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Image Comments 29 May 02:05
joined Sep 27, 2017

^Yeah her mouse cursor is also the dragon tail butt-plug, in at least the Reddit Shitpost review streams I've seen. It's also joke merchandise. It'll show up in fanart pretty often as well, not even necessarily NSFW art but just as an item in the art.

last edited at May 29, 2021 2:07AM

Image Comments 29 May 01:02
joined Sep 27, 2017

I mean either way I'm definitely not complaining, and I love this artist's work.

Image Comments 28 May 23:28
joined Sep 27, 2017

^Greythroat? I'm more into her and Blaze, but hey I hope you get some fanart of her and Mudrock, and I mean I definitely wouldn't complain.

Image Comments 28 May 22:02
joined Sep 27, 2017

Pretty sure Juri and Chun-Li could both easily crush watermelons between their highs, so I imagine sex between them would be pretty intense.

Image Comments 28 May 21:59
joined Sep 27, 2017

I'm loving that we're getting more Mudrock Yuri since her Global release. Blemshine and her for how they work together in gameplay, and I've seen some of Mudrock and Folinic.

Image Comments 28 May 21:55
joined Sep 27, 2017

I'm happy to see some intensely hot sex with Ame and Gura in their new outfits.

joined Sep 27, 2017

As much as I’m trying to I don’t really see any yuri between the two girls I tried but sensei is just way to emotionless for me to catch anything it really is just a sensei and fan relationship even with my biased yuri vision

She's certainly subtle, but I think her affection is evident. The rose situation is the most blatant. When fan told her that there's meaning to a number of flowers given, sensei immediately googled it a left fan with 9. What a Chad. There were other moments but I'd need to reread to remember them.

That's basically the whole point of Kuudere: she is much less emotive than most people, but she still has feelings just like everyone else.

Yeah I feel like I've seen it several times on these forums, where people think a character being "emotionless" means that they don't have feelings and can't be loving. People can have a lot of inner emotions and be mostly or even completely incapable of being outwardly emotive. I find it surprising that some and maybe even many people have never met anyone that has difficulty in this regard.

joined Sep 27, 2017

I just can't take this "art" style seriously. May as well draw stick figures.

Very 'simple' art styles can still be used to tell very powerful and moving stories

Exactly this, and it's also super insulting for anyone to say the artist might as well just "draw stick figures".

joined Sep 27, 2017

I really liked the last 2 chapters, Nanase is in full alpha mode and everybody put their cards on the table now. Momo seems to still be oblivious to everything though, probably because her snacks keep getting eaten by other people.

Well good thing she has a girl that wants to be her exclusive snack.

joined Sep 27, 2017

They seem surprisingly honest and straight forward about their feelings? At least so far...I just hope the author doesn't cartwheel backwards and have characters go into denial or something...

joined Sep 27, 2017

And predictably, this thread is filled with the same tired Mochi jokes

I mean in fairness the art style is even a little similar to Mochi's style. I understand that overused jokes are tiresome, but it's kind of comical how this is probably the most closely related to Mochi work I've seen so far. Sisters incest with some goofy punch line, and again the art is somewhat a reminder.

joined Sep 27, 2017

Can this end in a three-way romance between Reiko x Yuina x Hikari? Please and Thanks.

I think I read that elsewhere already?

Yeah I've read it elsewhere as well. Various manga are getting uploaded here since Mangadex is dead still, R.I.P.

last edited at May 28, 2021 3:28AM

joined Sep 27, 2017

^Could be one of Mochi's disciples?

Maybe it's their relatives?

Maybe Mochi's sister, and it's where they both get their sis-con complexes from.

joined Sep 27, 2017

Discussing opinions is good, however I think it's pretty common for people to think you can only have one opinion on a subject, and people often think you can't have a nuanced opinion. There's a very black and white, you love it or you hate it narrative a lot of the time. Which isn't helped by the fact that we have various review systems for places like Netflix and Steam now, where you can only give a "yes" or "no" opinion in terms of your score, and it REALLY lacks nuance. Plus text obviously lacks tone, and well a person's tone of voice might also be misleading.

Edit: And I should note, I of course also fall into this trap sometimes. We're all human, conversation can be hard and sometimes it's easy to forget that there's more nuance to a person's view on something .

Hearing tone is definitely important. I sometimes like to read with voices in my head to get things flowing. But that's why we have to rely on phrasing which can leave things up to interpretation. And no, I am not trying to diss translators. I understand the difficulties of translating and the impossibility of expressing sentences/dialogue verbatim.

Yeah, and with phrasing in conversation I often over think things and get overly wordy, on the other hand sometimes I don't say enough. So I know phrasing can be tricky, and getting the right intent across. Especially when everyone has their own interpretations and the like as well.

