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joined Mar 31, 2017

How do you interpret that last panel with the "Haah..."? Could it be that Hina is getting tired of Ai's bullshit? Because I kinda am.

I see it as Hina being glad that Airi did come around as she had predicted, although it took longer than expected. She did start to doubt her prediction while they were walking into the ocean. She's probably suspecting that Airi is much closer to another breaking point than she thought.

last edited at Nov 28, 2021 6:31AM

School Zone discussion 16 Nov 08:01
joined Mar 31, 2017

So....any chance we can get the new chapter early? As far as I hear it's pretty big, physically and mentally. If not don't worry thanks in advance.

Unless someone else wants to release tiny pages in terrible quality, I'm afraid it'll have to wait a month.

joined Mar 31, 2017

If they're both nearsighted, using the glasses of someone who's less nearsighted than you should still help somewhat, right?

joined Mar 31, 2017

The second chapter was "the second of two guest chapters," but now, Chapter 3 is "the third of three guest chapters." Does anyone know what's going on?

In chapter 2 the whole text says "two simultaneously released guest chapters." They were both in the same magazine issue and at the time I didn't think that detail was important at all since it didn't say anywhere that there'd be a third one. Guest chapters are pretty much always a surprise.

School Zone discussion 02 Oct 16:47
joined Mar 31, 2017

Is it me or there are pages missing?

Chapter 88 has 12 pages. What do you think is missing?

School Zone discussion 02 Oct 14:03
joined Mar 31, 2017

Anybody know what the Chinese text on page 11 says? Also, I assume this means Yokoe is half Chinese half Japanese?

It's not Chinese, so no, it doesn't mean that. I imagine Japanese readers who went through the trouble of deciphering this had as much fun as I did.

last edited at Oct 2, 2021 2:04PM

School Zone discussion 01 Sep 15:20
joined Mar 31, 2017

What does "halfie" mean in this context? Is Yokoe half Japanese?

Yeah, half-Japanese. That line isn't necessarily about Yokoe, but it would be pretty random to throw in otherwise.

joined Mar 31, 2017

Holding tongs

joined Mar 31, 2017

Some series start as guest chapters. Stardust Telepath started with 2 guest chapters, too, and serialization was already confirmed when the 2nd came out. If it's popular and the artist wants it, it could become a series. He or she seems to be in the LN illustration business so far.

joined Mar 31, 2017

Think about the intimacy of literally sharing your thoughts and feelings with someone else. A kiss would be nice indeed, but I wouldn't bet they're marketing this as yuri because it'll turn into a standard kind of romance. It's still a Kirara series and miracles can happen, but remember that Kirara Miracle got axed and cannibalized by the other magazines 4 years ago.

Also, this is on break next month likely so the author can work on Volume 2 extras.

joined Mar 31, 2017

The alien text behind the song lines in chapter 23 were just the original lines translated into Esperanto.

School Zone discussion 29 Apr 15:45
joined Mar 31, 2017

The idea of pairing tags has been floated in shadowy backrooms before, and I (as one person, who doesn't have final say) am perfectly open to the idea. I'm not convinced we would need to pick one pairing tag per character, and that seems needlessly limiting given the series' variety. Ideally, the tags would follow exactly what content is depicted. So that should be a non-issue. However, I'm just a casual reader here, so I could be totally wrong on all of this.

I didn't actually consider that. I can see how that could work out, if the person who assigns those tags doesn't have their goggles on too tight and actually wants to go through every chapter to judge which pairings are even to be considered and if they're represented strongly enough in each chapter. For example, I don't think a Kaname x Yatsude tag is even an option even though Kaname keeps hinting at having an interest in her, which Ningiyau even confirmed in an interview.

I just want to err on the side of caution and not give readers wrong expectations when they see the chapter list for the first time. So as long as they're carefully applied based on the chapters' contents and not a staff member's preference for one ship over another, I wouldn't actually have a problem with that kind of pairing tags.

School Zone discussion 29 Apr 10:13
joined Mar 31, 2017

Petition for this to get couple-tags like Virgin's Empire

Please no. The couples aren't that clear here and deciding on for example either one of "Piyo x Tsubaki" or "Piyo x Kaname" will give people the wrong idea of what's official.

