Sia ue
I also read those top comments on Comico and I was pretty shocked. I couldnt believe that such comments could get 500+ upvotes, especially from her so called 'fans'.
Regarding the office job one, first of all why are they treating webtoons like a job? Not all webtoon authors/artists do it for a living. Some do it for fun. And Im sure thats how it starts off for most people. They dont create a webtoon knowing that its going to get famous and make them tons of money. Thats just a dream for some people. Most just start it off as a simple side thing they do for fun in the hopes that itll get a bit of reach. Thats all. The fact that people are comparing this to an office job and blaming her for taking breaks on her own past time is wrong imo.
Having said that, even though it is not her duty to upload a chapter every week, she does have a lot of people following her work and looking forward to her posts so thats something she personally should bear in mind.. but Im sure she does already. I dont think anyone would just take a 3 week break for no reason when they have thousands and thousands of people looking forward to their story every week.
And lets imagine how Ssamba must feel. She starts off a webtoon and suddenly its popularity explodes. Then suddenly thousands of people are lookng forward to it every week while expecting good results. Can you imagine the pressure? A webtoon like hers might seem short and fun but in truth it must take up so many hours of her time. The time spent actually thinking of a way to move the story, character placement, drawing, story board layout, coloring.. the list is endless. As an artist myself I commend these people for even keeping up with the weekly updates.. because I know for a fact that I wouldnt be able to do the same.
So come on, lets give these people a break. Yes , its disappointing to see a hiatus post,but I rather wait a week or even a month for good content instead of reading a shitty one done half fast while the author was sick.
/end rant.
last edited at Apr 11, 2016 3:22PM