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Manga General Thread 04 Jan 17:19
joined Jul 28, 2016

Recently translated article: Manga Editors Roundtable – The Growth of Yuri

It's a look at the current state of yuri and how it's expanding beyond yuri magazines. A lot of it is the editors pushing stories published by their companies (with a lot of emphasis on Bloom Into You and Happy Sugar Life), but I thought it was interesting to read their thoughts about yuri as a genre from the point of view of professionals aiming to publish successful manga.

Hmm, I'm interested in this Asahinagu thing now that I hear it's got yuri, but the whole "Volume 16" part is really making me not want to read it... if anyone's read it, does it actually have yuri?

Also, what's "Gambling Fiend Twins" and "Uniform of Vampires Road?" I looked them up, but I haven't found anything at all about them.

Renai Kowai discussion 03 Jan 01:12
joined Jul 28, 2016

Kuzushiro draw this and this is not a yuri and even more this might be a het? Seriously?? Worst day ever, right after Minase-sensei leave us. Damn...


While it took a weird turn...and its a shame it's getting drop/backlash for not being yuri outright, its nice to see anything new by Kuzushiro tbh.

drpepperfan, where's your pic from? It seems very familiar.

It's from Chapter 15 of Chio-chan, I think.

The only Minase I can think of is Minase Ruruu, but I don't think they've done any yuri things in a while, so... I dunno who this Minase-sensei is.

Renai Kowai discussion 02 Jan 20:52
joined Jul 28, 2016

Noooooo, not a non-yuri Kuzushiro thing! Well, I guessed that was the reason why it was dropped after a single chapter and it turns out that I was apparently actually right...

Image Comments 02 Jan 00:19
joined Jul 28, 2016

Soooo, Brave Witches has an actual honest-to-goodness canon yuri couple, huh? I mean, it just seems like worthless ecchi drivel to me, but maybe I'll give it a shot some time if it has canon yuri.

Heart Gifts discussion 01 Jan 17:57
joined Jul 28, 2016

So if her father is super religious how does their relationship fair since you know both girls

Being super religious and being against homosexuality are not the same thing.

Not saying that being super religious is bad, but if you're super religious like that dude, then you probably are against homosexuality.

Anime season 31 Dec 11:29
joined Jul 28, 2016

I was never interested in the Fate series, but I'll definitely give Fate/Extra a shot if they go with the female protagonist. Is watching/reading the other Fate things necessary to enjoy Extra to its fullest?

Heart Gifts discussion 30 Dec 21:09
joined Jul 28, 2016

It started off well, but then it ended... really... abruptly. Also, uh, wouldn't Kuro stabbing herself in the heart be very bad if she wanted to give it to someone else? I don't really know how, uh, heart donations work, but that seems like it'd be a bad idea.

last edited at Dec 30, 2016 9:09PM

Anime season 29 Dec 23:37
joined Jul 28, 2016

My reactions while watching the final episode of Flip Flappers:


NOOOOO - oh wait, Papika's there, I guess it's alright.


KISS. KISS, DAMN IT, KISS. Sigh, oh well... anyone who doesn't think that this is supposed to be romantic is a fucking idiot anyway. COCONA X PAPIKA WOOOOOO.

I was kind of expecting something different... but, really, I had no idea what to expect, so I have no idea what I was really expecting. It felt kinda... lacking though... I don't know how successful this was, but I'm hoping it's super successful so there'll be a second season. I'm happy that they're at least living happily together forevermore, anything other than that would just make me stop watching anime before they're over.

