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Sweet Dangus McGee
Image Comments 30 Nov 21:40
joined Jul 2, 2017

at a distance this looked like Tom Nook and Redd haha

Sweet Dangus McGee
Image Comments 07 Nov 01:40
joined Jul 2, 2017

aw this is really cute

Sweet Dangus McGee
Image Comments 03 Nov 23:50
joined Jul 2, 2017

i have a decently good tolerance for how fucked up a pairing might be; these two might be too fucked for me

Sweet Dangus McGee
Image Comments 21 Oct 16:51
joined Jul 2, 2017

what kind of position is this? maybe it's implying some kind of toy is involved

Sweet Dangus McGee
Image Comments 27 Sep 14:00
joined Jul 2, 2017

@macfluffers ay someone with good taste! Wouldn't have expected fatt to come up around here, love to see it.

@Swag Wagon see I don't necessarily think DnD is a very good gateway TTRPG. It's a household name sure but its mechanics and narrative design are a hodgepodge of outdated systems and unnecessary complications that gives a seriously limiting idea of what TTRGS can be, there've been so many innovations to the genre. At most it's just a gateway to more DnD. At least 5e anyway, 3.5 is at least honest about what it is.

last edited at Sep 27, 2020 2:01PM

Sweet Dangus McGee
Image Comments 26 Sep 02:08
joined Jul 2, 2017

Or yknow better yet, skip DnD altogether. It’s got a stranglehold on the ttrpg community and there are like a thousand alternatives big and small that offer better role play, better table dynamics, better mechanics, better crunch, and are usually way more accessible, just without the household name PR. A little research will take you a long way.

Sweet Dangus McGee
joined Jul 2, 2017

some levels of fucked up here

Sweet Dangus McGee
Image Comments 13 Aug 03:59
joined Jul 2, 2017

its a mirror

Sweet Dangus McGee
Lily Marble discussion 11 Aug 01:19
joined Jul 2, 2017

Man some of yall gotta chill. Disappointing and frustrating and rushed as this end is it's pretty clear this was damage control for a pretty consistent and nice series that got cancelled way too quick and before half of its established characters could finish their arcs. The disappointment is valid but don't get all up in arms about the series as a whole or the author about it, blame whoever it is that got it cancelled to begin with

Sweet Dangus McGee
Image Comments 02 Aug 02:37
joined Jul 2, 2017

whyre we talking about yuriwhale here you see these muscles

Sweet Dangus McGee
joined Jul 2, 2017

normally i like this trope but its a whole different thing if the cat's still a cat in a human body, no thanks

joined Jul 2, 2017

this is great! whats with these really good lesbian sex work doujin coming out in such short order?

Sweet Dangus McGee
joined Jul 2, 2017

what a weird pacing

Sweet Dangus McGee
joined Jul 2, 2017

wow this got good real fast

Sweet Dangus McGee
Image Comments 21 Jul 04:22
joined Jul 2, 2017

Go with Petra, Dottie.

Sweet Dangus McGee
Image Comments 12 Jun 23:49
joined Jul 2, 2017

I agree with you all but if its any consolation, you dont actually get with anyone in the game

Sweet Dangus McGee
Image Comments 06 Jun 02:45
joined Jul 2, 2017

i dont even know who these characters are but some of you gotta chill, reevaluate your relationships with trans folk if you're pulling out the thesaurus squirming about an artist depicting a character as trans.

Sweet Dangus McGee
Image Comments 24 May 22:28
joined Jul 2, 2017

Coming from someone who hasn’t slept in weeks what are you talking about, she looks fine

Sweet Dangus McGee
Lily Marble discussion 14 May 11:57
joined Jul 2, 2017

Wait, I thought the age of consent in Japan was 13, no?

Its 20 I think

No. 20 is age of full adulthood, for things like drinking alcohol.

In the most typical situations, age of consent for sexual relations is either 16 or 18, depending on local legislation.

Does the Federal age of consent of 13 apply at any point? Yes, with parental permission or if you can prove in some other way that your relationship is a consensual, dedicated and romantic one to the police, should they come asking.

Age of getting married at least used to be 16 for women and 18 for men, but I've heard this is supposed to become 18/18.

When Tsubasa said she's adult, she meant she's 20.

Still it is kinda funny Mizuho's all worked up about it since even with all this context, a 19 year old dating a 30 year old is maybe eyebrow raising for most people, but it's not like its outright Immoral lmao

Sweet Dangus McGee
joined Jul 2, 2017

I hate how this author's whole deal is like, 3 percent lesbians, 97 percent incest and bestiality. It's so shitty and yet I'm morbidly curious?

last edited at May 13, 2020 7:55PM

Sweet Dangus McGee
Image Comments 12 May 00:19
joined Jul 2, 2017

Love to see Off The Hook on here

Sweet Dangus McGee
Image Comments 12 May 00:16
joined Jul 2, 2017

Tall Girl's back must be killing her all the time with that mountain range she's got on her chest, oy.

Sweet Dangus McGee
Image Comments 11 May 21:54
joined Jul 2, 2017

Guess this is a choice

Sweet Dangus McGee
joined Jul 2, 2017

man the covers on these things are so enticing, wish we got a story about those two

Sweet Dangus McGee
Image Comments 21 Apr 01:17
joined Jul 2, 2017

i dont think having kinda short hair's enough to qualify being a tomboy