As for this story, I think the author blatantly romanticizes selfishness, in this chapter especially. I believe it's brought up 3 times? Even only using the end as an example, "I love you Sei, your selfishness, your everything". It's okay if people enjoy that, and perfectly fine for the author to write it. I was only saying that I personally think the romanticization of selfishness is weird, and it's not something I like. I'm still entertained by the story, and I don't regret reading it. I'm even curious what the author's next work will be like.

I guess I see it as not so much romanticizing selfishness as it is romanticizing the embracing of your love's flaws. Yes, Sei's flaw is selfishness but from a broader perspective my mind is reading it as Aya loves Sei even though she knows how imperfect she is. Which is more what the message of the story to me is? It's even encapsulated in that last line of Chapter 19. "Your everything." - meaning the good and the bad that makes up Sei.

We see how Mochida and Haruki romanticize their love. Mochida loves her nurturing teacher yet what does she know really know about him? I feel like that moment when he says he doesn't care about what Sei has done defeats her not only because she exerted all that effort for no reward but also she becomes disillusioned. Like maybe Mr. Perfect isn't all that perfect.

And then we see Haruki, how she constantly is trying to keep Aya from growing and the minute Aya doesn't fit that image of Aya that Haruki loves, she rejects that Aya and tries to prevent her from evolving.

Yet Sei and Aya both loved people despite their flaws. That was just my take though.

Honestly I don't think we even completely disagree here. We just have slightly different perspectives and that's fine. Along the lines of what you said, I also think the author is romanticizing the idea of embracing a flaw like selfishness. Embracing and/or Romanticizing a flaw like selfishness is weird to me, mainly because I think any kind of relationship should be about two people willing to work together, mutual give and take in theory. Which again, that's my opinion. I'm not saying the author is wrong for writing something that disagrees with what I think, and I'm not saying people can't enjoy the way the author writes this.

Edit: I should state again just to be clear for anyone reading, I don't have to agree with everything in a story or how the author writes it, I can still find a work like this interesting and even enjoyable in some aspects. I like reading stories that are different than what I think and who I am. Having all my media revolve around who I am would get boring quickly for me, so going out of my comfort zone is something I try to do often.

last edited at May 27, 2021 4:46PM

joined Sep 27, 2017

It's like you can only have one opinion of the story to read it, otherwise you are a judgemental westerner. I don't know why people are so defensive over someone else's opinion for fictional characters. Fictional characters.

Can’t speak for the rest but I share my interpretations based on what I read. When people have a difference of opinion I respond because I wonder why they read it that way; if it’s because they missed a detail in the story or they’re just reading it differently based on biases (which is not wrong- I actually think that means the writing is good if it gets the audience to tap into their personal preferences because that means it evokes some type of emotional response with them.)

Mostly I like talking about this messed up manga.

Discussing opinions is good, however I think it's pretty common for people to think you can only have one opinion on a subject, and people often think you can't have a nuanced opinion. There's a very black and white, you love it or you hate it narrative a lot of the time. Which isn't helped by the fact that we have various review systems for places like Netflix and Steam now, where you can only give a "yes" or "no" opinion in terms of your score, and it REALLY lacks nuance. Plus text obviously lacks tone, and well a person's tone of voice might also be misleading.

Edit: And I should note, I of course also fall into this trap sometimes. We're all human, conversation can be hard and sometimes it's easy to forget that there's more nuance to a person's view on something .

As for this story, I think the author blatantly romanticizes selfishness, in this chapter especially. I believe it's brought up 3 times? Even only using the end as an example, "I love you Sei, your selfishness, your everything". It's okay if people enjoy that, and perfectly fine for the author to write it. I was only saying that I personally think the romanticization of selfishness is weird, and it's not something I like. I'm still entertained by the story, and I don't regret reading it. I'm even curious what the author's next work will be like.

last edited at May 27, 2021 1:17PM

joined Sep 27, 2017

I feel like this got Axed but idk

This one was self-published.

Yeah people assume the Axe too easily, ending a story is hard for many maybe even most authors but this is also pretty normal for Neji, and it's honestly a slightly better ending than usual for her. I really like her works, but she has a hard time with wrapping up and ending her series. She's a talented creator, so I'm hoping she'll work out that issue at some point with future works.

joined Sep 27, 2017

If anyone wants to support Neji directly, she has requests open on her pixiv. She did a fantastic job on my profile pic, and it was only $46 and a two week wait. Well worth it.

