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Anime season 11 Jul 13:52
joined Jul 28, 2016

Wow, you all weren't kidding about Centaur no Nayami ramping up the yuri... it literally began with a yuri kiss. I'm pretty sure they never actually hook up though (unless they do some time after Chapter 65), so hopefully the legit lesbians show up soon. I don't remember that blue-haired girl and her friend, but, based on the opening, it seems like they're the lesbian sidecouple? I think it was implied that the angel class president also had a girlfriend, but it doesn't seem like her girlfriend showed up in the opening song like the other sidecouple. Dang, I really don't remember anything from the manga... I wonder if I should reread it to prepare for the anime or just watch the anime.

Also, Nozomi's VA also voiced Tooru! Wow! I knew she sounded familiar, but I had no idea she played Tooru too! It seems like she has a knack for playing monster girl lesbians (I don't think Nozomi is, but, well, close enough)

Also, "serious discrimination would be unlikely," haha, if only.

Edit: So, it seems like the first episode adapted the first and second chapters and skipped Chapter 0. I wonder if they'll ever go back to that in the future? I can't remember what chapter that biology lesson is from though.

Edit 2: I want to recommend this to my anime-watching friends so bad, but I know that they'll judge me for it :(. If I'm remembering the manga correctly, it was actually pretty tame compared to most other anime, but that random panty shot and the random swimsuit shots in the opening are NOT HELPING YOUR CASE, CENTAUR NO NAYAMI. I think their skimpy outfits during that RPG scene are at least justifiable since they were clearly parodies of skimpy RPG outfits, but the swimsuit shots are more difficult to justify... Had the same problem with Kobayashi too; if only Lucoa had been cut or toned down...

last edited at Jul 11, 2017 2:17PM

joined Jul 28, 2016

I was reluctant to read this 'cause of the title, but it was actually surprisingly funny. What's even more surprising to me is that trash anime Himegoto (well, I never watched it, so I guess it's unwise for me to voice an opinion on it, but... yeah, the premise looks ridiculously stupid) was apparently written by a woman. It's a shame that she hasn't written any more yuri-ish things; I think they would be a joy to read.

New Game discussion 10 Jul 18:52
joined Jul 28, 2016

Can this even be considered subtext now?

Only in the strictest "why don't they kiss" sense. For all practical purposes I'm pretty sure Rin being in love with Kou is as canon as Oreki being in love with Chitanda in Hyouka at this point.

Dang, I thought for a moment there that Hyouka had yuri in it, but, alas, I looked up Oreki and he's a dude. Still a solid anime from what I hear though, so I'll probably watch it at some point.

Image Comments 10 Jul 16:34
joined Jul 28, 2016

I mean, they are both like 20 years old, so they're not technically lolis... they're legal lolis though which I'd consider just as bad, if not worse (that's my opinion though, I don't mean any offense to anyone who likes those kinds of characters). That said, I'd give New Game credit for having even a few adult characters who actually look their age (or at least don't look like elementary schoolers): namely, Rin, Kou, Hazuki, and Umiko.

joined Jul 28, 2016

I met Yuzumori the Purple on a Dating site and in addition to being 10 years old, she's my sister.

From my favorite artist, Eri Au Lait

(Mind explaining 'the purple'?)

A Qualia The Purple reference, I believe.

Yeah, sorry, it's just that suddenly the apparently 2nd-tier protagonist in love with the younger odd genius got involved in physics talk. When that happened in Qualia the Purple, all hell broke loose. If you don't know Qualia, BELIEVE ME, we do NOT want this series going in that direction. Not with little Yuzumori-san.

I think it's to establish that Mimika, while a ditz, is not book-dumb in all subjects at all. So if they were married in the future, Yuzumori would have to make sure she had her lunch and tied her shoes, but then she might be working at a collider.

I don't know whether I'd be annoyed or amused if Yuzumori-san suddenly went down the Qualia the Purple route... of course, the main difference between this thing and that thing is that there were hints from the very beginning that something weird was happening in Qualia whereas Yuzumori and Mimika are living in a completely normal world (as far as we're told anyway). I think that the most dramatic this manga will get is Mimika getting arrested or something if someone catches her with Yuzumori.

Image Comments 10 Jul 14:23
joined Jul 28, 2016

@ Cannibal

So what you're saying is that even a solid adaptation is kind of a bad adaptation? I mean, I guess it's not all that bad for a comedy thing like this to be adapted out of order, but, as Hotaru's sudden crush shows, it can lead to some problems even in stuff like this...

That said, I didn't really find Hotaru's behavior all that creepy either. It's not like she was planning on kidnapping Komari or anything like that... now, I don't like if any real-life fifth grade kid would actually make hundreds of plushies of their crush, but, hey, it's funny so oh well.

Image Comments 10 Jul 12:48
joined Jul 28, 2016

Does Kaleid/Liner have actual yuri? I never watched it, but I heard that the "yuri" pretty much amounts to oversexualized scenes of 10 year old girls kissing each other for mana... and Ilya (I think I spelled that wrong) is in love with her brother cause who doesn't like incest, right? To be frank, though, even if it has yuri... even someone as obsessed with yuri as me has standards and I also don't want to put on a list (considering Dynasty has loli stuff too, I probably am on it already though).

