I have two moms, and my sister and I were both born via different donors.
Her donor had it done so my sister could track him down if she wanted to, and when she got out of college, she met up with him. Long story short, she loves him and sees him as a 3rd parent, and he feels the same but doesn't overstep his boundaries. I feel that's evidence enough that having the donor in the kid's life is not necessarily bad. The donor insisting on seeing the child from an early age I'm not sure about. Seems like a very volatile situation especially if all parties are married, although the few times a year idea might work.
As for me, my donor chose to remain completely anonymous and I cannot find out who he is unless he changes his mind and contacts the cryogenics lab. It's not THAT big of a deal to me, but I would like to know what kind of person he is and what he looks like.
last edited at Dec 25, 2017 9:31AM