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joined Apr 4, 2017

really like this one. like that the whole fish business didn't go away with the realized repressed feelings. very cute and very many animals. tasty duplicating animals violating the conservation of mass and energy.

joined Apr 4, 2017

Rutou san - Stalker type, S type, ulterior motives yet genki magical pixie dream girl. More insecure than she seems?
Wamura san - Otaku (mild), M type, dense type yet accidentally very forward. Hopefully (likely?) more than audience insert.

Seems like a great set of dynamics for a love comedy. Maybe not revolutionary but execution matters more and so far its delivering.

joined Apr 4, 2017

ending feels rushed and awkward and includes what seem to be genuine arcs turned into distracting asides. gotta say i shipped little sister and friend but that too was rushed.

overall this was a great series that feels a little axed over the last 3 chapters.

ace lesbians are valid.

joined Apr 4, 2017

whew the colorism is certainly more intense than usual and the rest of the story and the characters are kinda thin

like none of the characters finding basically jailing a young woman for tanning notably bad or cruel is

joined Apr 4, 2017

noriko's attraction to tokiko's sadistic face (annoyed face) shows her potential (desire) to be tokiko's sub. it's subtext. (pun intended)
she'll be a bit of a bratty sub 7+ years later lol.

joined Apr 4, 2017

yukiko's one shots are so frequently sparse, slightly claustrophobic, and steeped in something short of ennui.
all of these are complements.
this is a great one shot and a delicious yuri

Make a Mark discussion 20 Aug 06:46
joined Apr 4, 2017

well executed. like the chars a lot. love the trope of "they deserve each other" when done well. where you feel shadenfreude and concern and a slight amount of hope. hope for what? well not simply for a happy ending but not for a bad end either. a hope that they stay stuck in the mire in an aesthetically pleasing way perhaps?

joined Apr 4, 2017

just so good

joined Apr 4, 2017

It isn't that Seiga can't stand to be trapped by a strong Yoshika's protection. It's that it'd be very satisfying in an S kind of way to cut her way out of that walled in feeling. You can see her excitement at the prospect of Yoshika becoming a genuinely strong wall to cut through.

joined Apr 4, 2017

Gotta love the combination of art and mood. Reminds me of Yamaji Ebine's works in the best way. The characters are elegantly caught up in themselves and each other.

Sandals discussion 10 Aug 06:26
joined Apr 4, 2017

that was a delicious yuri, thank you

Michi discussion 06 Aug 18:11
joined Apr 4, 2017

one of the iconic little one shots. running from happiness because you're not used to it and fortifying against loss while making that loss more likely. but fluffy and resolved and not a recurring issue. it turns out you can escape yourself at least in a oneshot.

joined Apr 4, 2017

Honestly one of the best yuri mangakas. The art is fantastic, the stories are tasty, and the characters are really brought to life.

joined Apr 4, 2017

such delicious yuri

joined Apr 4, 2017

even she can't stop herself from getting excited very cute

joined Apr 4, 2017

the dynamic is so good

joined Apr 4, 2017

Any suggestions for a slow burn romance sfw series? Not unlike what @BunCell is looking for.

the canonical Morinaga Milk series which are happily/sadly licensed but can be found >_>

Sasameki Koto is famously slow with lots of burn. poor akemiya chan though...

The Last Uniform so slow so burn. multiple couples

Kimochi no Katachi #lizard

longstrips like Lily (one of the slowest burns imaginable) and Straight Woman Trap (not on this site)

As Yet I have No Name not very slow but with very tasty burn. still has that slow burn feel

An Absurd Relationship slow burn that's focused on two moe characters rather than plot per se

My Unrequited Love the very definition of slow burn

the two most recent series from Ohsawa Yayoi

The Girl Through the Viewfinder amazingly atmospheric with subtle burn

!notably darker than the others but also imo also good!

Blue Friend a very 90s and 2000s feeling series (in a good way?) that's now no longer on a defunct site so very missable

Dark Forest White Road kinda the point is slowly getting to feeling a burn at all? very good yuri still imo

last edited at Aug 1, 2022 5:29AM

joined Apr 4, 2017

domme butch girl appreciators aren't all good people. some even are jerkfaces. however we can all agree that we especially need more slightly insecure or flighty or feminine girls switching into butch mode without thinking about it. gap moe!

Yuzurenai discussion 29 Jul 11:05
joined Apr 4, 2017

yum that was a delicious yuri, thank you

joined Apr 4, 2017

It's so good and the sequel as well.

Our Time discussion 29 Jul 02:42
joined Apr 4, 2017

very nice and tbh very trans. obvious happy end is obvious. but it's really about those desires and that amazing interpretation of turning into sea foam. sometimes a manga is in part about the art.

joined Apr 4, 2017

There's a scene in this manga that has the MC and the girl she likes in cooking class/home ec. MC carries over the pot of stew? because the crush is more lady like and starts serving. a boy protests that he wants to be served by the MC's crush because she's a girl and the MC ends up saying something like "why did i end up agreeing with him" or so.
the start of the manga is the typical "she's so pretty and feminine and i love her" bit. can't remember the ending other than that it was some kind of happy yuri etc.

joined Apr 4, 2017

refrain kiss is kind of a hot mess, but not really hot or messy enough. not enough commitment to justify expanding on cigarette kiss's ending and a big tonal shift without a lot of payout. also the pacing feels off.
the refrain kiss story beat concepts could work amazingly in theory but i just feel that they're impossible to implement in just one chapter and it shows.

still one of the better three shots on dynasty.

Boyfriend discussion 27 Jul 08:41
joined Apr 4, 2017

Sure this story is nominally against compulsory heterosexuality but the endorsed compulsory conventional femininity is a highly linked problem that's inseparable from comp het. "Even if you don't like men you need to be attractive in a way and act in a way that marks you as a legitimate target of men's affections" is how this compulsory femininity reads in the story. See the remark about Yuuko looking down on women by not taking care her of appearance in the "right" way. And yes conventional femininity is embedded in cis-heteropatriarchal structures in part just because those are the structures we live with right now.

There are reasons there are many, many, many works about tomboys who want to be feminine like their love interest. There are reasons there are very few works about butch x butch couples scanlated on Dynasty. Not all of the reasons why are evil or bad but it sure isn't neutral or random.

Compare Gender Game and something like Your Cuteness to this work. Both are against compulsory roles. Both are way less invested in compulsory femininity than this work is.

An aside: "Yuuko actually wanted to look feminine herself" is a terrible argument in this context. Yes this character has actual desires that aren't a reflection of the society and time in which the author wrote the work. Yep, it's feasible that all the fictional gay tomboys thought to themselves and all decided that femininity was for them despite how any IRL lesbian meetup looks. There are no authors and characters are all intelligent. Sure.

joined Apr 4, 2017

Nvm, I found it

Well? Aren’t you going to share with the class?

isn't this it? yankee not gyaru i guess