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joined May 5, 2013

I was expecting more...
I never thought I'd be disappointed reading Virgin's Empire.

joined May 5, 2013


  • Create a husband character that is so shitty


Lol. Reminds me of the husband from... Dang, can't remember the title. The one with the high school loves reuniting, but one is married and pregnant with her shitty husband's kid.


And then we also have one where the husband is nice, Even Though We're Adults

So 3 series recently with women cheating on their husbands. I wonder how much of a story setting trend this will be.

Huh I totally forgot about this one even though I liked the story so much.

And I kinda like the premice of this story too.

joined May 5, 2013

I like everything with adult life, generally speaking.
I was wondering where it was going but the end of the chapter got me. Hype train here I come, might be really interesting.

joined May 5, 2013

I already love this way too much.

joined May 5, 2013

We need more Akihito works here

Didn't check the artist before reading. First page I was like: that's Akihito style here!
After the first chapter I was convinced.

The Akihito sect can now rise again.

Lily Marble discussion 09 Jul 05:42
joined May 5, 2013

How does it say "it won't work anyway"? In this case, it's more a "it might not work". Plus there's the next couple with Tsubasa and Iwashita who panic because of societal pressure etc. Yet she says yes. Isn't that at least as powerful?
The whole Manga show you girls interacting together, but that society can prevent their happiness, yet at least one couple does form (we'll see in the next chapter if the others are still together).

joined May 5, 2013

I thought it would be about group b rallycar...

joined May 5, 2013

Of course she’s a titan.. lmaoo honestly I thought she was on her period at first

Well it is her period, in a way.

Now, will there have sex while she is a titan? Will she use the vampire as a sextoy?

joined May 5, 2013

Me: finally another chapter!
Also me: nooooo I need more

joined May 5, 2013

No, all boys who read yuri get automatically turned into girls.

Well, at least time changed my male-heart for a maiden one. Bad thing is I still have my male body...

As for me, I discovered your (as in lesbian porn) through the prequel of Bible black (forgot the name). One day, an angel came to me, guiding my click on the Internet, ending up on a scantrad site who just published this chapter:

My heart was beating so fast when I read it. It was at this moment I knew, Yuri is my way. I walked in the desert of yuri that was the French-Internet at that time, once again, an angel would come to me, suggesting dynasty-scan. And although I create an account way later, I'm here for quite few years.

joined May 5, 2013

I was a bit disappointed as I expected something related to TV. Good thing it was nice, I can totally relate to this when it comes to work. Not everyday hopefully.

joined May 5, 2013

I hate this. I know I'd end up living in the sea of messyness. Even though I've no problem to do the chores at work.

Don't put me in front of my possible future.

joined May 5, 2013

The egg is cracking

My absolute most hated cliché in lesbian romance is going on a date with some asshole being how you find out you're into girls. Thank GOD for this manga. Seriously.

It happened to an ex-co-worker, she never was too logical about her relation and her circle seemed pretty toxic at that time
But still, it doesn't seem that cliché to me.

Boku To discussion 09 May 15:35
joined May 5, 2013

Damn that was....hard ? Unpleasant end ?

Shit, it's just painful...

joined May 5, 2013

Why does this not have the incest tag?

It would spoil the plot twist.

For this I'm happy there wasn't the tag. I'm not exactly fond of incest, imo it made the twist more powerful and I probably wouldn't have enjoyed it the same way I did here.

joined May 5, 2013

Hime is so cute. Go for her Akira!

joined May 5, 2013

Perfect. Just perfect.

Semelparous discussion 24 Apr 02:51
joined May 5, 2013

If a kaijuu dies inside the wall and it kills a person, does that mean Haruka dying killed a kaijuu because she died inside the wall?

I hope that not, otherwise we need the Dragon Ball to get Haruka back.

I like so far, even though they are big I am not that bothered by the giant breast, I just don't pay attention.

joined May 5, 2013

So, it was posted the 2nd but it's supposed to be an april fool ?

Anyway it was funny, I've sent it to a friend, well we thought we were friends, but we were just acquaintance, sad.

joined May 5, 2013

My friend and his girlfriend were like that. They hated each other but they also couldn't keep their hands off each other. I hated it. Their fights would always turn violent, right in front of the rest of our group. Leaving us in the middle wondering what to do. We told him to break up with her but he wouldn't. He would say: "No way man! The sex is mind blowing"!

Two coworkers are like this too, it's pretty annoying when it's during a day with a shit load of work but it was kinda entertaining too.

We definitely need more of this couple.

Ayame 14 discussion 28 Mar 17:02
joined May 5, 2013

I loved this serie, but Ayame's dreams are the very best.
We need a whole volume with more dreams.

Ayame 14 discussion 21 Mar 22:39
joined May 5, 2013

Haha the end of this chapter.

Damn I always love what Amano Shuninta draws

joined May 5, 2013

So far I'm alive, I'd say it's ok.

don't forget about toilet paper!!!

Shit I didn't bought some...

last edited at Mar 18, 2020 12:05PM by OrangePekoe

joined May 5, 2013

Personally we are on "strict containement" with limited travels during 15 days. Meaning you're allowed to travel only if it's necessary like shopping or going to hospital. Also, by the words of Macron "We are at war". A sanitary war but still a war.

Yet people are waiting packed in the front of supermarket...

Fortunately I've bought enough booze, gin and rhum for the two upcoming weeks.

joined May 5, 2013

To those who doesn't like it: didn't you realize it became a nekketsu ?
An absurd one, and that's why I think it's fun.

Every yuri manga shouldn't be about romance and/or comedy.