Yeah I know it's not that easy, the couples aren't that clear like in VE, but I don't know, at least a "character tag" for when, you know, you wanna read something about some specific pairing of characters or so

I kinda doubt the staff here want to make new global tags for the characters of one series, but if you're willing to visit, I just added a character filter under the "All chapters" section.

last edited at Apr 29, 2021 10:38AM

School Zone discussion 23 Apr 05:55
joined Mar 31, 2017

Petition for this to get couple-tags like Virgin's Empire

Please no. The couples aren't that clear here and deciding on for example either one of "Piyo x Tsubaki" or "Piyo x Kaname" will give people the wrong idea of what's official.

School Zone discussion 22 Apr 20:24
joined Mar 31, 2017

Who is Sakaki again?

The bundle of joy last seen in chapter 80.

last edited at Apr 22, 2021 8:24PM

School Zone discussion 22 Apr 16:39
joined Mar 31, 2017

So I hadn't seen this until now, came in and just looked over the most recent . . . uh, it looks like after 82 chapters there has been exactly zero progress for any of the characters. Um, not that there's anything WRONG with that . . . but is that basically where we're at here?

If you don't know where they started, how would you know it's zero progress? Also, it's a large cast. There definitely has been progress, but it's a comedy series first and yuri second.

School Zone discussion 22 Apr 16:04
joined Mar 31, 2017

Likes stern or angry eyes huh? Wonder who that could be.

Sakaki, calling it now.

joined Mar 31, 2017

So, basically, "The Filthier your are, the Cuter you are" or "You're so cute when you're filthy", I'm guessing? (Any Translators and/or peeps who know Japanese, feel free to correct me)

The filthy you is the cutest there is.

きたない (kitanai: filthy)
君 (kimi: you)
が (ga: is/are)
いちばん (ichiban: number one, first place, at the top)
かわいい (kawaii: cute)

I always thought the title was closer to 'The filthy you is the cutest'. It's pretty interesting that one title has some many takes, but I guess in this case, I think we need to consider if this gets licensed that the title would get localized. So may something more along the lines of " Your disgusting self is the cutest" or something like that

With a language as different from English as Japanese, a lot of choices are up to the translator and context. It's actually not clear if the title means something along the lines of "You're the cutest in the world when you're filthy" or rather "You're at your cutest when you're filthy", so I'd translate it as "You're the cutest when you're filthy". The Engrish subtitle that I believe the editor chose by the way is "I Love Your Cruddy." You may have noticed it on the volume covers, including one time misspelling it as Cloudy.

School Zone discussion 06 Apr 18:57
joined Mar 31, 2017

I'm being really nit-picky here, but the original Pixiv file names are wrong for the second Yoru/Tamaki short. They've been renumbered to follow on from the first one, but they should be 66544820_p4 to 66544820_p8. As a bonus (or maybe an annoyance), here's another picture of them that wasn't included in the chapter.

You're right. They originally had the right filenames, but I was careless in renaming them to fit at the end of the release. Sorry about that and thanks for pointing it out. For that other picture of them though, I wouldn't have included any of Tamaki and Yoru if I hadn't already had these 2 short chapters lying around fully translated for another purpose since they're not technically part of the official series. I do hope their designs aren't completely wasted, even if they only show up in the background at some point. Ningiyau has a habit of designing more characters than she seems to know what to do with though.

I updated the filenames in the release archive, but since you already knew about them, you can just rename them on your end, too, if you downloaded it.

joined Mar 31, 2017

Good stuff. Tae is the best.

School Zone discussion 02 Mar 08:57
joined Mar 31, 2017

This is the last chapter before volume 4 right? Sooo hiatus time? I'm really curious to know what happened between the Hinase twins. True Tsubaki I can't tell if Yatude was sleeping or not she always has that face.

That's how Yatsude gets away with sleeping in class, too. We've been in Volume 4 territory since chapter 74 though. They're just not technically from Vol 4 because it's not out yet, but they will be whenever it releases.

School Zone discussion 10 Feb 14:30
joined Mar 31, 2017

Ueharu-sensei looks to be already married, so take that into account when you ship her with Akutami.

School Zone discussion 01 Feb 13:09
joined Mar 31, 2017

Was the phone call a misunderstanding or a bad boyfriend?

Not even a misunderstanding. Fuji herself thought it was just a friend.

joined Mar 31, 2017

For this kind of coercion, I'd say it counts as rape. Someone who's blackmailed into doing it also consents in a way. Would that not be rape either?

joined Mar 31, 2017

Taking bets on Yuu-chan having something wrong with her, too.