Forum › Posts by UranusAndNeptuneAreJustCousins
This was super adorbs, lol, despite senpai using tea bags!
I get that Tamamusi probably did not intend it as a glorification of "purity", and I get the translator's choices played a part here. My impression is that she was actually low-key making fun of the "pure" trope, and that her commentary was more along the lines of "whoa, such a thing actually exists", rather than peddling how this relationship is somehow better. That being said, it still rubs me the wrong way.
Purity-san being a bit of a bitch in that last panel...
And this is why it rubs me the wrong way. Because she is being a bit of a bitch, even the people scrambling here to somehow offer different interpretations can not get past the "lumping together" and "omae" carrying negative connotations. Basically, you are saying that even in Japanese this could be read negatively very easily, but are still imploring us to disregard it and assume Tamamusi did not mean it that way. And I am not buying it.
That being said, I am also not going overboard with this. I do not think the author intended to use this character to mock sexual relationships or anything like that, I think she used the Purity-san and her line for comedic purposes. I am just saying that I personally did not find it that funny, is all.
Basically, the author's commentary in the very last panel does not bother me, the slightly bitchy character is the one who is rubbing me the wrong way, and even as far as she is concerned, I can see why the author would go for something like that.
last edited at Apr 24, 2018 8:53AM
Yes, it is unheard of. The entire point of a Mukoyoshi is literally to get a male heir to lead the family. Its not "primarily" about preserving the bloodline seeing as how its can be done with adopting an entirely unrelated couple. Its done to keep the name and to get a male heir for their businesses. That has been its purpose for centuries, poor and middle class families dont do it to preserve their bloodline, its done by the rich to keep the business in their name. A culture that looks down on an unmarried woman isnt going to let her lead when her husband can do it instead.
The bloodline excuse kind of falls apart considering gramps just gained a new daughter in law and granddaughter and he didnt even know about it despite Yuzu being admitted into his school. Appearantly the Aihara name isnt prestigious enough to be flagged when a transfer student shows up with it. He also has no reason to think Shou cant pump out a son to continue the name. If its a mukoyoshi its being done purely for business inheritance.
And his management skills and ability to relieve Mei of her responsibilities sounds like the complete opposite of not getting the chair position.
No, it is not unheard of. It is not common, but it is not unheard of. Especially since, contrary to your opinion, poor and middle class families do it too, primarily to keep the family name from going extinct. Mukoyoshi is just a fancy term you latched onto, it is merely the husband taking on his wife's family name. According to the Japanese Family Register Act, the spouses are required to have the same family name, and they are counted under said family, but it is not actually specified which family that ought to be, the husband's or the wife's. In vast majority of cases, it is the husband's family, but instances of it being the opposite are not that rare, lol.
As for why he was not aware of who Yuzu is, that one I admit I have no explanation for, it was something that was odd even back then.
I seriously doubt the grandfather has any serious expectations of Shou taking responsibility at this point, let alone that he would produce a new hair. If he had such hopes, he would probably be pursuing that particular avenue, rather than adoption.
As for relieving Mei, I read it as fitting the scenario I laid out before, therefore, the husband will be of help to her, rather than taking over for her. I guess the phrasing is just vague enough for it to be possible to go either way, but my money is still on the help angle. Do not forget that the first fiance was gloating about the privileged, high-class life he would be having as Mei's husband, which would be kind of difficult to pull off if he would be swamped with all the work.
I actually wanted them to do it.
Same. Such a waste. Still, cute in a mildly disturbing manner.
TIL of mukoyoshi.
Mei's issues seems clearer with this in mind.
I actually brought this up before, we had some lengthy discussions on it a few dozens of thread pages ago.
@Yuri Queen: It is actually slightly more complicated than that, it is not unheard of for female heiresses to take on the head position, while their adopted husbands get a high ranking executive position within the company. Their son (strongly preferred) is the one who is expected to one day inherit everything. The purpose of a mukoyoshi is not just to have males in charge of companies, it is primarily to stop bloodlines becoming extinct. It is a country whose reigning dynasty spans over two and a half millennia, and its elite families usually measure their history in centuries. They often faced the lack of male heirs of the blood, and adoption of husbands or relatives was common in such cases, it remains so to this day. It is not just about the school, it is also about actually continuing the Aihara line and legacy, a legacy that was strongly impressed upon Mei since she was a small child (even by her father, if memory serves, before he became a hippie).
