Forum › Posts by benja

joined Aug 10, 2015

First of all, I never said that dieting will kill you, I said that if you're always on a diet that actually works, you will continually lose weight until you become anemic and underweight. "Dieting" means managing your food intake in such a way that you lose weight, you're supposed to stop dieting after hitting your goal weight and instead switch to a life-and food style that keeps you at that weight without gaining or losing weight in general.

No one has claimed it's impossible to change your weight, the issue raised was that diets are usually bullshit because they try to sell you the idea that "just do this for a few weeks and you're done" when in reality, you then have to also change your entire lifestyle permanently to one that can maintain you at that weight. Going back to what you were doing before dieting will just get you overweight and in need of dieting all over again, which conveniently means you're back to giving money to the people trying to sell you dieting bogus.

you seem to have the wrong idea about diets ,if you´re talking about diets from magazines and shitty internet articles you´re probably right but If you go to nutritionist or a doctor they will tell you that diets usually involve eating heathier and at proper times not eating less

A lot of dieting manga have this flaw, where they will introduce a diet that works for the character but then once they hit their weight goal they just stop and go back to the same behaviour as before, only conveniently they don't gain the weight back because fiction doesn't have to follow rules. Not saying all dieting manga do it, just that it's usually a good sign that the author is writing about something they probably don't really know much about.

well to be fair most of the times when characters gain weight is because they started overeating and/or having an unhealthy life style and when they get back to their original weight is implied that they also went back to a somewhat healthy life style

joined Aug 10, 2015

Diets are usually a trap since even when they work, you're just gonna gain the weight back if you don't change the rest of your lifestyle to keep your weight where it is afterwards. Diets are designed to make you lose weight, not maintain it; if you stay indefinitely on a diet which works then you'll just slowly kill yourself.

unless you´re a boxer triying to go down 2 weight classes i highly doubt a diet will kill you ,besides you don´t have to eat a plate of salad every day you can start by changing small things like eat less fast food, exercise on a daily basis, etc the idea that you can´t change your weight permanetly is dumb and unfounded

joined Aug 10, 2015

I haven't read the original (or how many other remakes of their story have been made, I've no idea XD), so I wouldn't know if it was any better. But this isn't very good...? I'm having a hard time following the plot, which... is a bit ironic since there doesn't seem to be much plot....

the original was an ok anime the plot was poorly developed and the bad guys were subpar but the relationship was solid. There was this will they-won´t they feeling about them , there was some hints of himeko being in love wih chikane but since chikane didn´t have the raw strenght nor the mecha (like souma) it felt like she was being left behind despite her efforts to support himeko .So the end was a rollercoaester of emotions
without the context the characters feel a bit empy and now that their relationship seems to be set in stone the story feels kind of boring

last edited at Aug 5, 2021 2:45PM

joined Aug 10, 2015

myabe mei can only see the arrows cuz she hasn´t fall in love , maybe sayo´s arrow started to blur cuz mei started to fall in love with mei

last edited at Aug 2, 2021 8:15PM

joined Aug 10, 2015

i don´t see you-chan anywhere on this doujin
that tittle is clickbait

joined Aug 10, 2015

what are you doing step sis?

joined Aug 10, 2015

she's acting kinda sus

ඞ amogus

amoඞus (ඞ is pronounced ng)



School Zone discussion 31 Jul 17:29
joined Aug 10, 2015

do they have a hinasayo-.esque relationship ?

now that you mentioned it, I think so yeah. They're kinda like the reverse of Hinasayo, except Tsubaki is a lot more sensible than Hina.

It's like a darker Sayoshina, Tsubaki is openly in love with her sister and sayo was less cruel and change her ways rather fast

last edited at Jul 31, 2021 5:30PM

School Zone discussion 31 Jul 02:52
joined Aug 10, 2015

do they have a hinasayo-.esque relationship ?

