Forum › Posts by ColdGoldLazarus

joined Apr 12, 2018

An interesting read. Ending is too ambiguous to judge, but I liked where she abandoned the flower and the whole idea of "it doesn't count because high school." Was hoping it would head more in a direction of giving her closure to move on to a more satisfying relationships with a woman who actually loves her. With the current path, I like that she's got such confidence now and is determined to win her back, but with the inclusion of another partner, (man or woman, either way it's bad times) about to be married nonetheless, it runs into the classic love triangle problem of "Unless it ends in polygamy, someone's going to get hurt."

That is why I said it was rather confusing.

What's your icon from?

last edited at Jul 8, 2018 5:14AM

joined Apr 12, 2018

I've been debating whether or not to give Monogotari a try. What happened in said scene?

I just rewatched that episode, and it mostly seems like Senjougahara being her usual sadistic tsundere self. Also possibly trying to make her dad uncomfortable by being sexual towards Araragi in the backseat. As for Tsubasa being attracted to Arararagi, I only ever saw that happening once, and it was almost immediately after she almost killed someone because she was in love with another girl. She was probably feeling some weird misplaced guilt over her sexuality at the time. For the rest of the series I've seen, she only treats him as a close friend. And Arararararagi is not a nihilist. If anything, he cares too much about people and can't just let things be.
As for the series as a whole (I've watched up to Hanamonogatari) I liked it. The weird overtones of it (like the toothbrushing thing) or Arararararagi being kind of a lolicon are eh, but I feel as a whole it's pretty good. The end of the first section of second season is probably one of the most satisfying conclusions to a character arc I've seen in a while.

Long story short, I feel like it's something you either love or you hate. I'd say it's worth a shot, but if you do like it, skip Hanamonogatari/Suruga Devil (the second season part after Senjougahara and Kaiki) until the end, as it timeskips past the end of the series and spoils a few character fates.

Alright, thank you!

joined Apr 12, 2018

What are some interesting ideas you've thought up and would like to actually read? Could be a basic premise, or just a specific concept within the framework of a larger story. Like, for an example of the latter type; picture a very typical high school yuri with the main character, her Straight Best Friend, and her Designated Love Interest... but she and the love interest don't actually have much of a chemistry outside of their initial meeting circumstances, despite her attempts to make things work, and eventually realizes she's actually in love with the best friend who's been quietly supporting her this whole time, and isn't actually as straight as first assumed. (Take a wild guess which infamous manga that recently received an anime adaptation inspired that one...)

So yeah, I'd be interested to see what thoughts people have on this!

joined Apr 12, 2018

Is it bad that I'm kind of liking this so far? I mean, we're only one chapter in so it could go in dumb directions or even just stick with the current status quo until it wears out its welcome, but for the time being the premise seems interesting, and the protagonist being kind of an asshole seems good for short-term comedy and long-term character development. All depends on how it's handled, and it could unfortunately easily go sideways, but I see potential here.

last time we got a "yuri-series" MC that wanted to get married to a rich guy while doing yuri things as a facade, she actually ended the series in the same note of wanting a guy, so I have little hope for this one as well.

Well. Since she doesn't care about love from her perspective a rich girl should be fine, too.

But clearly this is going to be about redeeming her, where she learns that love is much more important than money.

Then she marries some poor girl and lives in abject misery the rest of her life before dying early because she can't afford great health care (let's just randomly assume it got privatized in this fictional setting), after years of getting beaten up by her constantly financially stressed waifu, who resorted to alcohol as a form of escapism.

That got real depressing real fast.

joined Apr 12, 2018

This seems interesting so far; looking forward to seeing where it goes! Looks like they're playing about with the mistaken-identity-romance concept in some interesting ways.

last edited at Jul 2, 2018 5:08AM

joined Apr 12, 2018

This was interesting; would love to see a sequel!

I think it's Nanashi no Asterism the manga you're talking about.

What's your icon from?

joined Apr 12, 2018

Are there any other good doujins involving coming out/girlfriend meeting the family?

joined Apr 12, 2018

Momoko is a prophet.

All I can think of is a certain gigolette.