Why I personally think her husband will be adopted is because it was specifically brought up he is the second son in his family (the first son would obviously continue their lineage and business), which is a common scenario in arranged marriages of this sort within Japanese higher classes. These pages have me convinced the husband is not meant to take over, instead, his experience in corporate management and his gentle and calm personality are brought up by the grandfather as traits that will be of help to Mei in her heavy responsibilities.
last edited at Apr 21, 2018 6:37PM
She still sees Isechi as a kid - Isechi is still a kid compared to Kaoru.
I think it might actually be the opposite, at least in terms of experience. Kaoru is the virgin of the two, and Mikoto had a sex friend, which Kaoru knows from before, if memory serves. So if there is nervousness on Kaoru's part regarding sex, I doubt it is caused by Mikoto's age.
last edited at Apr 21, 2018 3:47PM
Can we somehow make the above post more visible? Perhaps share it on social pages Shuninta might frequent? That sort of thing?
Just fuck already.
Seconded. This will sound kind of stupid and petty, but I actually disliked Kaoru when she proposed to wait. I mean, waiting for the end of high school is one thing (I am speaking in general here, since the main couple was not even in a relationship during Mikoto's high school days), although personally I find even that to be a needless strain, but waiting until the end of college is just absurdly unnecessary, not to mention actually cruel. Mikoto obviously cares about the physical aspect of the relationship, and did not take it lightly. We are talking about 4 years here, lol. Not to mention there was no discussion on the subject, Kaoru more or less unilaterally decided on this. And the reason is beyond stupid. Her line of work? Seriously? That? Mikoto is an adult, she is not even a student in Kaoru's school, this is just plain retarded. Especially since the whole "how would it look" is pointless. How would it look to whom?? Note that they are not actually hiding their relationship, and their sex life would be a private thing in any case. So the only person to whom this might look "bad" is Kaoru herself. Talk about torturing your girlfriend because you have a puritanical view of your job, lmao.
I actually find myself agreeing with Gale, their analysis would also explain this work's sudden turn into absurdity, in terms of Touma's ladyslaying abilities. Shuninta has done some rather silly and absurd works, but they were like that from the get-go, and for the first two and a half chapters this particular work really could have passed for just another story with a player, the absurdity came seemingly out of left field. And as Nevri pointed out, it would not be the first time Shuninta did something like this, each of the main girls in "The Feelings We All Must Endure" is based in some way on one of the seven deadly sins.
As for some sort of positive progress the girls made, I would argue the first two chapters really did that. The first girl became appreciative of her looks and realised she too can be cute, it is pretty straightforward.
The second girl is somewhat more difficult to read outright as making a positive change, but it is still there, in my opinion. She was obsessed with wanting to be special, and that did not really change, but what she thinks makes her special did. Her starting point was that Touma is extremely special, and if Touma "chooses" her it will automatically make her special too. In other words, she looked at "being special" as something another person can basically bestow upon her, without her actual character being part of the equation. At the end, she asks the plain looking girl what she sees in her. It is subtle, but I would write that down as a sort of positive progress too.
The third chapter is weird, in this regard. After reading the comments here, I actually agree with Nya-chan that the nurse is probably not gay/bisexual. Admittedly, I did read her as repressed gay at first, because yuri and Shuninta (reading this much yuri stuff really does affect one's perception, lol), hence why I focused so much on this implied idea how being with another girl is something you grow out of, and eventually you marry a man. Now, though, I think there was nothing of the sort implied, her longing for Touma at the end is a longing for her bygone youth, rather than for another girl.
With that being said, she is still an idiot, and her choice is still a bad one. It has nothing to do with sexuality, and it has nothing to do with marriage as such, it is completely down to the fact she does not want it and is forcing herself, because that is the "adult" thing to do. Yes, Asians are big on the whole family thing, but even so, unmarried people are not unheard of, even in Japan. And I find it puzzling why some are focusing so much on the it-is-just-a-meeting-it-is-not-marriage angle. The whole point of it all is to marry one day, maybe not to the first one she goes to the meeting with, but that is completely irrelevant. The author just chose the omiai as a means to convey she will one day do the "adult" thing and marry.
