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joined Jan 11, 2015

I need more of this manga, it's so good xD
PD: I don't get the joke in pag 8, could some explaining that to me, please? :c

It's a math question for a lower grade than she's in, and she's having trouble solving it. x)

Moondrops discussion 29 Dec 13:38
joined Jan 11, 2015

That's actually a lot easier to understand than the original Japanese, lol!

Moondrops discussion 29 Dec 13:01
joined Jan 11, 2015

When I watched the Flying Witch anime (raws), I had a similar reaction to Makoto, lol. And you're right. The way they did it in that scanlation was very effective!

Since I watched the raws of the anime, I'm curious how/if it was translated by fansubs?

last edited at Dec 29, 2016 1:02PM

Moondrops discussion 29 Dec 12:32
joined Jan 11, 2015

The southern US-ish dialogue makes me wonder what the original Japanese dialogue was, lol.

Isn't that usually how the Kansai dialect gets translated?

That's quite common, yeah. The southern US accent is usually the go-to for representing Japanese accents in translations, since it's easily recognizeable to most people, and also easy to convey in writing.

Since there's no way to tell what the original was, however, I always get curious when a character is translated as speaking with an accent. x)

Moondrops discussion 29 Dec 12:03
joined Jan 11, 2015


Korea is a very lewd country then.

Well, they didn't.... D:

Moondrops discussion 29 Dec 11:00
joined Jan 11, 2015

The southern US-ish dialogue makes me wonder what the original Japanese dialogue was, lol.

Also, neither of them washed their hands before leaving the bathroom...

joined Jan 11, 2015

atleast it's better than the one that goes... " I like X , looks like she likes me too! Better have sex with this one because I got turned on when she shook hands with me after going from the motherfucking toilet!"

I hate it when that happens. Can't even go to the goddamn bathroom without ladies throwing themselves at you.

joined Jan 11, 2015
joined Jan 11, 2015

Question about Japanes name interpretation. I am toying with another manga to scanlate after YK. I know jumping the gun when YK won't be done for about 18 months at this rate. The manga is Asahinagu and was abandoned years ago after 3 chapters. Meanwhile, the manga is currently at volume 5 or more. Back to the question, one characters given name in the English translation is given as Akiko. When I look up the kanji it is most likely Junko (淳子). How do others handle this type of problem?

Since that name can be read as Junko, Akiko, Atsuko, or Kiyoko, all of which are more or less common names, I'd suggest looking through earlier volumes for furigana.

last edited at Dec 28, 2016 10:35PM

joined Jan 11, 2015

Hey I got the raws and went to ask to confirm for you (@w7n), but Rop was too lazy to make a post so I'm doing it instead. Also cus like, might as well let others know too.

last edited at Dec 25, 2016 3:03AM

joined Jan 11, 2015

English: (My voice won't come out.)
Chinese: (The sound of not being able to make a sound)

Japanese is 声にならない声, which literally means "a voice that doesn't become a voice". (The translations of the pages after that are mostly the same but the context is important)
English: I like you...
Chinese: (This kind of) 'like'... (If the latter is right, the Japanese equivalent could be 'suki nande...')
This one is highly context-dependent.

Japanese 好き・・・・・・, which literally just means "[I] like [you]...". Whether the meaning is romantic or platonic depends on context in Japanese too.

I don't have the raws to see any of the other examples, but I do see slight errors/odd translations here and there in the English translation. Nothing bad enough to change the meaning, however. Just strange choices.

joined Jan 11, 2015

The worst thing about the latest chapter...

(Release date for the next chapter)

joined Jan 11, 2015

Ropponmatsu posted:

This thread has turned into a free-for-all for spoilers.... I feel sorry for the people who don't wanna read the raws/rough translations...

That would be me, I'm trying not to read much... But seeing the happy reactions of the people, the suspense is pretty much dead

Exactly. I have to tell my friends who don't read Japanese to stay the heck away from this thread until the chapter is released here on DS... =A=

joined Jan 11, 2015

This thread has turned into a free-for-all for spoilers.... I feel sorry for the people who don't wanna read the raws/rough translations...

joined Jan 11, 2015

@Yuri Girl 1001

Ayy~, imaginary conversations! My favourite pastime!

Edit: Also, reviewing what I should have said in past conversations.

last edited at Dec 19, 2016 5:19PM

joined Jan 11, 2015


Could you put spoiler tags on your post? >_<

joined Jan 11, 2015


It's not a fictional idea, tbh. I was a pretty late bloomer in real life, and I certainly remember thinking "oh, so two girls can do that?".

joined Jan 11, 2015


Japan is considerably more conservative than NA and Europe. Getting married and having children isn't "what most people do", it is "what you should do". Even if you have a fling with someone of the same sex, you'll grow out of it and get a "proper" life at some point.

Personally, I find the conservative atmosphere makes such "forbidden" love all the more interesting. :]

joined Jan 11, 2015

dohkey dohkey dezoooo

Took me a while... D:

joined Jan 11, 2015

I can't say much without spoiling something... But that was an awesome chapter!

joined Jan 11, 2015

Until now, I had thought that positive comments were a mere legend.

I'm happy so many people liked it!

joined Jan 11, 2015

Hmmm... i kinda can't stand the word dyke... sounds awful to use... O_o


That's exactly why I used it. :p

joined Jan 11, 2015

I must admit that I found the frog-like eyes a little distracting... D:

joined Jan 11, 2015

Am I the only person who ship Ibuki x Makoto? Yes? Well, I'm going to the corner then.
Anyway, this chapter was so random, wasn't it? xD

Well, I mean... I wouldn't say no......

But what about Karin x Sakura?!

joined Jan 11, 2015

A Juri doujin that isn't about feet? What spore of madness is this?!