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joined Oct 25, 2015


btw the "your hands are cold" bit is a reference to pride and prejudice, no-rae mentioned jane austen right before that

That information just makes me swoon harder at that scene. Seol-a...

P.S. Love Jane Austen, especially Pride and Prejudice, but can't place a quote for my life. (== _ == )_

joined Oct 25, 2015

"The movie they were watching" how was Seol-a watching it?! It looked like she was staring at No-rae who was watching it rofl.

I loved that. It was totally obvious even before we got to the next pane where she was looking.

That movie was probably on rerun. ha-ha

I want to know what Seol-a thought when she blushed and smile to herself.

I also want to read the exchange where No-rae is making a puppy-dog face and making Seol-a feel "bad". ha-ha.

So much cuteness and agony. Thank you, Ssamba!!

P.S. @halmoni is going to make my friggin' DAY when she posts. (By that, I mean make it more than it's already been made I guess... >_>) _

P.P.S. Back to re-read number...lost count already.

last edited at Feb 7, 2016 10:23AM

joined Oct 25, 2015

My heart is all...fluttering and frustrated at the same time. THAT stinking phone....

O.m.g... a whole week before we see the aftermath. ...Sweet torture.

Every time I scroll it's a rewind on the heart strings. Same sequence of emotions. Might even be more potent on re-view.

last edited at Feb 7, 2016 10:15AM

joined Oct 25, 2015

Oh. Yeah. I totally forgot. Starting out I was really amused watching Ina and Seol-a talk. They're so similar. It was funny.


[FANGIRLING MODE] Its so fluffy im gonna die! XD

Yes! ha-ha-hah-a

last edited at Feb 7, 2016 9:40AM

joined Oct 25, 2015

Drunk? Their faces aren't flushed at all. I'm expecting things to progress quickly...well, in terms of resolving things previously ambiguous. No-rae can't not connect the dots now. :?

This--the future--is going to be awesome!

Omg. Ha-ha. The part where Seol-a is blowing on her hands is so similar to the nail-painting scene.

And I'm so glad No-rae also leaned in. They were BOTH in that moment. (ಥ﹏ಥ)

I'm still displeased but the future is looking up.

joined Oct 25, 2015

Why can't these phones coincidentally run out of battery? How bout that. :(

joined Oct 25, 2015

28 <3 in 7 minutes

Yes. Progress... (ಥ﹏ಥ)

joined Oct 25, 2015

(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
┻━┻ ︵ヽ(`Д´)ノ︵ ┻━┻

Got up off the couch. x1 (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻

And then... ...I am so angry/frustrated. ლ(ಠ益ಠლ)

joined Oct 25, 2015


the new semester is already kicking my ass = i didn't have time to finish this up like i wanted to, but i figured i should just post what i have before the new chapter comes out and officially renders it non-canon. so here's another silly comic for those of you who are still awake. enjoy :)

Thank you, thank you. (^.^ )

last edited at Feb 7, 2016 9:01AM

joined Oct 25, 2015

Finally. Getting serious. (Just read ch06.) I like this mangaka's work generally, period, but this chapter cemented my interest in this (so far) little series. I don't care for lying, but I enjoyed the intention behind Hana taking the fall for Hina, taking "blame" for the loss. Kinda shows she has her own willpower in a subtle, non-stereotypical way.

Looking forward to the rest.

joined Oct 25, 2015

re: anonymous

Friendzoning art by andersdruv:

Slightly inspired by Clone High :D

Thanks @halmoniswag for translation and thatanon for editing on half of this!


Please, excuse the double post. This is awesome!

P.S. Thank you and good night!

joined Oct 25, 2015

re: anonymous

Immediately after reading the Yu-ji-flashback letter, a blimp crashed into the dorm, killing Yu-na instantly. ;D

Also, moments after, a meteor wiped out the whole town.

I definitely lost some tooth paste over this. Ha-ha. ( > __ >)

re: nya-chan

I wish that Ssamba will stop using accidents to push key points of the story along. Once is fine, twice is like uh okay sure...but she's done it like 5 times now?! It is getting too repetitive and dragging it out way longer than it should be. I liked the pacing it was at in the beginning, but I think since around chapter 45, it has been too slow.