So I do not see anything positive about her "realisations". This is basically her character summed up in a single panel. "I must force myself to do this because of my age." She was like that before Touma, the only thing her experience with Touma did was kick this side of her into overdrive.
She won't even let herself wear her hair in a youthful style despite everyone thinking it's better (oh, I see the translation has got the mother's suggestion and Fumi's dismissive response wrong so that would obscure that point).
You mean, on this page, she actually has her old hairstyle? Because the new one is too youthful? Lmao, she really is a complete moron.
last edited at Apr 21, 2018 11:34AM
It's not the manga's content itself that upsets me (it does still annoy me though), but the people who are defending the titular character's behaviour despite that clearly not being the point of the manga.
Prior post:
I take back what I said earlier. Now I just want to watch Touma get run over by a truck. Multiple times. Sure, I would find the experience of actually watching such a thing absolutely repulsive, but I'm just as repulsed by the titular character's behaviour.
No offence, but you do sound kind of upset by the content.
Personally, I think there is no particular need to defend her behaviour (yet I will do it all the same), because nothing terribly wrong is being done. Touma is a player, but as far as players go, she is not actually bad. She does not lie, she does not make promises she is not prepared to keep, and she is not keeping her status as a player secret. She is not forcing anyone, and the girls know what they are getting with the package.
Taken chapter by chapter, in the first one the girl-of-the-week does not appear to consider the experience as a bad one, quite the contrary, it seems to have left a positive mark on her. She was not portrayed to harbour some deep, secret feelings for Touma from before their fling, and she did not seem to develop any during it either. At most, she had admiration for the school's most popular girl. Pages 14 and 15 are literally the only places where you could try to read some hurt into the girl, but it honestly does not look like much.
Second chapter, I do not think the girl was even in love with Touma to begin with. Instead, she had this weird obsession with being "special", and Touma was her ticket to attain this "special" status. Also, she knew (notice the plural) Touma scored with other girls as well, she was just hoping she would be the exception, despite having no factual basis for said hope.
It is not that uncommon a scenario, a person gets together with a player, knows what they are getting into, but hopes that with time the player will change their ways for the sake of the person in question. Especially shitty players can even encourage this hope as a means of bedding a person. Note that Touma did not do that, this situation was entirely the result of the girl wilfully disregarding what she knew about Touma, and indulging in her own private fantasy. When the fantasy collided with reality, Touma did not string her along, but properly rejected her.
The second chapter girl is also much worse a person than Touma, if you ask me. Not because after being rejected by the titular player she latched onto the first girl who showed interest in her, but because she specifically dismissed said girl, in quite a callous manner (albeit only in her mind), just a short while before. If Touma reacted differently and agreed to go steady, the main character would probably not spare this other girl a single thought. Note that even with this plain looking partner, she is still primarily seeking affirmation she is somehow special, rather than experiencing typical romance.
As far as the third chapter is concerned, that one looks really bad, because the nurse had a mental breakdown after the deed was done. However, that was hardly Touma's fault. The nurse could have just said no. Someone said to me they would have slapped Touma if they were in that situation, right there at the beginning, when she started putting on the moves. And that is the thing, the nurse could have done that. She also could have done something more controlled, like saying no and walking away. She also could have used her actual authority as a staff member and thrown Touma out of the infirmary. But she did none of that. Instead, she had sex. All the possible consequences of such an act were something she was well aware of before letting herself be bedded, it was not like Touma was a perfect stranger whom she slept with, then to her horror discovered she was actually a student at her school. She knew that the whole time, so the fact she had a meltdown later still leaves me rather unsympathetic, because she is an idiot. I fail to see how it could be seen as Touma's responsibility.
Quitting her employment and going through with the wedding meeting is basically her adult reaction to doing something un-adult-like (not that I consider "adult" view of the world as being better, she is still an idiot in my book). Basically, the whole indulging-in-spontaneous-pleasures-but-now-is-the-time-to-become-a-responsible-adult-goodbye-youth route. While her quitting is directly linked to her sleeping with Touma, the wedding meeting was something she considered (albeit reluctantly) before the incident itself, and considering how much she values the whole "adult" thing, chances are she would have done it regardless, at some point. Settling down, being responsible, the whole works. Touma did not force her to make those decisions, just as she did not force her into bed.