Image Comments 10 Jul 12:43
joined Jul 28, 2016

Fuck, I didn't even realize what that "rope" was made of before I read the comments. I need to bleach my eyes now...

Yuru Yuri discussion 07 Jul 15:39
joined Jul 28, 2016

Is it just me or does elementary schooler Akari look a lot older than middle schooler Akari? I'm guessing it's just the different hairstyle playing tricks on me and all though. Also, I was hoping that Ayano would start to fall for Yui a bit too, but, alas, it was not to be.

joined Jul 28, 2016

What's that one MakiNico doujin (maybe it was another pair, I'm sure it was something related to Love Live though), where they are flirting incessantly and Honoka looks all exasperated at the end? It always amused me and I'd like to reread it, but I forgot what it's called.

joined Jul 28, 2016

Well, Chikaon already listed most of the good things, but I'll try to list some of the good things that I remember... uh, let's see here...

There's Yuzumori-san. You might be a bit icked out by the premise, and that's understandable, but I think it's a fairly realistic, unsexualized, sometimes humorous look at pedophilia and all that jazz... give it a read sometime.

All of Kuzushiro's stuff is pretty solid too. All of her things have a great, distinctive art style and wonderful humor. I'd avoid Renai Kowai though; from what I understand, it's just generic het crap. Even if you do like it, it got dropped after the first chapter anyway, so... yeah...

joined Jul 28, 2016

This might just be the definition of "slightly yuri".

Why is the bland and full-color look so common for male-oriented slightly yuri? Lots of Hypderdimension Neptunia doujins use it, I think. And Kuttsukiboshi...

There's no such thing as "slightly yuri" and "male-oriented slightly yuri", Don't know where you got these weird terms from.

Well, the afterword (beforeword? I dunno) itself calls this thing "slightly yuri," so I don't think that it'd be too unreasonable to call it slightly yuri. That said, I'd at least give this thing props for at least being more yuri than... I don't know, any cliche SOL thing filled with lame subtext.

Murcielago discussion 26 Jun 22:11
joined Jul 28, 2016

Even though that sniper rooftop battle was completely absurd, it was actually one of my favorite fights from this entire fight-filled manga. I usually prefer melee battles in my shows and whatnot, but this was a pretty cool thing, what with all the mind games and all... and that "I'm not a man" line too, it's just badass. Of course, all the other characters were as great as they usually are too.

I do have a question though.. who is that hooded guy that apparently works for Reiko? The flashback makes it clear that he encountered Hinako at some point before, but I don't remember him at all. Was he from that Murder Party arc too?

joined Jul 28, 2016

Speak for yourself, I found the joke and Homura's perviness quite funny. I do admit that her perviness is rather overused, but I personally still find it hilarious (if done right, of course).

On the other hand I always found jokes about Madoka seducing Homura to be the funniest. Because you'd never guess that the most shy & moe person in the show was actually any good in bed. And there's always the classic Mami Head jokes, now those never fail to make me laugh.

Now, I agree with you there. Manga in which Madoka takes the chance to jump Homura's bones are the best (see: all of Maitake's stuff). Mami head jokes are perhaps a bit trite at this point, but at least they never go over anyone's heads and always make me laugh my head off.

joined Jul 28, 2016

Looking for the source of this image.

Currently nya-chan's avatar. It looks so damn familiar but nothing's coming to me.

I believe it's from either Comprehensive Tovarisch or A Kiss And A White Lily. In both series, it's that apparently white-haired natural lazy genius girl.

joined Jul 28, 2016

Well that was stupid, creepy and flat out unfunny. The two doujins that this artist has made so far just revolve around one joke, that homura is a pervert, and it's not a very funny joke at that.

Speak for yourself, I found the joke and Homura's perviness quite funny. I do admit that her perviness is rather overused, but I personally still find it hilarious (if done right, of course).

Image Comments 24 Jun 23:04
joined Jul 28, 2016

@ RoyceAxle

Did she really say that? Is that a sign that I should be watching Kemono Friends...?

Image Comments 24 Jun 23:02
joined Jul 28, 2016

I've always liked Karin x Yuuna. Maybe not quite as much as Tougou x Yuuna (okay, not anywhere near as much) but still enough that I'm rooting for her. Karin's probably my favorite character, actually, so I hope she gets a girlfriend at some point. Or perhaps there'll be a lesbian love triangle in Season 2...? I don't usually like love triangles, but lesbian love triangles are (comparatively) so rare that I'd like to see some... I don't know if they'd be able to fit a love triangle and everything else they need in six episodes, but, still, it's a pipe dream of mine.

Also, #GIVEKARINAGIRLFRIEND. (first time I've ever done one of these cringey hashtag things... I've finally become that which I hate the most, I suppose... it's one of those "you either die a hero or live long enough to see yourself become a villain" things).