==You know, Yayaka sure was pretty nonchalant about her best/only friend/crush being gone for... a long time. Everyone else was panicking... and then Yayaka was just nonchalantly feeding Uexkull (I think I actually spelled that right on my first try).

last edited at Dec 29, 2016 11:46PM

joined Jul 28, 2016

Someone posted this snippet

Any ideas where it's from? I'm looking and can't seem to find/remember it

I am like 99% sure that this hasn't happened yet in the translated chapters... curious to see what the hell's going on here though when it does get translated... or maybe it's in that Kanna spinoff if that already released.

joined Jul 28, 2016

I think the better way of connecting your families is to MARRY EACH OTHER, DANG IT! I saw a Yuri tag for some reason and I was waiting for the yuri, but then I looked up and realized "Wait, no yuri tag... darn it." Yeah, it was a decent story though, Akuta Fumie's art is always pretty.

joined Jul 28, 2016

Well, just went through Goofball Mode in Highway Blossoms. Pretty funny stuff though I didn't understand any of that financial stuff. I do have a few questions though: What the heck does "She thrust her Owen into my Wilson" mean? I know that Owen Wilson is an actor, but I don't understand how he's related at all... also, who's that blond girl who showed up at the concert? Is it a Human Reignition Projection cameo or something?

joined Jul 28, 2016

Don't be so pessimistic, shit like Netsuzou Crap gets an adaptation, so there is, even if it's small, a chance it one day gets animated. And if I become really rich, I'll fund the Yuzumori-san anime myself ! Yes, that's how much I love this manga.

When I become really rich, I'll fund a live action Yuzumori-san series myself!

I feel like a live-action Yuzumori-san series would be really creepy, but perhaps that's just me... I mean, the manga rendition is creepy enough, but the cutesy artstyle (and the yuri, I must admit) kind of balances out some of the creepiness... we'll be getting hit with creepiness with full force with actual, living, breathing people though.

joined Jul 28, 2016

Objectively speaking, I would recommend Highway Blossoms as well for that price tag. As for me though, that ending was far too cliche for my liking. I was seeing things coming a mile away and for someone like me where the ending can make or break something, this particular ending left a bad taste in my mouth; pretty sure it's the reason I took a long break from OELVN's for a while.

I also didn't expect to get miffed at those sex scenes. They made sense for the character, but they were pretty tasteless moves by the MC - especially the first one.

If you're talking about the driving like a maniac to get to Marina before she leaves scene, then, yeah, that was really cliched. It really did make me groan out loud since that shows up in... everything. Still, it had its funny moments like Tess rolling around on the floor nonchalantly and poor Joseph hitting his head and the preceding scene with Mariah made it worth it, in my opinion. You know, I kind of did expect some, you know, backlash or whatever against Amber and Marina from some random people. This is the Midwest after all... which, to be fair, I know nothing about, so maybe it is pretty accepting of LGBT people? The closest things are Amber being scared that Marina will think she's gross (that's solved really quickly though when it becomes evident that she reciprocates...) and that sleazebag portrait artist guy. Not that it's necessary, of course, but everyone that had a picture in the VN had no problem at all with them. Well, I think Cassi kinda did, but that's completely different... I guess they kinda addressed it with Amber mentioning the people glancing at them, but nothing really substantial happened... of course, it's not really necessary in this VN, but it just felt a bit curious that there was nothing at all.

Image Comments 28 Dec 13:06
joined Jul 28, 2016

@ Kayo-chin

I liked Hikaru x Miyuki and Marina x Yuri and all, but they kinda... came out of nowhere as opposed to Miyuki x Yuri which was developed over the course of the entire series. Yeah, they explained why Miyuki was really "in love" with Yuri near the end, but it felt a bit half-assed to me... they also never did explain when Yuri started to reciprocate just a bit. Still, yep, I'm definitely glad it ended in a yuri manner.