In the first chapter, the girl-of-the-week experienced no noticeable hurt, had no expectations dashed, and the whole experience caused her to change the way she looks at herself, and to start appreciate her own appearance. I would write that down as a positive progress.
Second and third chapters are different, because there is hurt, regret and even horror. But the causes are, in my opinion, the second chapter girl wilfully deluding herself based on no facts whatsoever (when she knew perfectly well Touma is sweet on other girls too), and the nurse letting her libido overrule her judgement (judgement which warned her from the very beginning she should not be doing this).
Now, do not get me wrong, I am not going into extremes here by trying to peddle how Touma is flawless, a good girl, and you have to like her. Far from it. I mean, I obviously like her, but I am not blind to her flaws either. When you come down to it, she is quite insensitive, not really caring for the feelings of the girls she beds in any way, at least I saw nothing that would suggest she does. She likes them, but she does not really care for them, she does not seem to be capable of empathising with them when things do not go as usual. Her emotional attachments seem to be really shallow, and she backs away at the first sign that more is expected of her.
As the incident with the nurse showed, she also lacks proper respect of privacy (as evident in what Nevri pointed out, when Touma just casually grabbed the nurse's cellphone and looked at the messages, then proceeded to ask her about the picture, made all the worse by the fact they are not friends even in broadest sense of the term) and authority (as pointed out to me by Nevri again, beside the aforementioned cellphone grabbing, she also refused to listen to the nurse to get back to class, insisted to be called by her first name, proceeded to call the nurse by her first name, not to mention the fact she decided to seduce a faculty member in the first place).
There is also the fact she does seduce girls, most evident in the third chapter. Seduction is manipulation, but I would not actually put it down as a bad thing here, because Touma's seduction contains no deceit, no false promises.
I can see how a character like her would rub some people the wrong way, and you are certainly free to dislike her. All I am saying is, some are taking that dislike to absurd levels, what with the trucks and labelling her partners as "victims". As I already said, she does not hide her nature, she does not promise anything she can not deliver, and she does not use force. Her "victims" could have just walked away without sleeping with her, amazingly.
I mean, the two "victims" (excluding the first chapter, because there is legitimately nothing controversial going on there, it seems to have been a positive experience all around for both parties) do not even hold a grudge against her. Especially notable with the nurse, who imposed severe sanctions on herself over it, but obviously blames herself, not Touma (and she has a point there, she was the adult, and an adult with official authority over Touma no less).
Though, something tells me that even if she was 15 years younger, her fooling with the titular character would probably last only through her schooling, what with the way she delineates between "girls" and "women", and ascribes certain values (like marrying a man) to being an "adult".
All the other girls and faculty members seem to look positively at their experiences with Touma, what with all the fangirling and having a laugh over it.
And that brings me to a point which will negate this entire long post in a way, lol, namely that both sides of the argument, myself included, are probably delving too deep into this. Pages 13-17 of the latest chapter broke my suspension of disbelief, as I stated in my earlier post, to the point I can no longer take this work seriously. Which is why I will not even touch upon the whole "bedding the entire staff" thing, because LOL. Shuninta got us here, as A5PECT said, this did not appear to be one of the works from the author's silly list, but after that scene, I just can not look at it as anything but silly. Good silly, though, so I will definitely continue reading it, lol.
I felt like Touma was similar to another character, and finally it dawned on me. She's like the younger version of Suwako-san, only more flirty and gives great haircuts.
Suwako actually only sleeps with people she loves. She can just love multiple people deeply at the same time, while Touma doesn't actually want any deep feelings.
That is not the only difference, unlike Touma, Suwako actually respects the privacy of her partners and expects the same in return, though she is not completely consistent on this issue. However, a much bigger difference, at least in my opinion, is the fact Touma does not hide her nature and is completely open and upfront about it, while Suwako lies and cheats.
One thing they have in common is that both are uncaring about their partners (yes, I know she came the day before, but that is not how actual caring works, "I will care for you on Mondays, other days of the week screw you"), and the moment something more is expected of them, they back away (or more accurately in Suwako's case, remind their partners of the boundaries). Note that the main character in the "Space Voyage" is not alright with the arrangement, and Suwako knows this, she just does not give a fuck, despite what the main character tells herself in the sequel.
