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Image Comments 29 Jan 17:09
joined Feb 1, 2013

I agree. It's like some people think that all women have dainty jawlines and long eyelashes.

Image Comments 28 Jan 22:11
joined Feb 1, 2013

@Bugpope:Depictions of her in a wheelchair aren't super common, but you can find a decent amount of art either showing her sitting in the chair or with it in shot on Danbooru.

joined Feb 1, 2013

For an Ayukko doujin, I have to say, this a particularly good resolution to the series. And personally, the fact that Madoka and Homura both relented and agreed to face this new merged world- a result of both of their efforts/desires- together made my heart really happy.

Image Comments 28 Jan 00:22
joined Feb 1, 2013

Is it wrong that I find the fact that she's in a wheelchair even more moe? Because, you know, it means there's more opportunities for princess carry moments... I wanna see Kongo carrying her!

Their Story discussion 28 Jan 00:18
joined Feb 1, 2013

Glad to see Sun Jing and Qui Tong back together again, and bonding over roasted sweet potatoes.

joined Feb 1, 2013

Man, I f*ing loved this chapter, it was great! I'm so glad the whole misunderstanding didn't go on forever like every other single manga I've read over the years. I can't wait to see wait to see the next chapter!

joined Feb 1, 2013

Lol, the subtitle should be "When The Bottom Finally Tops"

Image Comments 18 Jan 20:41
joined Feb 1, 2013

Hang in there Nico-chan! You don't need big breasts to be desirable!

joined Feb 1, 2013

Orin: Ah, send the bill to Komeiji Satori of Chireiden.

... Satori is going to kill those two, won't she?

At least up until she goes there to contest the charges and is converted on the spot

That's assuming Satori in this isn't already on the 'Yuri Side'.

joined Feb 1, 2013

Yae and Chitose are our precious babies! The fact that the original manga got a sequel gives me hope. The only thing I can think of that would make me even happier is if Gokujo Drops got a sequel!

joined Feb 1, 2013

The art in this is really good, lots of sexy details! So glad to finally see this translated.

last edited at Jan 17, 2018 11:24PM

Image Comments 17 Jan 17:32
joined Feb 1, 2013

Just further proof that "Everyone Loves Hijiri."

Vow discussion 16 Jan 19:03
joined Feb 1, 2013

I agree with Mami's statement, Kyouko is "The Cutest in The World."

joined Feb 1, 2013

Oh my god... The facial expressions in this chapter were amazing, especially from Ririha (aka yandere loli). I guess it makes sense that she's 'gay' for Yuzumori-san (lol). And then, the cliffhanger, with Mimika!

joined Feb 1, 2013

This one was pretty cute. Though, I'd also like to note that this is the first Mira work I've ever seen where one of the girls has hair 'down below'. lol

last edited at Jan 10, 2018 1:23PM

Prism discussion 28 Dec 00:17
joined Feb 1, 2013 One of the funniest "you're fucked" moments

The shooting star really sells it.

I'm not sure what's more f*ed up: a) the fact that the women in the group (particularly the one w/ the ponytail) seem totally okay with watching other females getting victimized in front of them- like Mercedes McCambridge in Orson Welles' "Touch of Evil". Or b) the fact that this scene has become so much more sinister to me in light of everything I've learned about most the author's other works. Man...

joined Feb 1, 2013

You just don't learn, do you? The moment you challenge Nezchan, you've already lost.

Yeah, how dare they civilly state their structured and well-grounded opinion on the subject that happens to be negative. Even if repetitive, they haven't done anything against the rules. Much less insulted anyone.

Anyway, I'm just reluctantly looking forward to the chapter Yuzumori and Mimika finally confront each other once and for all. Maybe the careless comfy vibes would come back and we could pretend these useless overwrought new character additions never happened in the first place.

I was half-joking when I wrote that, like something that a comic book character would say. But honestly, I've observed over my years on this site that Nez is someone you really don't want to get into a protracted debate with.

joined Feb 1, 2013

It would actually be pretty interesting if Yuu's light-haired child was a son...


Sorry. My comment was made before I was really aware of the fact that the humor of Mochi Au Lait's works were (in-part) built upon them having an all-female cast. Don't I feel like jackass.

Their Story discussion 27 Dec 22:40
joined Feb 1, 2013

I want a girl to pick me up and run away with me. T_T

And I want to a girl to pick up like that and have fun with !
Did something similar to a friend once. She is so tiny and thin and it was raining. She was so embarrassed xD

I am as tall as Sun Jing is.

As an American, I'm a bit curious as to the relative definitions of "tall" (especially in Asian countries). From what I can recall, I think the average ht for American men is around 5'8-6 ft, with American women being around 5'4-5'8 ft. Aside from ridiculous exceptions like the Chines Basketball player Yao Ming, would a man be around 5'8 and a woman 5'4?

Also, so feel free to call me out on my bs if I'm way off.

joined Feb 1, 2013

It's also possible they don't see them as faults. It's also possible to like something despite its faults.

It can be interesting to see what is wrong in something in order to improve it, or to recognise faults if you want to create something and uses it as referential. But as a reader, why shouldn't we be allowed to simply enjoy a story without having to pick every details out?

Some people just have better tolerance than you have is all. I think you have made your point quite clearly several pages ago.

If any of that was remotely true then the post would have said that instead of attacking me over the fact that I criticized the manga. You have the right to enjoy the manga, but I also have the right to voice my disappointments with it. It's not like I'm replying to everyone who said that they like it, I voiced my opinion after a release and now just replying to the people replying to me. Don't get why so many have a problem with that.

You just don't learn, do you? The moment you challenge Nezchan, you've already lost.

Image Comments 20 Dec 17:57
joined Feb 1, 2013

@rincewind: you're just saying that because you don't want to be 'gapped' XD. Seriously though, I don't get the whole shtick with the 'older' Touhou women being sensitive about age. Yukari clearly has the figure of a woman in their mid-20s to 30s, and there's nothing wrong with that- she's a total vixen.

Image Comments 20 Dec 17:51
joined Feb 1, 2013

I kinda gave up on the series proper when it became clear (to me at least) that the Lamia and the Male Protag would never actually become a couple (after reading a LOT of chapters). Plus the whole 'Monster Girl Harem' gimmick wasn't going anywhere because it's not a full-on H-Manga. And since it's a comedy, any characters getting into a relationship was also pretty unlikely, because it would go against the theme of the manga.

Image Comments 06 Dec 13:40
joined Feb 1, 2013

^Nezchan. I thought the same thing, like "Mio is gonna be sooo mad at you."

joined Feb 1, 2013

Nakazawa really carried this story

Lol. Yeah, Rikugo seems to like randomly inserting Nakazawa into their stories.

What I'm really curious about is that this isn't the first time I've seen some kind of gag "pairing" Nakazawa and Ms. Saotome together. One example I can think of is in the fan animation "Great Detective Homura-chan", where she's 'seducing' him in the background in one scene (

Image Comments 03 Dec 13:13
joined Feb 1, 2013

I also think the fact that they're blushing is making them look more intense... Plus, I mean, hghhh, body freckles!