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joined Jul 26, 2016

Yuu too?

...I'll get my coat.

joined Jul 26, 2016

Torajirou-sensei clearly has little time for "obviously matching" pairings, whether potential or established. If anything it seems to be something of a recurring theme for them to be wildly dissimilar people who've found a(n often surprising) connection of some kind...

A standout example would be Yuu and Mari who were introduced very early on as already a couple, probably the furthest along as far as onscreen relationships go (given they are for all practical intents and purposes fucking like rabbits), and are pretty much night and day as personalities go without readily obvious common interests - not counting their deep mutual attraction and complementary kinks. (A "how they met" arc would be pretty interesting to see.)
I'm tolerably sure the author found it hilariously ironic to match them up with the MahiMahi, who are not only the most unequivocally innocent pair but also the single most glaring exception to the aforementioned recurring theme... :P

last edited at Sep 6, 2019 1:49PM

joined Jul 26, 2016

Not sure what the author is trying to go for here aside from "let's explore every possible taboo--with a yuri twist!".

Pretty sure the whole series is basically just Kurogane letting his id run wild for keks.

joined Jul 26, 2016

Heterosexuality is an ideology.

Literally what.

joined Jul 26, 2016

I hope the author decides to make a sequel of it to wrap it up better. At least, more far down in the future

Skeeter Rabbit+?

Skeeter Hare :v

joined Jul 26, 2016

Mind, Onoda's look factor goes up by a fair bit too when her hair isn't in those goofy braids o3o

1 x ½ discussion 04 Sep 23:15
joined Jul 26, 2016

The upside is, she just realised in full exactly why she keeps getting so antsy around mother dearest.

And she learned a few useful techniques to try on said mother, eh?

...maybe? We don't actually know how far Miyuki ultimately got with her, do we? thinking.jpg

joined Jul 26, 2016

Just about anything involving the manga club is amazing tbh (also Onibi-sempai looks pretty fab with her hair down :o)

And the MahiMahi's unfailing ability to casually just wholly bypass Yuu's shell remains 10/10.

Yuu used ~TSUUUUN~ !
It's super effective!

joined Jul 26, 2016

Yeah, I really like her development. She's happier when they're together sure, but she's just nicer and more optimistic all the time now, without it feeling like that newfound happiness purely depends on Honoka's positive feedback.

...I think you mean Haruka. Honoka's the resident (gay and fujoshi) Sadako expy, remember? ;)
Onoda's character developement arc started very early actually, already back in the second volume. It's rather touching that A) Miyoshi & Co. go out of their way to invite her to such gatherings B) she accepts and C) the others are visibly happy she did.
She just didn't have the kind of, uh, intimate friend (wagging_eyebrows.gif) the others do before getting acquainted with Haruka much later...

And of course it's nice too because Onoda's always been lowkey one of the gayest of any of the girls, she just never had anyone to be gay with before.

Speaking of... and her very first appearance was engaging in some Is My Hobby Weird level shenanigans.

It's always the quiet ones, eh? :P

joined Jul 26, 2016

Pen-names are also a thing so wouldn't try reading too much into those to begin with (and the relatively large number of "unisex" Japanese names doesn't help matters any)...

joined Jul 26, 2016

I like how a guy can fetish lez and write porn about dykes as long as he mention pride it's OK, its realist. Here, you just pinkwashed your bad porn.

This reeks het so much it's making me nauseous.

Inquiring minds want to know - who was it that peed in your cereals today, anyway...?

joined Jul 26, 2016

It's not that she's smug, but it annoys me that she gets to look "cool" in the chapter, given that she's far from blameless regarding Shizuka's inability to move on from her. So it's not really the character itself that annoys me, but the way the chapter makes her look "cooler" than Shizuka, because I don't think she has earned it.

...I don't think you can fairly blame Kaoru for Shizuka taking her... rather extreme and (in multiple senses) decidedly unhealthy reaction to their middle-school break-up and their subsequent weird, long-running lowkey cat-and-mouse game and making those an alarmingly central prop of her own self-image. ("Even though you can't live without me" as the lady herself puts it.)
What she's essentially if somewhat circuitously telling Shizuka is that she can no longer continue their old song and dance, her heart isn't in it anymore; and Shizuka too has to let go of it and build something new with someone who can give her that kind of affection (she actually has one anyway... or used to until now, ouch, but then neither of the older girls is aware Mio saw the whole episode).