"only" 4 accidents I think? Car, bus, bike and now ski.

Unless you count the injury of the ex-bf.

Then it makes 5.

Truck-san is biding his time.

What was the car accident?

As for the count, depends on how you classify "accident"...because those both seem like low counts to me.

injuries: No-rae's bus accident, Seol-a's dancing "career" ender, Sung-pyo's sports career ender--I'm so trying not to laugh out loud (still with the toothpaste) right now--Ina's "hiking" injury

almost traumatic experiences: Seol-a ex rape, Seol-a crash, Seol-a date rape

"eye-roll" accidents: Seol-a and No-rae slipping in the snow (Yes, it was cute, but still...)

totally acceptable accidents: No-rae running into Seol-a on the way to class

witness/overhear leads to bad stuff happening (or stuff not happening): No-rae overhears conversation about sketchy guy, Seol-a sees No-rae and Jin-ho talking, the confession FAIL (take I), Ina observes x2-3-and-counting

Nomination for Seol-a for "FF most sufferer-er"

disclaimer: This sub post is no more than the cursory reflection of an invested-but-feeling-somewhat-cynical Fluttering Feelings fan.

Baek Seol-a:

  • Love interest? No-rae
  • Feelings mutual? Yes, but it doesn't matter. (They still don't know.)
  • Is there an ex? Yes, on the love interest's side. And he continues to exist.
  • Near-death experiences? two (observed)
  • Near-rape experiences? two (observed)
  • Back-stabbed experiences? two (observed, more rumored)
  • Confession(s) failed? one (of one attempt)
    • Cause(s) of failure? The ex.
  • Current emotional state? broken/lost/kicked puppy/hope is dead
  • Real-not-family friends?
    • No-rae ...
    • Jin-ho. Liked--or likes--No-rae, but still too much of an nice guy to be cut off.
    • Ina. 'cuz desperation.
  • Fan romance optimism? waning a bit, beginning to rely on hallucinations fanfiction to get by
  • Most recent kinda-sorta-at-least-almost-romantic event? Last chapter love interest (No-rae) hugged Seol-a after she nearly DIED. The fanbase is ecstatic--No, really. Some fans are still excited about this. This is where we are for now... ಥ_ಥ
joined Oct 25, 2015


Art by chmartx

Ssamba is going PG-21 again giving us such a… WARM & TENDER HUG!!! FF is getting really lewd. What a good way to start femslash february! LET’S SLAAAAY

A mood lift. Thank you. ^. ^

P.S. Enjoying the series of unfortunate "accidents" (parody) too. hahahaha...

joined Oct 25, 2015

Thank you @halmoni for the super fast translation. least she didn't actually get hurt. This chapter was meh. The only bright-ish spot for me is that it kinda looks like we are gonna get closure on Sung-pyo's bit.--I seriously could've done without the snowboarding "accident".

sighs Another week...

P.S. Thanks for sharing the info about "AAVE" folks.

P.P.S. That, Ina, was weird. >_>_

joined Oct 25, 2015



I think "you do you" has its origins in AAVE so it's possible that the phrase is specific to the US, maybe that's why some people are confused by it? That's just my guess though since I don't know where you all are from :P I'm not a linguist.

If ignoring how likely it is that a given reader will understand it (in my personal experience it isn't a very common phrase though I at least know what it means), then I agree that out of the suggestions so far, "you do you" does seem like the best fit.

I don't know what AAVE is, but I figure it is an American expression. I can only recall hearing it in the past decade, and the later end (e.g., 2000-), too.

P.S. Ina. All the suspicion around Ina is lost on me, but I'm amused at how much it's caught people's attention (since the beginning of this arc). ha-ha...

last edited at Jan 30, 2016 7:39PM

joined Oct 25, 2015

@takachi (post)


An alternate translation of the part "so you do you" would be something like "I'll be doing my own thing" (implying "so go ahead and keep hanging out with your friend"). Dunno if that sounds any clearer to you?