Image Comments 24 Jun 22:49
joined Jul 28, 2016

@ Avaz

I mean, it's not like we know the canon color of Akko's panties, right? ... I would hope not, at least. I never watched LWA and I heard it wasn't one of THOSE series, and I'm holding on to the hope that what I've heard is true!

Image Comments 24 Jun 22:19
joined Jul 28, 2016


Sentient sex doll, huh? I'd like to say that I'm disturbed, but... nope, I'm intrigued. Please tell me more.

joined Jul 28, 2016

"Plain" manager my ass... manager is a 8/10 while Yuria is a 9/10. I call that a close game people. Almost like Warriors vs Cavaliers...

It's kinda implied that Manager is kind of....slightly butch? I could see that being termed plain by a lot of people. Especially by men.

My question at that point becomes "why is the title written from a man's perspective?!"

You could also interpret it as a personality trait having a plain personality type meaning generally serious and not being crazy. And I would assume lesbians see other women thru the eyes of a man to a degree like gay men see a hot guy with the eyes of a woman(half my family is gay and it's very weird going to the beach with a reunion)

I've usually found that straight men and sapphic women have markedly different perspectives when it comes to what they find attractive in a woman.

I'm going to have to agree with Majere. I've actually read some very interesting discussions on how if a girl views (from actions/words/comments, obviously can't get in their head) other girls the same way men do, she's probably faking her attraction to turn guys on because it is so markedly different from how women with genuine attraction to other women behave.

I actually had no idea about that... it certainly is very interesting. Maybe now I can justify my frankly quite misandric belief that men are perverted scumbags and women are pure, angelic creatures? (this is a joke and a super dumb one at that... partially a joke at any rate, the first part is somewhat true). Anyhow, it actually is pretty interesting. It's stuff like this that makes Dynasty worth visiting... I mean, the yuri's the main reason and the wonderful community is the second most important reason, obviously, but learning interesting new things is the third most important (I wonder if I should ask for legitimate data though? Eh, I'll just take it at face value for now).

last edited at Jun 24, 2017 10:17PM

Image Comments 24 Jun 22:08
joined Jul 28, 2016


As a dude who was never in a relationship with a dude before (or anyone for that matter but that's beside the point), I can confirm that I too have no idea if gay couples would do that or not. I mean, I feel that all this casual boob-touching and dick-touching stuff is just dumb anime stuff anyway, but I don't know anything, so, yeah, ignore me.

joined Jul 28, 2016

Are those not panties Madoka's wearing? They sure look like panties, or at least some kind of underwear, to me... I apologize for my ignorance in advance. Anyhow, hilarious thing, just like Kaori's previous hilarious thing.

Anime season 23 Jun 18:45
joined Jul 28, 2016

Anime announced for Comic Girls by Hanzawa Kaori

While this is great news since the manga's pretty great, I only wish that the manga were more gay... I don't know though, maybe it'll be like Kobayashi wherein more gay stuff's added, that'd definitely be nice.

joined Jul 28, 2016

Even now, I'd strongly say that season 1 was definitely not bait. Kumiko wasn't just flirty with Reina, she was hella gay all the time - she even gets roped back into band because she can't say no to a pretty girl. And so much of the themes of season 1 overlap with Kumiko becoming OK with not fitting in to the group - both as a musician who's ambitious, and as a gay girl surrounded by straight kids. And anytime there's a shot checking out the bodies of Reina or Kumiko, the editing specifically puts it in context of one of the girls looking - and being attracted to - the other one. The only reason Shuuichi exists in season 1 is to demonstrate Kumiko's interest in Reina, he keeps trying to lowkey ask her out, and Kumiko keeps turning him down and then doing those things with Reina instead. Like, I don't give a crap what's in the novels, season 1 is super gay.

In season 2 it's obvious the studio decided to go in a different direction after episode 201 (iirc they had some staff changes), and after that, yeah, it's straight girls with yuri baiting. Among other changes, the sense of physical awareness and attraction that was constant in season 1 between K & R disappears in season 2. I didn't much like season 2. But that still doesn't take away from what was in season 1, which works pretty darn well as its own self-contained story.

As a disclaimer, I'd like to state that I never watched Hibike and never will 'cause of all this queerbaiting nonsense. That said, I suppose the way you present this is more reasonable. Fuck you, Kyoani, for changing the direction and all that (if that's not what happened, well, fuck you anyway). I have a definite issue with referring to it as a self-contained story though since, you know, Kumiko and Reina never actually start going out, do they? I guess you could just ignore Season 2 and think wistfully about what could have been and write fanfics and all that, but, well, it's not the same as them actually becoming a couple in the story proper. I'd argue that it does take away from what was in Season 1 if their relationship is confined to never fucking go anywhere. Anyhow, wasn't Reina in love with her asshole teacher (I don't even know anything about him, but I'm gonna call him "asshole teacher") even in Season 1? I might be wrong there, but it seems like a decent indication to me that they never planned to go through with the yuri thing if Reina was confirmed to be in love with asshole teacher and not Kumiko.

last edited at Jun 23, 2017 6:44PM