I'd say Shizuka's getting the message loud and clear too, she's just having major trouble accepting it - just look at the way she gets increasingly frantic and desperate during the conversation and her utterly devastated expression afterwards. It's probably fairly telling that Kaoru seems to have a sadly sympathetic air about her for much of the exchange, ie. just about the entire latter half thereof - she ought to know (and be able to read) Shizuka well enough to have a pretty good idea what the latter is thinking from the get go.

And yeah, I'd probably not get hung up on it so much if it didn't stick out like a sore thumb from the volume, and if the subplot didn't move at a snail's pace due to being told in small chunks that are scattered over the series at large.

They all do, though. The whole Kaoru-Shizuka mess is just the sole storyline with genuine drama and stakes which duly makes it rather stand out from the altogether fluffier and more optimistic others. Personally I just find the contrast refreshing; "warts and all" as it were.

Speaking of the others, though, one overarching story thread I particularly like is Onoda's ongoing gradual loosening up and coming to accept her peers as they come without sweating the small stuff or their little quirks. It's one of the older ones in the book too.
...come think of it, thematically that one has more than few parallels with the Honoka-Elisha arc (which is also adorbs).

last edited at Sep 4, 2019 5:29PM

Image Comments 04 Sep 16:18
joined Jul 26, 2016

^Not particularly. I remember seeing a fair few series that cheerfully went with non-names along the lines of A-ko and B-ko - and given these two are never referred to by name just about the only part where that would be relevant anyway would be like VA credits...

joined Jul 26, 2016

I never wanted Kaoru and Shizuka to "make up". At this point I've even given up on the idea of Kaoru "learning her lesson" or improving as a person. But the sheer smugness that she exhibits in ch 143... Even though, fortunately, the rest of the volume was nice as usual, I'm pissed, and the fact that this subplot is delivered in tiny chunks over the course of dozens of chapters doesn't help.

Not sure how you're managing to read melancholy as "smugness"...

Mind you, the KaoShizuMio chapters tend to be such major mood whiplashes that neck braces may be necessary - particularly here where it's casually dropped between two very cute and fluffy chapters.

1 x ½ discussion 04 Sep 14:40
joined Jul 26, 2016

The upside is, she just realised in full exactly why she keeps getting so antsy around mother dearest.

joined Jul 26, 2016

"This must be the work of an enemy loli!"

joined Jul 26, 2016

I don't think you can call Kurasume a good girl given she blackmail two girls.

B-but her intentions were pure! :o
...pardon, choked on my own bullshit there.

1 x ½ discussion 04 Sep 12:54
joined Jul 26, 2016

I used to think that theory about her mom abusing her was crazy, but now it looks like it could have some merit. 50/50 that was either a flashback or a fantasy.

Rather blatantly the latter.

Even more likely it is just a reference to when mom pushed her down in bed and she overlayed Miyuki's advances with that memory.

Well, with the obvious difference that Ayako was fully clothed ofc. (Also oblivious af) :P

Actually looking at the older chapters more or less the first time we saw this exact transposition was way back with Jun-kun - specifically after he asked Asuka about when she first realised her feelings.

joined Jul 26, 2016

The other one may need some more work, mind... ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

1 x ½ discussion 04 Sep 12:07
joined Jul 26, 2016

I used to think that theory about her mom abusing her was crazy, but now it looks like it could have some merit. 50/50 that was either a flashback or a fantasy.

Rather blatantly the latter.

joined Jul 26, 2016

Do the title characters work at an agency that takes children away from abusive parents....

Alas, an optics manufacturer ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

More importantly, can we take a moment to appreciate how Kurasume is a fountain of awesome if ethically dodgy lulz? Also her delighted face is adorable af. (Honourable mention goes to Kuyou's what is this I don't even look.)

last edited at Sep 4, 2019 11:46AM

Image Comments 04 Sep 07:32
joined Jul 26, 2016

^it's how lesbians make babies ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

joined Jul 26, 2016

Kurausume did nothing wrong o3ob

joined Jul 26, 2016

^That'd be an atypically logical and predictable escalation step, but not necessarily an unwelcome one ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

joined Jul 26, 2016

This chapter was actually fairly tame by this series' standards wasn't it?