Literally it says "You do it your way", or "You do it however you want to do it", which more or less implies "Whatever"/"Suit yourself"/"Have it your way"/etc. It doesn't necessarily say anything about Seol-a's actions in particular, she's commenting on No-rae's actions in a sort of sarcastic/"I give up" manner. 네 (you) =/= 내 (me), although they're homophones in written speech (but not in common spoken speech).

Usually when I'm translating a rough draft I tend to go for the most literal translation possible, so it's good to see feedback on what lines I need to clarify or change for the final drafts. I couldn't really think of anything else other than "you do you (boo boo)" cuz I'm a ghetto ass ho but yeah I'll probably adjust that line later to something less ratchet.

I think something like "so go your own way" or "so have it your way" would make a lot more sense to me. The problem with "so you do you" is that the first "you" looks like a typo for the typical expression "so do you". Yeah, I know the latter doesn't make much sense, either grammatically or lexically, but that's exactly the problem. I just couldn't get this bubble at all. Besides every time the verb "do" uses an animate direct object, I tend to get a completely different meaning, as in "doing someone" *__*

"So you do you" is a very common expression to me. It seems more fitting because it is more ambiguous than "so go your own way" or "so have it your way". It's a lighter expression even though the motivation behind it is often "I've given up".

"So have it your way" sounds more like the end of a confrontation. Were they talking before this? To me this strongly implies that there's some shared known action or events, and I thought that at this point, No-rae still isn't sure that Seol-a is upset about her behavior.

"So go your own way" is more forceful...and I don't get it in this all, really.

Another way of saying it is "Do whatever you like", but "so you do you" is lighter by virtue of the range of situations in which it's used. Even though you say "you" it's more indirect. It can be akin to "Michael's being Michael" "Jane is being Jane." It can be condescending or playful or dismissive (harsh or more just defeated wherein the speaker feels like she's the one who's lost whatever situation).

Isn't this more of a "keep doing whatever you've been doing" (while I go out) or "so you keep doing whatever..." (you've been doing) sort of thing? As in, more of a drive by where Seol-a is on her way out and No-rae doesn't know what's wrong or why exactly she's saying good-bye in this way?

These all have different mixes of confrontational, defeated-sounding and dismissive. And then causal versus formal, and "So you do you" is definitely that. Given the situation (as I understood it) halmoni's translations sound most fitting (to me), but the translation she with was more casual and thus more fitting, to me.

last edited at Jan 30, 2016 2:51PM

joined Oct 25, 2015

@cipp: Thank you for sharing! I enjoyed it too. A nice addition to the art thread. :)

joined Oct 25, 2015


... I just realized something.

cipp, did you make this?


I was curious about that too. ...cipp?

joined Oct 25, 2015

All good. Thank you for the replies!

joined Oct 25, 2015


I was curious about how some people were linking to post and was directed to this thread. I recently realized I could right-click on the date-timestamp link to the right of the poster's username.

I've never installed this script. Is this new...or is this a new forum feature or something? If so, thank you. If not...well, it's still cool and a really nice feature to have finally noticed. ha-ha

joined Oct 25, 2015

@cipp re: stuff (。◕‿‿◕。)

== Seol-a ==
Just to be clear, I didn't feel like Seol-a was going backward in her feelings. I think she's well over the hump. I just meant that her head dialogue at that moment seemed to be full of dissonance, cognitive dissonance. Totally normal. I wasn't implying any wish-washiness in her feelings. I didn't have words to express that clearly. Still don't, I guess. ha-ha.

Thank you for clarifying your point about "having her hand forced". Those hypotheses sound reasonable to me. I, too, disagree with the thought that Seol-a is more invested. Her personality just lends itself to being more expressive. It's easier to see.

== Sung-pyo ==
I think--hope Sung-pyo is still around because their (his and No-rae's) story hasn't had an explicit close. If he's just present to have generated this angst for Seol-a, I think that would weaken the story telling. And complete closure doesn't have to have No-rae talking to him. He could just see that she feels deeply for Seol-a (e.g., if their relationship evolves on the trip or something). He'd probably recognize the in love/deep feelings in No-rae--if something happens.

