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Image Comments 09 Dec 03:21
joined Feb 1, 2013

Man, these comments... I'm really starting to want to read the light-novels.

Image Comments 29 Nov 09:26
joined Feb 1, 2013

I love how matter-of-fact Eli and Nozomi are about using Nico as their human lap-warmer/hug pillow, and how Nico is just "Yeah, this is my life..."

Image Comments 09 Nov 05:18
joined Feb 1, 2013

I love the fact that no one seems to notice the fact that Miko Alice is wearing combat boots... I mean, what sort f shrine maiden wears combat boots?! (Still cute, though).

Image Comments 29 Oct 06:24
joined Feb 1, 2013

^Further note: This is part of a series of 4-koma the author did as part of the anniversary collection. This is more obvious if you're familiar with the evolution of their art style by the time they're working on "Yotsuba&".

joined Feb 1, 2013

Rei truly is the perfect foil for Claire: she's infinitely positive, she has no filter when it comes to expressing herself, she can be both goofy and silly when she wants or deadly serious when she needs to. As for Claire, she tries so hard exude this aura that she's this Alpha Bitch who's on top of everything. But then, we're shown that she's fully aware of her flaws, which hints that the reason she acts so rude to Rei is because she's afraid of letting her in.

On a different note, I really like the three princes... Bro-Prince Rod is surprisingly more deep than you'd think a char like him would be is this sort of genre. Gloomy-Prince Thane is also interesting, and I can sort of see the appeal of him. I imagine that there's a contingent of Revolution players who want to see him happy (and hooked up with their Player Char). Bishi-Prince Yuu is more of a mystery, I get the feeling there's edgy mischievous side to him....

last edited at Oct 28, 2021 6:10PM

joined Feb 1, 2013

7DeadlyTits posted:


The credit page really gives a good laugh

I'm happy!

I'm embarrassed to admit this... but I've scene that video. ,--_--

Image Comments 17 Oct 07:55
joined Feb 1, 2013

Lady D is pretty amazing. Her outfit is from the 1920s, but her voluptuous figure is likely an homage to the look of the 1940s actress Maye West (who started acting in her 40s and had the curvy figure to match)!

Image Comments 09 Oct 20:29
joined Feb 1, 2013

Based on various bits of dialogue from Sakura, it seems like she's a bit of a closet "Fujoshi", she gets yaoi vibes while watching two boys struggling against each other in the Judo Tournament. And ends up becoming something of a low-key gamer/otaku after getting mixed up with the members of the gaming club.

I don't really see her as the type who would be harboring a crush on another girl. After all, we've only ever seen her expressing attraction towards male students- and she seems to be in the middle of initiating sex with her new hookup in the infirmary bed (during the Christmas Eve arc). I think she should be celebrated as a female character for being so open and assertive when it comes to her sexuality and what she wants.

joined Feb 1, 2013

This is a really cute little series, but it's one of those stories where you're not supposed to think too much about the larger implications of it. Honestly, if this wasn't a silly lighthearted comedy, than the whole concept of the Hero using their powers to physically turn guys into girls and/or (far more troubling) change people's sexual orientation...

joined Feb 1, 2013

...Is it building up to this being future Earth?

More a like the shit part of a mexican city

Or Detroit. Jokes aside the subtext is slowly getting less subtext and I'm loving it

There's yuri subtext in the author's other major series. I just wish the rest of it gets translated, because the raws make it seem like the two characters with all the subtext are living together by the end.

last edited at Oct 9, 2021 4:03AM

Image Comments 06 Oct 22:07
joined Feb 1, 2013

@IresaFan: Other people had the same thought, since they spend so much time together. I think the official bio for Yoshi says something like "she's a person who really likes Gamo-chan".
@shadesan: Yeah, they're pretty great as a couple. They have a lot of chemistry, so it's sort of like they're out on a date of their own while watching Nagatoro and Senpai.

joined Feb 1, 2013

Or, considering what kind of story is this, maybe she just likes X :P

My Incompetent Boss Can't Be This Cute o3o

Man, if that's the case, then Cool Down has been playing the looong game...

Cool Down was just an alias.. Her true name is Slow Burn.

Brilliant! I applaud you!

Image Comments 28 Sep 07:38
joined Feb 1, 2013

Man, Mari's rocking some serious Farrah Fawcette hair!

Image Comments 27 Sep 19:01
joined Feb 1, 2013

^TheRaptureKing: No, not at all, you just have good tastes.

Image Comments 27 Sep 18:15
joined Feb 1, 2013

I get that Eli is a fox and Nozomi is a racoon and Kotori is a bird... But when/how did Umi become a rabbit?

