splashing around in the water and playing in the sand like we do is kind of surreal.

joined Aug 21, 2017

I'm told that this isn't quite as much of a problem in Japan, as they don't have the same food culture of putting sugar in everything. I recall people visiting from Japan commenting on how everything in the US is so overly sweet that it was sometimes hard to deal with.

There are still plenty of candies and deserts, but supposedly not so much sugar in everything else.

In fact, one can absolutely make the argument here that America is the true outlier of the two, with how much more sugar and sweeteners they put in their food compared to literally anywhere else. Keeping an eye out for sneaky sugar in your everyday food is still a good idea of course, but it's probably a lot more pressing to an American than anywhere else.

I haven't been to the US myself, but others who have tell me that american bread is very literally what we in Europe would consider cake. Some people actually can't eat american toast because it's like eating a dessert to them.

I've heard some Europeans visiting America have gotten headaches from all the sugar. Bread seems to be a common example.

joined Aug 21, 2017

I think the interleaving of the chapters between schoolgirl and office lady was neat.

joined Aug 21, 2017

yessss it's back! thanks for picking it up! so im guessing there is hope for a true happy end? I was surprised Nacchan actually spilled the beans to her husband! Like damn if I heard the words "I'll probably love her more than anything for the rest of my life," I'd call off the wedding then and there lol.

Actually it is not uncommon than you think. The two types of women that I have dated did exactly what you just described, Both are widows. You just have to remind yourself that if you keep having a hang up of this, you will never have a successful marriage or relationship. You need to remind yourself that you are chasing a ghost, but it does not have to be that way. One of the things I did was to listen, to learn as much as possible about their deceased partners. Never say things like "I am chasing a ghost...I will never be able to be loved fully by you". Just simply do not think about it, and remind yourself, this was then, this is now. If you marry that person, consider that you also marry the ghost. Sooner or later their feelings will change, could be one month could be 5 years. So the most important thing you need to know is never feel hurt and remind yourself that this is normal. Now, if you think that you cannot possibly wait for 5 years, then you may think about breaking up. But usually the only reason for breaking up is because the clock is ticking down towards menopause closer and closer and you do not want to have a kid who essentially only has one parent. My best friend also has the same "widowhood" problem. But thankfully she finally understand that it was unfair to her partner because she still kept missing her dead boy friend from almost 2 decades ago. Once she "woke up", she put in every single energy into her then current relationship until he passed away. She loved him so much that she swore she will never marry anyone from then on.

Interesting perspective, thank you for sharing.

joined Aug 21, 2017
Typo in the bottom right panel, "al!" should be "all!", I think.

last edited at Oct 25, 2021 2:25AM

joined Aug 21, 2017

Honestly, I would have been fine if this didn't go yuri, but this is alright too.
Either way, I thought this was pretty good.

last edited at Oct 22, 2021 2:38AM

joined Aug 21, 2017

One thing I still don't quite understand is the whole swapped identity thing. The two girls didn't swap identities, right? Grandma's who she says she is, despite the Alzheimer's?