== No-rae ==
I'm really looking forward to the next chapter (and I didn't want to leave No-rae out ;)).

P.S. I just learned how to do strikethrough with Markdown (or whatever flavor it is that is used on this forum). Woo! Not what I wanted though. I like tildes for headers. ¯\(ツ)_/¯_

P.P.S. I know HOW TO LINK! Wooooo. (I learned this on second edit.) 1) Right-click on the date-timestamp post link of the post (to the right of the username) 2) copy 3) paste. (The first time I figured it out I click on the "x posts" link, clicked on the thread name link and copied and pasted the link from the address bar.)

last edited at Jan 27, 2016 5:30PM

joined Oct 25, 2015

@cipp & @Tiger

Also, unlike Seol-a, No-rae hasn't had the benefit of having her hand forced. She's said that she's content to stay by Seol-a's side forever and as far as she knows, there's nothing stopping that from happening/the status quo seems nice, happy, and stable. Though at least, she's noticed and is bothered by Seol-a acting distant at times, and I really want her to connect the dots and realize that it happens when Sung-pyo is involved... meanwhile, Seol-a is under the impression that No-rae and Sung-pyo are this close to getting back together and she's about to be friendzoned.

As I was reading the comments before yours I realized why No-rae didn't just turn Sung-pyo down. No-rae's not evil for thinking this way, honestly, but it makes sense.

She's convinced that Seol-a is straight. If she isn't going to date Seol-a anyway, she might be willing to try again with Sung-pyo. It would definitely be worth a shot if Seol-a actually WAS straight, and No-rae doesn't know what we know, not yet.

What evidence has been presented that No-rae thinks Seol-a is straight? Also, I don't see any hint that she's still interested in Sung-pyo.

What we got from No-rae's inner monologue is that she's somewhat content with things as they stand--or so she thought then. I think that that thought was a bit naive. Cause she's clearly bothered by Seol-a not being present.

What do you two mean by "hasn't had the benefit of having her hand forced"? Are you referring to Seol-a having to face up to her responses to the ex-boyfriend being present? If so, then is that that much more different than No-rae having to deal with Seol-a drifting away (whenever the ex is around).

Again, we don't know that No-rae tried to get drunk. We do see that she was bothered by Seol-a's going off, but, you know, easy going No-rae. Doesn't think she should maybe leave Sung-pyo and go after her friend...

With the amount of foreshadowing early on in the story about No-rae's walls and such, it seems like a very fitting climax to have her deal with that. Plus, Seol-a has been trying to get past them forever, even going so far as to chase No-rae to her hometown, and it still wasn't enough! Seems like No-rae is going to have to do it voluntarily now.

I agree with this. In order for them--No-rae to have a successful relationship she's going to have to learn how to communicate. I don't think she'll have to even do much (out of character or out of her comfort zone) because if she can just get Seol-a to start talking, I think Seol-a will take the reigns (depending up on her mental state).

If someone's oblivious to certain things, that's not wrong. It just is. Seol-a likes No-rae as is, so she'll have to deal with that at times. Seol-a likes to be direct, but she doesn't know how to navigate this situation. No-rae is more likely to let things go and so I do think Seol-a is more vulnerable in the current circumstance. No-rae is conflict averse and hasn't connected Seol-a's absences to her own behavior with her ex. I think Seol-a might be a bit to broken right now to notice that No-rae has reacted to her change in behavior. The ball is is No-rae's court.

Reading the words from Seol-a's head, it sounds like she's in a bit of denial at this point. She stated very clearly that her feelings weren't platonic a few chapters ago, but her words this past chapter were much more ambiguous. Clearly, she's scared. No-rae on the other hand, to me, she just hasn't decided to act yet. She doesn't seem particularly scared. So given that she's less messed up right now, I do think she's in a better position (mentally) to reach, but she won't if she isn't motivated by something. It's easier (for her) not to act.

Remember, No-rae didn't wonder that Seol-a might've been deeply hurt by her running away earlier on in their relationship. She was a bit in awe at Seol-a's persistence (when Seol-a finally _talked to her. See how that works?). I think it would be a good growth sign if No-rae finally did consider: "Oh, Seol-a's affected, maybe it has something to do with me". Or, "Oh. I'm affected. Maybe I should talk with the person about whom I care most." Stop beings so complacent. Grr!