Image Comments 27 Sep 18:10
joined Feb 1, 2013

I love how easily flustered Claire is! She tries so hard to be a total tsundere and an alpha bitch... And yet, whenever Rei does her usual "I love you" shtick, she starts radiating serious "bottom" energy.

last edited at Sep 29, 2021 11:35AM

Image Comments 25 Sep 21:31
joined Feb 1, 2013

These two are always hilarious together. But man, Tomoko's eyes...

joined Feb 1, 2013

Or, considering what kind of story is this, maybe she just likes X :P

My Incompetent Boss Can't Be This Cute o3o

Man, if that's the case, then Cool Down has been playing the looong game...

Image Comments 16 Sep 02:21
joined Feb 1, 2013

@Itxcs: Seconded! I like the fact that they're such perfect equals, no "top"/"bottom" nonsense.

joined Feb 1, 2013

I have a baaaaaad feeling about this... if they wind up fusing and forming that giant kaiju thing at the start... I think they're gonna need a stronger form to beat them.

Also it looks like Moe is starting to come around to the idea of peace. Maybe she and her mamas will defect like Honey?

I've seen characters like Moe before. She's "the innocent" who comes into the middle of an ongoing situation, who accepts what they're told as gospel (ie, "They wanna hurt my moms, so they're the bad guys!") A similar thing happens in the the transformers show "Beast Wars", where a character in a similar situation comes to the realization that what they've been told is wrong. In Moe's case, she's thinking "I'm supposed to be a hero, but wanting to hurt people =/= hero..."

Moe is driven by a positive moral: protecting the people she cares about. But now that X isn't even trying to hide her dark and ugly side, Moe's struggling with a much more complex conflict than she'd believed. And X's grown so angry and embittered that she's effectively blinded herself to reality, and so attached to her Antonid identity that she's willfully ignorant of the fact that her Generals are clearly capable of feeling and understanding positive emotions. X belittles Melt's relationship with Kyouka and Moe (without any thought of alienating her), while Cool Down and Kyouka are behaving more or less like humans right in front of her.

It's increasingly looking like Melt and Kyouka are reaching a point where they're going to oppose X (if only for Moe). The only real wildcard is Cool Down... I'm beginning to suspect that she's just "playing the fool" to ensure X doesn't view her as a threat. And now, she's finally making her move...?

last edited at Sep 17, 2021 6:16AM

Image Comments 28 Aug 15:10
joined Feb 1, 2013

I love the fact that Yoshida was supposed to be this mean delinquent bully, but the fandom turned her into this adorably naiive girl and useless lesbian (though Mako makes up for this).

joined Feb 1, 2013

i am so happy reading this. tadoroko san always put me in a good mood. it's so cute and wholesome. not a bad day can destroy the happiness i feel when i read this

Random, but I'm wondering about your avatar... It looks like Nozomi dressed up like a "Race Queen" (a photo model in a skin-tight racing suit). Is it official LL art?

joined Feb 1, 2013

I'm a little confused about the "idiot couple" tag... I mean, Kageko seems a little oblivious, but I'm sure I remember them kissing and fooling around. Or is it more to do with the fact Sakurako can't flat-out say how she feels, combined with the fact that Kageko somehow doesn't seem to realize that they're in a relationship?

joined Feb 1, 2013

This is completely ridiculous... and I love it!

joined Feb 1, 2013

The mangaka does a cute manga called "Musuko ga Kawaikute Shikataganai Mazoku no Hahaoya". It's finished in japan, but nothing's happening with the translations of the chapters after 138 (there's like 201 chapters in total).

I love the manga, and one of the reasons is because there's a strong low-key super cute yuri dynamic between two of the main characters. I mention this partly, because there's a vocal (I have to assume male) contingent of the fans that hate this, so I love the idea of possibly proving them wrong!

It'd be great if someone could work on finishing the translations...

Do you mean vocal Japanese fans or western fans?

the comments on the site bitching about the hinted future yuri couple are all in English, and the people making the comments (as best I can recall) all have western names. They're a small subset, but they won't let up.

The couple they're getting angry about are a cute young girl (Chiharu, around 19) who's starting college, and a cheery dark-haired onee-san with big breasts and glasses (Meri) who like wearing sweater dresses. Meri is SUPER affectionate with Chiharu, who just smiles whenever she's fussing over or hugging her. Meri also gets real low-key pissed when a girl just walks up and starts groping Chiharu (who's clearly not enjoying it) and takes the girl aside and "sets her straight".