joined Jul 28, 2016

Just finished Highway Blossoms and, wow, was that a great read! I absolutely loved the Midwest setting and the adult protagonists... well, adult compared to most yuri anime/manga protagonists at least. My opinions on the TRIO fluctuated a lot throughout the thing... at first, I was intrigued, then I got annoyed, then they caught my interest again, especially with the Mariah/Amber drinking session! It gave her a lot of depth which I hope Dusty Trails capitalizes on. Her outfit is still pretty ridiculous but, eh, I don't live in the Midwest, maybe some women actually do wear things like that? It was getting a bit ridiculous how much they randomly bumped into each other but oh well, they were interesting characters. I thought the sex scenes were tastefully done, even if they were probably written by a guy (I have no idea whether this Syon person is male or female). I guess it lacks the little things, but they still talked about consent and having no clue what the hell you're doing, which I thought was nice. I have to admit that I was a bit disturbed that Amber already had sex with girls when she was only 19... and then she said she hadn't been in a relationship in a while ever since Gramps got sick... eh, I guess she couldn't have been that young, but I still disapprove of underage sex. Yeah, I read 'em all the time here on Dynasty, but... it's different when it's porn and when it's an actual story, you know? That's what I think, at least. Amber and Marina were great characters and made a very cute couple... I'm a sucker for tomboys and I love cynic/idealist relationships. They counterbalance each other, you know? I thought there was a bit more to Marina given how she said she was used to disappointments at some point, but I think we learned enough about her. More's always welcome though! I just loved how Cassi fell for Amber within 30 seconds of meeting her. Such a chick magnet... Male chick magnets are just male power fantasies, but female chick magnets are... just female power fantasies. I'm okay with the latter though. Anyhow, it was a great read and I definitely recommend it to anyone who hasn't picked it up already. Maybe I'll even pick up Human Reignition Project even though I don't usually read het stuff... I liked Katawa Shoujo though so maybe HRT will be good too. Might as well list some cons though... THE CONSTANT TYPOS AND WEIRDLY WORDED SENTENCES! Yeah, I'm overreacting cause they weren't that bad or frequent, but, still... That's pretty much all the cons I can think of though.

last edited at Dec 28, 2016 3:17AM

Image Comments 27 Dec 20:29
joined Jul 28, 2016

Cute stuff like this is exactly why Miyuki x Yuri should have prevailed in the end... but, really, I'm glad that it at least ended with canon yuri.

Image Comments 27 Dec 20:26
joined Jul 28, 2016

This is that Puella Magi Mika girl and Rivalun-expy, right? ... You know, Gamma had its flaws, but having Japanese female Iron Man, the Power Rangers, a puella magi, and Rivalun in the same series was so awesome.

Image Comments 27 Dec 20:24
joined Jul 28, 2016

I don't think there were any scenes this lewd in Gamma, but, I mean, the female characters were practically half naked all the time. I liked it and all but, frankly, it made it pretty hard to take it seriously at all... oh, why can't there be any action yuri things out there that aren't borderline porn (I'm looking at you, VALKYRIE DRIVE... If I had a Vita, I'd probably buy it though...)

Image Comments 27 Dec 20:22
joined Jul 28, 2016

Who's this Discharge person again? You know, perhaps, Yuri's like me and just completely forgot about it! I'd agree that it just came out of nowhere though... Yuri x Miyuki would have been a hell of a lot better in my opinion but oh well.

last edited at Dec 27, 2016 8:23PM

joined Jul 28, 2016


Where is your avatar from? i can't seem to remember :[

I believe it's from one of Mira's things, Morishita and Arai's Romance:

joined Jul 28, 2016

Wow, Mofurun turning into Ted... That's not something I was expecting.

joined Jul 28, 2016

Can't decide if she is seeing the yuri or just glad Ayari is opening up to her "sister".

Why not both?

joined Jul 28, 2016

Probably because it's not yuri.

Image Comments 24 Dec 15:52
joined Jul 28, 2016

Yuuna x Tougou is the best, but I too thought that Karin had a bit of a crush on Yuuna. I hope that whatever this anime reaches the logical conclusion and has every girl in the show fall for Yuuna.

Also, yeah, I know I probably shouldn't question poses in still images, but... how the hell did they ever get in a pose like this?

Anime season 24 Dec 15:41
joined Jul 28, 2016

So, just watched Flip Flappers. While I admit that I'm a bit disappointed that Papikana is not the father,=... well, you can't beat ==MATCHING. WEDDING. DRESSES. Who knows, though, Salt literally has not shown any concern at all for Cocona in the entire series, so maybe 3Hz will do something weird. Yeah, it's not gonna happen, but, if it did, that'd kind of completely fuck over Papika x Cocona if it happened... eh, I'd still ship it.