...Falling for super nice, caring, oblivious people can hurt like...ugh!

I also agree that she won't say anything to Sung-pyo unless he makes a move and that he probably will.

joined Oct 25, 2015

re possibility of Seol-a running away:
Given how thoroughly Ssamba has developed her characters, I'd be somewhat surprised and disappointed if Seol-a ran away. That's not her style. That's No-rae's style, and they're very different people. I certainly wouldn't. That doesn't have to be the response, and I hope it's not.

All I can think of is the scene where Seol-a is in the hallway and grab's No-rae asking her not to abandon here...or judge her?? I can't remember which chapter this is, even. Plus, it's happened twice. At least. And, realistically, Ina knows something's up. Even if she didn't try to assume more than friendship, she knows they need to talk with one another.

Ultimately, I think it would be pretty childish and immature of Seol-a to throw that sort of behavior back in No-rae's face. Yes, people do things like that when they're scared, but I want her to be more mature than that. She said she wouldn't run. (Bath house.)

I saw your post on my way to bed and resolved to my earlier decision, so anyway...

I think I earlier described that I had a similar reaction, but your post had me re-analyzing it, again. It really was an emotional collision. There were know panes or moments between. I think the chapter might've been better of without it. The action sequencing of the entire chapter was a bit hard to follow, but I think it flowed well emotionally up to that shift.

It might've been a "last minute" pick-me-up for the readers after that devastating frame of Seol-a's heartsick face. ...It still...seems like a mistake. Did that work for anyone?

--Oh. And the whole time I was reading/looking at the scenes with No-rae and Sung-pyo walking together, I wanted her to tell him she's not interested. Seriously?! No, she's not leading him on, but, come on? Has she yet said anything to let him know their chapter is very much over. I mean, look at his face!

(Totally bottled that in yesterday.)

Ughh... I'm just so not complacent like that. Or conflict averse. ...No-rae's fine.

After reading with the words attached (thank you thatanon). 1) I was able to laugh at the concluding scene 2) My upset at the lack of action on No-rae's part was dissipated rereading Seol-a's unsure, inner monologue (said over images of No-rae's sleeping face) because No-rae can't any more certain.

I guess I do want Ina to say something because if this unfolded in a realistic, not-happy-path way (as is the road for most relationships, successful or unsuccessful), we'd be many chapters away from happy feelings. I'll take the ending as a promise from Ssamba not to drag us through these dark (and for some of us very familiar) feelings much longer.

No matter what else happens--even a confession--I want to "hear" No-rae's side of things. I'd like to know if she's just coasting along (protecting herself), holding her feelings and not doing anything with them, or if she's really unsure what decision to make, or if she's just as scared as No-rae (which I honestly haven't felt, seen or heard from her yet).

Without out the other side of the story, I'm just going to keep getting upset on Seol-a's behalf.

P.S. Thanks again to thatanon for swift delivery of the typeset.

joined Oct 25, 2015

Hey guys,

Group mentality is taking things a little ...far. And off topic. Not everyone in this "drama" is in on the "fun". I don't think this mini thread is funny.

I'm not saying the group is wrong, but collectively it has the bigger voice and the individual...doesn't have much of a chance. It doesn't feel all I'm saying... and if you're part of the group it's easy to keep rolling without awareness...

I agree with what kyra said response... but I don't think the entire message will get home if we put the person on the defensive.

We've got a good, albeit painful, chapter here, so let's get back to FF. Please. Even the plot device comments, however true or jocular--it's a touchy subject right now. Hopefully, time will make it less so.

It would be cool if people just replied to comments on the chapter or took a deep breath until next chapter. ¯_(ツ)_/¯

...Anyway, I'm really looking forward to (inner) thoughts from No-rae. Or, seeing them just talk. Really talk. I think there are many possibilities for next chapter, but I mainly just want someone to save Seol-a from drowning.

P.S. Actually going to bed now.