Who, and from what?

last edited at Jul 1, 2018 4:21PM

joined Apr 12, 2018

I have a feeling this isn't going to be over just yet. The volume's probably going to end with Yuu confessing, but the various other factors at play here will come up and it'll end badly, kicking off the next arc. In particular, one thing that really sticks out to me is that even if she's starting on a new path, Tokou is still just starting, so a lot of the old mindset will linger - in particular the self-loathing, and the viewing of love as a shackles. Both reasons underline why she liked Yuu in the first place - because Yuu didn't really put the same kind of pressure on her that everyone else did. Confessing right now is likely to trigger that same problem, requiring time, further development on Tokou's part, and solid communication to resolve. I hope this can become something of a growth point for Yuu, too; she's been so busy healing Tokou that it would be good to see more focus placed on her own emotional needs.

last edited at Jul 1, 2018 5:03AM

joined Apr 12, 2018

Just discovered this
I hope we'll see a continuation in my lifetime

joined Apr 12, 2018

Loving this whole dynamic, hope for more chapters. Plus, video rental stores are nostalgic for me, so that helps as well. XD

This is amazing, its simple and so cute. I bet she is just teasing her to see her reaction.

What's you avatar from?

last edited at Jun 30, 2018 5:03PM

joined Apr 12, 2018

Anyone know what the credits page is from?

Image Comments 30 Jun 07:21
joined Apr 12, 2018

Yuzu's mom?

Marionette discussion 30 Jun 03:05
joined Apr 12, 2018

It'd be neat to see the little sister pick up someone who's not a cheater for once. Throw a wholesome wrench in their dynamic, haha.

I'd love to see that, and what sort of situations could result from that
The older sister doing her best to seduce the girlfriend, who remains steadfast and faithful, and however the younger sister reacts to that (touched by the devotion, or just disgusted that they're not satisfying her fetish?)

last edited at Jun 30, 2018 3:08AM

joined Apr 12, 2018

This gives me Out of the Blue! vibes with the delinquent being the ''bottom'' in both cases.

Hmmm...I think I need moar.

Bottom Delinquents are justice

Delinquent discussion 30 Jun 02:24
joined Apr 12, 2018

I've gained a deep and lasting love for delinquent yuri. Now we just need a Delinquent Magical Girl and I can die happy!

last edited at Jun 30, 2018 2:24AM

joined Apr 12, 2018
Oh jeez
Poor Mikage; no wonder she's become such a disaster. :(

Finally caught up. Love the premise of this, ripe for both great comedy shenanigans, and a fair bit of tragic potential as well. Particularly the early chapters, when Hinata still thought she was being bullied, hit me in the feels more than anything. I'm honestly not so fond of the nightmare fuel faces, and the library chapter in particular was just... why... but overall, I'm still really loving this; can't wait to see where things go from here.

joined Apr 12, 2018

I managed to avoid whatever this is untill now thanks internet.

Pretentious battle harem staring a nihilistic pedophile who wants to bang his little sisters, complete with self claimed lesbian who wants MCs dick just as bad as everyone else. Otaku bait that won't be ending anytime soon and giving shaft an excuse not to make the next Madoka project.

I've always thought this, but until now I've never had this opinion validated by another person. Try as I might, I can't see any philosophical value in monogatari. It's always seemed to me like a "worst of" compilation of anime tropes, combined with a very slow pace.

Oh it's Monogatari we're talking about? Thanks for putting me off of the idea of watching it for good.

I tried to like the show but the scene with Senjouhara, her dad and the male protagonist in the car kind of pissed me off for good and I couldn't bring myself to watch it any more.

I've been debating whether or not to give Monogotari a try. What happened in said scene?

joined Apr 12, 2018

Yes! Adult life! This is what I need!

Just so you remember battle underwear is only one step in getting ready. You need battle music as well. This one is a classic.

This one also seems pretty fitting:

joined Apr 12, 2018

Interesting read. Love me some delinquent Yuri.

Anyone know what the credit page image is from?

joined Apr 12, 2018

I'm really not sure what to make of this one, but it's definitely an interesting read. Hoping to see some sort of conclusion eventually.

Green discussion 27 Jun 12:37
joined Apr 12, 2018

I'm mainly just disappointed on behalf of Chinatsu. I'm glad they didn't go the cliche route of 'pair the spares,' but it feels like she got unceremoniously dropped out about halfway through. Why do childhood friends never seem to be able to catch a break?

last edited at Jun 27, 2018 12:40PM

joined Apr 12, 2018

This most recent chapter cemented it; I ship the OT3 now. This is such a wonderful series...

joined Apr 12, 2018

2 chapters in, and already Baek Seol-a strikes me as the most lipstick lesbian there ever was. With emphasis on the lesbian, given how disappointed she looked to be surrounded by guys and shunned by women.

joined Apr 12, 2018

Expecting something like embarrassment and misunderstandings for 30 chapters, not being able to convey one's feelings and "what do i do she doesn't like me!!!" stuff. And of course a kiss in 31 chapter. Spoilers, spoilers.

To be honest I'd rather have that than a retread of Secret Recipe.

Secret Recipe?