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joined Sep 27, 2017

I'm mildly annoyed how few people are talking about the reversal here.

I find it super interesting with how it subverts expectations. You at first think that the abusive one is Kuzawa due to how she treats Mamiya but then it's revealed that Kuzawa is miserable doing this stuff but she'll get physically abused and rejected if she doesn't do it.

It's kinda messed up but at the same time morbidly fascinating.

Very clearly meant to be reversal that gradually gets worse and worse the more you read on. The revelation that Kuzawa loves her, but isn't allowed to act on those emotions in any way, even in a moment of supposed intimacy, is what really did me in. People on this site gotta realize that there are well written stories hidden in content that they may not like. Tmfly is a very talented writer, and she knows how to pack a complex narrative into a short format.

I can usually acknowledge when a story is complex and well written even if I dislike it. I felt for me that this wasn't very complex and the meanness of it was shallow and fetishizing cruelty. I also it's fine if we don't agree here and I'm glad that you got more out of it than I did.


Edit I'm not being a smart ass, I can't really can see why?

Edit 2: Honestly how does a relationship like this even happen?! I mean think about it. Kuzawa hates Mamiya, but desides to accept Mamiya's confession anyway. They date for awhile, all along Kuzawa abuses and humiliates Mamiya constantly. Somewhere along the way Kuzawa actually falls in love with Mamiya. She wants to stop all the abuse, and be a normal couple, but feels trapped because of masochistic Mamiya will reject her if she shows her true feelings. Do you know how silly that is. I use to Hate you, but after years of building our relationship on me abusing and torturing you, I've grown to love you. Now I suddenly want you to completely change who you are, and turn your back on everything that our relationship was built on, so I can be together with the woman I fell in love with properly. That doesn't make any sense. And furthermore it's not fair to Mamiya.

Neither character is in the right, but it's not an actually functional relationship in my eyes. It's unhealthy all around, and I don't think either character is being rational so "not fair to Mamiya" goes out the window for me. How I see it is also that in the end Mamiya is the dominant abuser, and likely to be one doing the eventual murdering here. Of course we might see it differently and that's okay.


i don´t think it s supossed to be deep i think it´s supossed to be crude, tbh i love this new wave of works. It so refreshing to see works that don´t romanticize or justify shitty behaviour and portray the character as deeply flawed and wounded indivuduals but also makes them fully responsible for their actions (like kitanai)

It's interesting how people have different perspectives here, because for me it was romanticizing and even fetishizing the shitty behavior and abuse of both characters.

last edited at Jul 18, 2021 11:25PM

joined Sep 27, 2017

Lmao that ending.

joined Sep 27, 2017

Honestly I don't see the problem here. There is many, MANY way for a relationship to work. Sure this one is distasteful for most people but, if it works for them. The violence and abuse seem consensual, so live and let live, I say.

This isn't one of the ways for a relationship to work, it's very unhealthy. It will honestly likely end in one of them killing the other, if not a murder suicide.

joined Sep 27, 2017

Very fluffy and wholesome <3

Thanks for the translation!

joined Sep 27, 2017

"And the sex began", that's what I'm talking about.

joined Sep 27, 2017

Wearing THOSE kind of clothes is kinda suspicious.

One might even say she's a bit of an imposter.

joined Sep 27, 2017

Looks like she got something better than money.

joined Sep 27, 2017

Oh, no…


last edited at Jul 18, 2021 8:44PM

joined Sep 27, 2017

4D Grandmaster Chess player over here.

joined Sep 27, 2017

Oh and I hate these types of stories with lines such as "I can never break free from her control", it's such an angst fueled defeatist attitude and only says to me that the author loves tragedy porn.

…but that kind of stuff is like, exactly what happens in abusive relationships. Abusers make you feel like you have to pay to keep having access to something you need, that the energy to get out is a super high requirement, and they want you to feel like it’s impossible. To someone who craves attachment and companionship, threatening to leave someone is a powerful tool to get them to do anything, it’s really good at making them stay.

Yeah I understand what you're saying and I'm aware of that aspect of abusive relationships. As I said abusive relationships are difficult and you expanded on my thoughts well there, but as I said my main problem with this is that it feels like stories like such as this fetishize it more than anything.

