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joined Feb 27, 2018

Y’know I’m starting to think I called this awhile ago... now we wait to see if I’m actually right.

Image Comments 03 Jun 16:26
joined Feb 27, 2018

@TheAlmightyUltimus Same, I would love that.

joined Feb 27, 2018

Idk why I do this to myself the title literally says unrequited and here I am like maybe just maybe she has a shot between this and life with my brothers wife I’m all angest out.

You know you might have a point there. This could actually be about Kaoru's unrequited love. It seems to me that Reichi never actually loved her, he might've literally just married her because she was there. As soon as Kaoru stopped providing him everything he wanted he just went to find someone who would and then Risako just seized on that. Whether because she actually wanted Reichi or because she's punishing Kaoru for not choosing her.
So it could happen that Kaoru and Uta end up together, or I'm thinking about this way too deeply and trying to convince myself this isn't going to be a flaming train wreck of an ending.

joined Feb 27, 2018

Is anyone else getting the vibe that it might end up paralleling the school play hard?

Image Comments 01 Dec 21:03
joined Feb 27, 2018

I really hope this does become canon

Image Comments 30 Nov 22:38
joined Feb 27, 2018

Woooow, we can never have anything nice without massive debate. ^BugDevil if you don't like it don't watch it or seek out content for it, just let the people who enjoy it enjoy it. ^BlazingSeraph calm down a little it's okay for people not to like it, not everyone who dislikes the new She-Ra is some straw man who hates women and progress, I can sympathize that the animation style isnt to everyone's tastes and it's vastly different from the original She-Ra, which is not a bad thing, it just is.

joined Feb 27, 2018

Basically, I'm just saying that I trust Itou Hachi that answers do exist even if we never get to learn them. In many works I don't trust the author and accept that the answers aren't given because the author never came up with them in the first place.

My questions are not primarily aimed at what Itou Hachi is doing (although if she wanted to, it seems like it would be easy enough to drop some more specific background details into Mist’s responses, etc.), but at what readers are doing (and what they are given the information to be able to do) with what Itou Hachi is doing.

Is the whole beastkin/human system a hopelessly corrupt exploitation of the labor of the powerless? (All of human history making “yes” a pretty good bet.)

Is it a humane (and ponder the implications of that word for a second) way of helping the beastkin make the most of their lives?

So when readers are considering the pros and cons of the possibility of physical love between Master and Mel, are we looking at:

  • Bestiality
  • Pedophilia
  • Interspecies MIscegenation
  • Sexual Slavery

And how soon can we get it?

And on another note, why did my predictive text think that the next word that comes after “Pedophilia” might well be Blitzkrieg?

Cause whatever system you're using was programmed by a pedophilic nazi? That or your search history must be very interesting...

joined Feb 27, 2018

Please stop... no more... just let us enjoy the fuzzy kitty and lesbians in peace.

joined Feb 27, 2018

....... why is it we can never have nice things.....? Why can't we just just say oh what a cute story!? It's fictional, if you don't like it stop reading and let the people who like it read it.

joined Feb 27, 2018

If this has happy ending I'm gonna be disappointed.

It's Itou-sensei, of course it's gonna be happy. Maybe a little bittersweet.

joined Feb 27, 2018

At this point I think MrCatt is either trolling or there is something else going on here...

It doesn't matter anymore. I already posted raws and cleaned psd files for chapter 2 and 3 on yuri-project board. Anyone can help with TL and TS now.

Bless you

joined Feb 27, 2018

What a failure as a parent. Her bias toward Hajime became obvious and Ichigo didn't take it well.

Uhhhhh, no. Parents tend to treat their children differently depending on personality, Ichigo was a horn ball and just wanted to have sex. There probably was some favouritism but the "turning point" was that sensei would hug Hajime but not Ichigo, and sensei has a pretty good reason for that "what with the sexual harassment and all). Ichigo is probably a sociopath as most normal peoples' "not taking it well" doesn't include 99+ murders....

last edited at Oct 25, 2018 5:33AM

joined Feb 27, 2018

You know... Ayaka's parents have to know what's going on right? I mean realistically you don't just watch your youngest daughter turn herself into her dead sister without doing anything.
I'm guessing either the parents only ever cared about Touka and neglected Ayaka so she acted out by skipping school and being a delinquent . Ayaka probably resented her sister and got angry and wished she would disappear, when Touka actually died it broke Ayaka who felt impossibly guilty so Ayaka decided to become her. And at the end of it all the parents either don't care or are happy that"Touka" came back.

joined Feb 27, 2018

At this point I think MrCatt is either trolling or there is something else going on here...

joined Feb 27, 2018

Well let's throw my two cents in and see if I get mauled by the professionally offended.
The way I understood it was that the girls were very close, the guy confessed first and they ended up dating. However Ichika was far more comfortable with the Ritsu. Ritsu struggles with her sexuality and guilt and like most teenagers gave into her hormones. That kiss is what starts Ichika questioning, she's upset it was done sneakily but she was also happy because she loves Ritsu, this led her to feeling guilty and struggling with her own sexuality as she is dating the guy. Seeing this the Ritsu thinks it's best to make Ichika hate her and then leave her and the guy alone. Eventually the Ichika comes to terms with her feelings and makes a decision, she and the Ritsu have mutual feelings and get together. The guy accepts this because he wants them both to be happy.
The ending is a bit too neat and tidy and I think the author should've spent more time fleshing out the reasons and consequences but ultimately it comes down to the fact that the girls are homosexual, the guy never stood a chance because she was never actually attracted to him. She went out with him because that was "normal".
So that my view... please be civil if you disagree.

last edited at Sep 26, 2018 7:07AM

joined Feb 27, 2018

Welp, this devolved into quite the little mass of opposing viewpoints, how did that happ-... oh right internet...

joined Feb 27, 2018

Isn't it common in japan to have sex right away in the countryside? It's less to do and the more bored you are the more hands you hold.

This person... has read way too much hentai... I mean I can understand your view if your only context is Manga and Anime but really? I would assume being in the countryside in Japan is the same as being in the countryside in similarly developed countries right? Feel free to correct me though.

joined Feb 27, 2018

I'm glad this finally got updated, not so happy about the translation job. IDK how new Mr.Catt is to this so I hope they take some of the less... vitriolic criticism in hand and improves their efforts. The first few pages were fine, but the sudden use of a more niche accent, the swearing, the made up words (I think they're made up anyway) as well as the typos and poor sentence structure do throw you out of the story. I'm all for taking a bit of licence to make certain phrases and expressions more relevant to the English language or western audiences but you do have to keep it as faithful to the original as you can.

joined Feb 27, 2018

Sooo, I'm guessing this series is dead in the water huh? That's a shame

last edited at Mar 19, 2018 6:42PM

1 x ½ discussion 28 Feb 04:31
joined Feb 27, 2018

You know it might be that Asuka isn't actually Ayako's daughter but her niece. It might be that Akira might actually be Asuka's mother.

This is quite plausible but I'm no fan of cop-outs. There again, still aunt/neice although by marriage.

I'd maybe have bought it if it had been revealed before they had gone this far ... but basically having incest sex and then afterwards going "surprise, it was actually (sort of) fine!" wouldn't make much sense.

if Akira didn't turn out to be Asuka's mother then that would be a bad and a lazy twist ..

Sad thing is I've seen a lot of decent premises for niche stories all of a sudden change to a more mainstream story. Hopefully this does not do that.

1 x ½ discussion 27 Feb 01:57
joined Feb 27, 2018

You know it might be that Asuka isn't actually Ayako's daughter but her niece. It might be that Akira might actually be Asuka's mother.