Well I put Aoi Shiro on hold after my interest began to wane a bit. Made it through 2 routes but the lack of real yuri has left me a bit unmotivated to continue reading. I may get back to it at some point because it's pretty well done overall.
It has nice variety of characters and a pretty decent plot. My biggest complaint other than the yuri being far too light is that best girl Ayashiro doesn't get a route.
So I do recommend it if you're fine with the yuri not amounting to much.
Vndb: https://vndb.org/v710
I dropped Highway Blossoms because the writing wasn't up to my expectations. A lot of the flirting was pretty good but the overarching plot and a lot of the character interactions were too nonsensical.
I'm told that Heart of the Woods is better and that Please Be Happy is much better. The Vndb scores for them are much higher than Highway Blossoms, so I'm optimistic about enjoying these other Studio Elan works despite not being a fan of my first VN from them.
Vndb: https://vndb.org/v18381
I've started reading Seven Days With the Ghost, which gets spicy pretty quick. Definitely making up for the yuri deficit I was experiencing while reading Aoi Shiro.
The main character is a total goof, always mucking things up and is "totally not into yuri". I can't tell if it's going to get more serious or stay mostly goofy and smuty.
Vndb: https://vndb.org/v6341
I'm also reading Salome's Kiss. This one is definitely a serious work and I'm enjoying this main character. She's trying hard to contain her inner demons (AKA her homosexuality), but I look forward to her losing that fight.
The prose does a wonderful job of fitting the Victorian England setting, though there's been a few more obscure words I've had to look up.
It's nice to read a OELVN with solid writing after my disappointing experience with Highway Blossoms.
Vndb: https://vndb.org/v32852
Next up was going to be Katahane, but I'll have to hold off on that since I've been very much looking forward Everlasting Flowers.
I've often dreamed about a yuri version of Aokana with Asuka as the protagonist, and while this isn't quite that, it does look promising and may scratch that itch. Hopefully studio Sprite will deliver with this one.
Katahane Vndb: https://vndb.org/v22
Everlasting Flowers Vndb: https://vndb.org/v46543