To include the rest of what I said "It's not compelling or interesting to me, I know toxic relationships are very difficult, but I think stories like this just fetishize them more than anything."

That's just it for me, it's entirely possible to have a story about an abusive relationship be interesting and compelling, but I think I'd want there to be some way for the abused party to overcome their defeatist attitude. Which I know isn't easy, but I think if a person seeks help from something such as therapy they might be able to find a way to break free. Instead of a story like this where it just ends with the character giving in, and the author is basically saying "things are hopeless". Not a message I personally like is all.

joined Sep 27, 2017

Yeah...definitely not for me. I know Tmfly loves some fucked up broken relationships...but this is bizarrely excessive even for them.

Also unfortunate because I like their art and character designs...I just don't know if I've ever liked or enjoyed one their stories/works though.

Edit: Oh and I hate these types of stories with lines such as "I can never break free from her control", it's such an angst fueled defeatist attitude and only says to me that the author loves tragedy porn. It's not compelling or interesting to me, I know toxic relationships are very difficult, but I think stories like this just fetishize them more than anything.

last edited at Jul 18, 2021 5:06PM

joined Sep 27, 2017

This chapter for me really cements that older MC really should help her younger self hook up, instead of fucking over her younger self.

Older MC: oi i went through All that too and more! Wheres my Pat on the back.

Not saying it shouldnt happen But she has No reason to believe she Will merge with a new Timeline, for All she knows she is stuck

Yeah she might be stuck, but I still think she should save her younger self from going through all the loneliness that she went through. That's probably too selfless for her I know haha

joined Sep 27, 2017

This chapter for me really cements that older MC really should help her younger self hook up, instead of fucking over her younger self.

joined Sep 27, 2017

Even if it doesn't look like there will be actual yuri, I still kind of like this series. I'm looking forward to more.

Yeah and they seem like a cute ship at the very least.

SHY discussion 17 Jul 19:09
joined Sep 27, 2017

Shy has suffered and endured a lot of pain throughout this she has to deal with a pretty rich woman that think she doesn't understand how normal people feel and struggle...sigh.

last edited at Jul 17, 2021 7:11PM

Image Comments 17 Jul 15:01
joined Sep 27, 2017

What I heard around the internet is that the game requests you don't lewd the horse girls. I'm not entirely sure how true the Yakuza part is but I guess they like the game and/or are part of a company involved with making the franchise. So they got very protective and threatening about artists lewding the girls. Again I'm not entirely sure how much is just rumors and hearsay, all I know for certain is that Uma Musume gets very few lewds compared to other game franchises.

last edited at Jul 17, 2021 3:06PM

Image Comments 17 Jul 14:52
joined Sep 27, 2017

Yeah it's unfortunate. I know it's how things work...but I was hoping with the popularity of this series that something might change...that a company like Disney might finally prove they're at least a little more than a soulless growing monopoly. I suppose getting my hopes up was foolish though.

Image Comments 17 Jul 00:17
joined Sep 27, 2017

^Lmao, and in the off chance you aren't joking they're both OCs of the artist I think

Image Comments 16 Jul 23:47
joined Sep 27, 2017

^Knowing the series there's honestly a lot of possible reasons why a character might look dead inside heh

Image Comments 16 Jul 22:47
joined Sep 27, 2017

^Aye. Though as much as I would have loved this I didn't mind them just remaining friends, the character writing and character progression in the series was still great regardless imo.

last edited at Jul 17, 2021 2:50PM

Image Comments 16 Jul 22:44
joined Sep 27, 2017

Does this mean Ame will have to start calling Ina dad?

Image Comments 16 Jul 22:08
joined Sep 27, 2017

^Ah that makes sense, thanks!

Image Comments 16 Jul 22:07
joined Sep 27, 2017

It's honestly heartbreaking. I heard how Disney cancelled the Nimona movie and other various projects in recent years as well, and yet they only continue to grow bigger. It makes me want to move to another planet or something.

Image Comments 16 Jul 22:03
joined Sep 27, 2017

Sometimes you just have to eat the whole titty, along the lines of how Kirby sucks up watermelons.

Image Comments 16 Jul 21:06
joined Sep 27, 2017

So the Yakuza will supposedly murder you if make porn of the series...but are they cool with gay ship art? I've been wondering this for awhile heh