Still, even though I absolutely loathe Suwako (not really sure why, to be honest, usually I am unbothered by cheating, but something about her just pisses me off, maybe it is that "oopsie, ehehe, silly little me" face she so often sports), I do not actually blame her for her lover's sufferings, because Suwako clearly stipulated her conditions and the main character willingly agreed to them. Even after the practice showed to the main character that she hates it, she still willingly persisted in maintaining the relationship. She can just leave whenever she desires, plenty of other people have done so. So the main character gets no sympathy from me, lol, she is the architect of her own anguish. When you make yourself suffer like that, you literally reap what you sowed.
Strangely though, the "Space Voyage" thread has a distinctive lack of heated comments, which is kind of surprising for our Forum...
last edited at Apr 20, 2018 6:15AM
I fear this type of cancer might actually be infectious...
As long as we dealt with teens, that was somewhat believable, but that she would do all the female teachers without consequences is a bit over the top.
It's still kinda sweet, but there goes my suspension of disbelief.
Same, all the more because the teachers apparently share these experiences with each other, and they have no reservations about having a laugh over it in front of the nurse. Openly. In the teachers' room. I just could not take that detail seriously.
Is there a girl/woman in this school who will not sleep with Touma-kun?
What in the world is this about im curious
Simoun is a masterpiece in anime form and doujin form.
I just googled this and i think i found what you mention and thank you for this horrible yet amazing thing The tag actually has one of the longest descriptions on the site.
This is such a cute series, just got around to reading it the other day. Hirose best girl, lmao! I especially like the fact Honami's honours student facade does not hide a dirty pervert, as it often is the case. Instead, it is a mask that hides a cute blob of adorbs who just wants to have friends.
Seriously, though, between how they are acting, and those hints in the preview of the next chapter, why on earth is this tagged as subtext...
Sweet and kinky is the best combination, 10/10!
it's a shame, but I guess a novice writer is bound to end up relying on cheap drama when they run out of ideas.
I thought the same when Akira was introduced, and look how wrong I was. Instead of a standard love triangle, we got a character who actually served quite an important role in the progression of the main relationships, by bringing up some really pertinent points, like the fact their relationship could turn sour, as many romantic relationships do, and Asuka is still a teenager, dependant on her mother for basic life needs. True, Asuka still maintains her resolve to be with her mother now, rather than later, but at the very least she is now aware of the issue, as evident when she straight up tells Jun here she is not the mature one.
Akira also made Ayako think about Asuka's father, which was a good thing because in a relationship such as this one it was bound to come up sooner or later (evident by the fact people in this very thread have dreaded the substitute-for-a-deceased-parent trope since the very beginning), and it is a question that needs to be dealt with, regardless of the final outcome.
Not to mention Akira managed to intrigue me as a character of her own, and I would not actually be opposed to her returning. Considering I went into a full blown love triangle alert when she was introduced, and was quite harsh on the author for it, I think it is a pretty safe bet the author actually knows what they are doing.
As for Jun, as people have already pointed out, Asuka is not interested in him, he knows she is not interested in him, he has no intention of pursuing her, so quite frankly, I just do not see the het angle here. My guess is he will serve as a means for Asuka to reflect on how society at large might view her incestuous relationship.
I am actually kind of on the fence about how he will react, because Akira turned out to be pretty relaxed with the whole mother-daughter issue (in her own family, no less), I somehow doubt the author will go for it the second time. Some people are open minded and non-judgemental when it comes to incest, but let us face it, the majority of people are not like that. In a mango that decided to deal with the whole relationship in something of a believable fashion, I am reasonably certain some hostility against the main couple is bound to happen, and the impact would be greater if it comes from an old friend, rather than some random strangers.
There needs to be some way to report stupid bullshit to Nezchan or DPF or someone. A button that sends them an email or otherwise lets them know that someone is being a ween and they might wanna take a look.
There is IRC, and Discord, with Discord being your best bet. The trolling in question has already been brought up to dpf's attention, so there is nothing more to do but wait.
It is cruel to make something so awesome, yet so short...
Bless Tamamusi.