Forum › Posts by Kitsune Inari

joined Jul 20, 2011

so I can see her going down a similar path to Patchouli's, except with more mushrooms.
except with more mushrooms.
more mushrooms.

More mushroom

joined Jul 20, 2011

Also, that onee-Chen pic is awesome. Pun intended.

Btw, are Gaku Gaku Malaysian? I mean, I ask because of the credits page.

last edited at Jun 23, 2015 3:07PM

joined Jul 20, 2011

I should probably watch it at some point, though I really don't want to watch the first season cause I don't like the Mahou Shoujo genre.

Mahou shoujo? I thought the genre was Super Robots, disguised.

joined Jul 20, 2011

Plain my ass, Shiori is very cute.

Even moreso when she's rocking out with all her heart. At these moments she's so cool. And so hot. And I just noticed how oxymoronical that sounds right now.

joined Jul 20, 2011

Regarding Marisa becoming a Magician, I'm of the opinion that Magicians are not different to animal youkai like nekomata (youkai cats), tanuki (youkai raccoons) or kyuubi (youkai foxes). We are animals too after all, and perhaps a magician is just a youkai human.

Kitsune Inari
joined Jul 20, 2011

Here, have a cutesy one. I've requested it to be uploaded here but I think it never was (it's even translated by a group that has stuff uploaded on this site)

Oh your god, that was nutbladder-blastingly adorbs! Eromame's art has this inherent cuteness, and the chibi-furry pictures just make it even better!

Спасибо большое, Flips.

last edited at Jun 20, 2015 5:48AM

joined Jul 20, 2011

I'm not sure, but... are they going commando, or is it just my imagination?

Kitsune Inari
Image Comments 16 Jun 16:08
joined Jul 20, 2011

Wriggle and Mokou are both in the boys' uniform, yes.

It looks good on them.

joined Jul 20, 2011

Still couldn't get pass how those things are BIG in Yohane's doujin. There's a certain charm in it, but goddamn they're big.

I think the word for that would be hugemongous.

Kitsune Inari
joined Jul 20, 2011

(Fate) -Nanoha... I, uh...

(Nanoha) -I uh you too.

Kitsune Inari
joined Jul 20, 2011
  • HNNNGG level critical, nutbladder meltdown imminent
Kitsune Inari
Topaze discussion 06 Jun 11:11
joined Jul 20, 2011

Those noses.

Having watched Escaflowne I guess I'm more or less immune to long noses. Compared to those, these ones feel rather mild.

joined Jul 20, 2011

c7 pg6: ""And then keeping it warm with both hands, Sharo drank the cup.""

And it need not be said what happened after that...

As they say on Twitter, they had lots of sex afterwards.

Kitsune Inari
joined Jul 20, 2011

I thought she was thinking about the Tosa; Kaga was a Tosa-class battleship before being converted to an Amagi-class carrier (and thus becoming Akagi's adoptive sister)

Kitsune Inari
joined Jul 20, 2011

Well yes, alcohol is a neurodepressant agent and one of the first brain functions it disables is self-restraint.

Kitsune Inari
A-Zone discussion 26 May 13:01
joined Jul 20, 2011

Does ch.3 exist?

Kitsune Inari
Marriage discussion 26 May 12:23
joined Jul 20, 2011

comedy huh ? some of the joke are not funny or i don't get it.

Perhaps we got so overwhelmed by the cute that it passed under our respective radars. I'd still say that it's cute in a funny way.

Kitsune Inari
Philosophia discussion 24 May 16:46
joined Jul 20, 2011

Spoiler!* she's a leaving. She's a pimp. Now she's dead! And you get hit with this all with in one chapter Spoiler end.

And now she's reincarnated in her new younger sister!

Kitsune Inari
New Game discussion 23 May 17:12
joined Jul 20, 2011

I guess I'm not the only one who thinks Hifumi is foking adorable. Besides, I identify with her, being a tad shy myself.
And Kou and Rin do indeed look like a married couple. Their day off, the discussion about their first paycheck...

I just started reading and already have several ships.

An entire fleet has already set sail.

Kitsune Inari
Image Comments 23 May 07:16
joined Jul 20, 2011


Kitsune Inari
Image Comments 23 May 07:03
joined Jul 20, 2011

At first I thought they were Sakurako and Kasumi from the author's new manga.

Kitsune Inari
Image Comments 23 May 07:00
joined Jul 20, 2011

I love this one; both how it looks and how it feels.

Besides, that Niconico seems to be wearing just a shirt probably implies something...

Kitsune Inari
Image Comments 23 May 06:52
joined Jul 20, 2011

It's hard to keep expectations low when the author gives us THIS!

Kitsune Inari
joined Jul 20, 2011

I'm Commander Shepard, and this is my favourite pairing in the Citadel.

Kitsune Inari
joined Jul 20, 2011