Not to mention the idea that a human being getting wet involuntarily causes an immediate severe cold.
Like who the fuck invented that? I know it's a myth, but it has been engrained in my psyche from the earliest days of my childhood that I (mostly) still act acording to that myth.
Er, BV, I think Blastaar was refering to the Japense anime cold that strikes the moment one is unfortunate enough to be assailed by a single raindrop. So... you were raised somewhere were this myth exists?
Well, kind of, but no where near as exaggarated as in Japan.
It's just that, we assume that if we find ourselves out in the rain without an umbrella or without any sort of jacket that lacks a hood that we could put on head, and if the rain is strong enough, we'd get a cold unless we get home and take a hot shower ASAP. And by that I mean just the common cold, so really only thing we'd get is some annoying nose running, sneezing and caughing, with a light fever being added to the mixed in extremely rare and... well... extreme circumstances.
The kernel of truth as it were is that wet clothes cool you down immensely especially paired with wind, which can cause colds. Though typically it only happens if you are more soaked than a sponge in the ocean for a long time and the wind is heavy enough to blow your top off.
last edited at Dec 18, 2019 12:40PM