last edited at Jul 31, 2021 2:58AM

joined Aug 10, 2015

everyone is wondering why future nanasawa keeps making advances on her senpai, but the real question here is, why not? is not like she has something to lose she already experience her senpai marrying another person due to her lack of action, as far as she´s concerned she´s trapped on that timeline so why dont give it a shot and again if she´s trapped on that timeline her past self might as well be consider a separate entity . It is dumb to cuck yourself? kinda . it is short sighted? maybe , it is unreasonable? definetly not

joined Aug 10, 2015

she's acting kinda sus

ඞ amogus

last edited at Jul 31, 2021 12:38AM

Image Comments 29 Jul 02:08
joined Aug 10, 2015

Were pokemon outfits always this lewd

joined Aug 10, 2015

I do like some ecchi on my manga but this is getting kind of tedious,

joined Aug 10, 2015

the moment sara showed up i knew she was going to reveal she had a boyfriend to surprise to no one i kept reading cuz i wanted to be wrong, god damnit why cant best girl wakana be happy

joined Aug 10, 2015

i was planing on not watch super stars since nijigasaki was kind of a let down but god damint there´s just so much memes of keke and now i just wan to see it . Oh shit here we go again

Image Comments 26 Jul 16:48
joined Aug 10, 2015

^ i guess you´re right aside from ruby and dia there´s not a lot of sibilings relationships in love live, i guess what i was triying to say is that people that are into love live and other idol franchises are usually people that are already deep into anime an it´s "quirks"

Image Comments 26 Jul 15:53
joined Aug 10, 2015

i just recently went into the bandori rabit hole cuz i wanted to know the backstory of this ship and realize that sayo x hina is a rather polarizing topic, i didn´t knew there was so much people that hate it so much, i always thought that bandori was similar to love live and people were used to this kind of ships

last edited at Jul 26, 2021 3:53PM

joined Aug 10, 2015

straightforward communication between two people about their feelings? in a yuri series? wild

Is it possible to learn this power?

not from a yuri author

joined Aug 10, 2015

Oh wow, somehow this was the chapter I needed to finally give a damn about Shiho and this whole arc. So it turns out that she only took up the guitar out of spite?! "I couldn't have what I wanted because of you, so I'll take what you wished for but couldn't have instead"?

So she's always been such an incredibly selfish and arrogant and petty person! I'm really, reaaaally happy to see that. I'm just so tired of authors giving sappy backstories to antagonists in order to justify their actions, that it feels so refreshing to finally get a story where they remain incredibly selfish and arrogant and petty.

Yes, it is understandable that a child who has been made to believe that they will forever be the best would crumble at the realisation that they are not. But that doesn't change the fact that Shiho was never able to let go of this grudge. She's still prideful and arrogant. This chapter really gave us a more complete image of who Shiho is and why she does what she does. Even her lashing out at Aki and quitting the band takes a new perspective: the reason clearly involved jealousy towards Yori, but while I used to believe that she was hurt because she likes Aki (which is still a possibility), now we also see where her inability to accept defeat stems from. Shiho felt like she was losing to Yori, and she couldn't accept that.

This chapter reignited my dislike for this character, but it also managed to finally spark some genuine interest towards her in me.

if you put it like that i gues shiho does work wonders as a twirling mustache villain if she had more personality and style she might as well be a clasic disney villain

joined Aug 10, 2015

stand name: VALKYRIE

Image Comments 22 Jul 21:34
joined Aug 10, 2015

just do it make your dreams come true

joined Aug 10, 2015

what a salty bitch OMG she literally started playing guitar out of spite, am i suposed to feel empathy for her after reading this chapter?
I used to not care about shiho but now i actually want her to get her ass whoped byt the SS girls.and after that they just leaver her alone

joined Aug 10, 2015

There's nothing wrong with nanase wanting to prioritize volleyball and not want to be outed if she's not ready to be, that's fair enough. But she's being incredibly unfair to Yuni by making promises to her and breaking them, keeping her at a distance further than she keeps her friends and seemingly not even showing her affection when they're alone together. It's not just that she hides her relationship, she just doesn't seem to treat yuni as her girlfriend alltogether.

Yeah yuni shouldn't cheat, but nanase is not good either


joined Aug 10, 2015

dijeron hable ahora o calle para siempre y mya-nee escogió la calle por siempre

joined Aug 10, 2015

That's a completely fair take, and I think an interesting perspective. I know I might be in the minority here, but for me it fetishizes it because it feels like the author is trying to simultaneously to make the audience go "wow this is really fucked up" but also "wow the toxic sex is hot".

i mean i guess there´s people thar are into that kind of stuff but i think most people are thinking "wtf is wrong with these people" , i also think that while some people find it interesting almost no one is thinking "that was so hot i want a partner like that IRL" again maybe some people do but i don´t think that´s the intended reaction unlike other mangas like shoujo to kuro ouji or citrus

last edited at Jul 19, 2021 12:23AM