That's fun to know, thanks for the heads up!

joined Sep 27, 2017

I swear all manga authors get a "choose your adventure" book when they start their careers and roll a dice or flip a coin when they have to continue with their plots. In the next chapter:

  • 1. Misunderstanding! Japanese is hard and confessions don't get across 99.99% of the time. -> You get to try again (often) later.
  • 2. But I'm straight! -> No, you are not.
  • 3. This might end our friendship so I prefer to stay friends. -> Not really, by the end of the manga we are gonna frick.
  • 4. Pick option 1.
  • 5. Pick option 2.
  • 6. Choose head or tails and then flip a coin ten times. If you get the side you chose ten times they get to start a relationship otherwise pick option 3.

That's hilarious and eerily plausible. Then again, romantic literature tends to follow the same patterns and clichés in every country in the world, not only Japan. You can find the templates of pretty much every romcom manga or yuri story ever written in 19th-century dime novels for women. ¯⧵_(ツ)_/¯

EDIT: Beep, bep, bip. Post number 256.

2⁸ congratulations.

Yeah romance tropes are pretty universal. Doesn't matter what country the work is from, doesn't matter if it's gay/lesbian/hetero and so fourth. Romance works very commonly follow certain patterns and rules, and every piece of media in this world is inspired by works before it.

joined Sep 27, 2017

Edit: The male teacher can uh...take a vacation to Hawaii or something.

Which he deserves.

Wasn't he weirdly okay with a student dating a teacher? I'm not sure if he entirely deserves a nice vacation haha
Edit2: For clarity I just want him out of the picture, and didn't want to say something mean about him.

Comparatively speaking, I mean--his sins, such as they were, were sins of omission in a raging sea of commission.

Yeah you're definitely not wrong there.

joined Sep 27, 2017

Men drawing boobs through clothes: "heheh boobe :)"
Men drawing boobs without clothes: "oh god oh god uhhh how do physics work again, where does this weight go, what are the right shapes, ive never seen a real boob before, aaaaah oh no okay I'll just draw the exact same lines I always do when the clothes are on, and hope none of my readers know how boobs work either"

Let's shit on the artist's skill while calling them a virgin. That'll make everyone laugh for sure.

i mean Michelangelo (yes the one that made the sistine chapel) died a virgin so all of his paintings and sculptures of women were pretty much buff dudes with breasts


joined Sep 27, 2017

A time skip sounds interesting, see where everyone ends up. It would be kind of hilarious if the author trolled everyone by having the series just end in a giant orgy with all the relevant female characters.

Edit: The male teacher can uh...take a vacation to Hawaii or something.

Which he deserves.

Wasn't he weirdly okay with a student dating a teacher? I'm not sure if he entirely deserves a nice vacation haha
Edit2: For clarity I just want him out of the picture, and didn't want to say something mean about him.

Edit: Just saw the other response, apologies.

@FluffyCow: as hilarious as that ending would be, I'm fine without a Gainax-Ending to my Yuri-Drama, thank you ;)
And in general I'm not too big a fan of timeskip-endings, there's always still quite a few things that I'd like to see play out live rather than learn through the status quo after a flash forward. But eh, it's only one more chapter and you can't stuff it too full anyway. Feels a bit like Ueda had a fifth volume planned but got the axe. Oh well, I'd rather be happy with what I did get than complain about what could have been.

That's fair. I'm personally a fan of time skips because it's a fun way to show where the characters end up over time, in my opinion anyhow. Also I'm honestly not sure if this got the axe or not, the pacing throughout was at times wonky but I'd think this series would sell pretty well. As much as some elements frustrated me, I think the author really knows how to take the audience on a crazy ride.

last edited at May 26, 2021 10:20PM

joined Sep 27, 2017

And they were Roommates

oh my god, they were Roommates

Totally just Roommates

joined Sep 27, 2017

Better ending than I expected for certain. I really thought it was going to drive off a massive cliff for a moment there, but this is fine enough I suppose.

joined Sep 27, 2017

Yeah Scum's Wish vibes but if Hana got together with Ecchan at the end.

Well anyway glad for Sei and Aya. I guess the character development was Sei realising she was truly a bottom and Aya realising she's a top. The sex was great tho. Felt less messy than the ones prior. And since we're done with the climax, I'm guessing the last chapter will most be a where are they now thing and will likely involve a time skip as already mentioned.

A time skip sounds interesting, see where everyone ends up. It would be kind of hilarious if the author trolled everyone by having the series just end in a giant orgy with all the relevant female characters.

Edit: The male teacher can uh...take a vacation to Hawaii or something.

last edited at May 26, 2021 9:39PM

joined Sep 27, 2017

Glad we got the confession at least. If they danced it around it I would have probably lost all my remaining marbles haha