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Image Comments 20 Jan 21:13
joined Jun 25, 2019

Get it, Sunflowers because they're each other sunshines. Lovely picture.

Image Comments 20 Jan 21:07
joined Jun 25, 2019

Never thought i will see a fanart of those two here.

joined Jun 25, 2019

Any Japanese speakers who can help out with the actual title?

Google Translate give "Even if it's impossible" as "Tatoe Todokanu Ito da to Shite mo" translation

Edit : Also the official name for the physical release is "If i could reach you"

last edited at Jan 20, 2020 6:46PM

joined Jun 25, 2019

Hara was asking what the classmate wanted. Probably assumed the classmate is harassing her.

Ot just annoyed her ? Hence why the classmate ask why she speak so politely. Hara was just trying to make her understand she was annoying and if she had nothing to ask then she can leave.

1 x ½ discussion 20 Jan 18:04
joined Jun 25, 2019

Typesetter needs a little more time due to the abundance of sound effects.

Heavy breathing

joined Jun 25, 2019

I've just come to a realisation while reading the few last chapters (waited before reading them cuz thos cliffhangers are killing me) idk if anyone has come to this conclusion, or if it has been stated before, but I was quite proud of me lol.
What if the title of this series "my unrequited love" isn't about Uta not being able to reach kaoru, but karou that was never able to reach reiichi ...
Tbh I hope it's that so I can get my lewd yuri ending xD

Yes, the series then can be seen as a failed quest to achieve Reiichi, the character the series explicitly asks about several times, “What’s so great about this nothingburger of a human being?” and nobody ever has an answer.

I mean, he's the only constant in Kaoru's life after her mom dies, so he has that going for him.

And he’s got a cute, smart, and reliable little sister, which brings us full circle to the initial question, “Who or what is this series actually about?”

Wasn't about unrequited love ?

joined Jun 25, 2019

Can we get back on-topic ? I'm sure the topic is interesting but i don't think it's the place to have such arguments.

joined Jun 25, 2019

And then right after they kissed, landlady ask MC if she felt grossed out. So that questioned me on why would she said that? Did someone said that to her before?

I mean, Chiyo said she was straight so it's pretty normal for Hara to ask if she is grossed out by a girl kissing her.

Saying things like the whole class knew and thought MC was "one of them" too and never leaving that subject nor answer landlady's question.

I mean, she know Hara was dating girl so it's fairly normal for her to assume MC was her GF. Hara wasn't asking a a question, she was trying to make her leave. The schoolmate didn't have any ill intent behind her questions, she was just a bit rude.

Citrus + discussion 20 Jan 09:58
joined Jun 25, 2019

Wasn't Citrus + mean to be more laid back than Citrus and be Mei/Yuzu wholesome everyday life ?

joined Jun 25, 2019

There is one mystery that'll need to be solved in the chapters yet to come. Why the first time didn't count as a box getting checked off on the contract.

That’s the deposit to summon up the contract.

Those sound like some kinky Yu-Gi-Oh house rules.

But what does Pot of Greed do ?

joined Jun 25, 2019

Just checking the raws and there is actually 33 chapters so it's quite a nice ride we have ahead.

I suggested the tag polyamory because in later chapters there is some kind of development between the three (maybe I'm wrong, my Japanese isn't stellar) and they have threesomes and that but maybe it's too soon.

I mean, it's not farfetch since Nagano said " We could teach you".

last edited at Jan 20, 2020 9:21AM

Citrus + discussion 20 Jan 08:38
joined Jun 25, 2019

You thinking we will have get some HauMatsu but nop Saburouta don't have any of that.

joined Jun 25, 2019

By the way didn't notice but we continue with the Sakurako trend as an horny lesbian.

joined Jun 25, 2019

But anyway like a wise man said :

joined Jun 25, 2019

"Not until chapter 300"

My eyes have never went up to check a number so fast in my life... goddamn it, still 100+ chapters for that.

As a matter of fact the raws are only at 208.

Still Sick discussion 20 Jan 06:59
joined Jun 25, 2019

Anyone have a guess as to what Maekawa's job actually consists off? Been wondering. She's a manager right? I imagine she is trained in conflict resolution between co-workers among other things?

She is a team leader of the R&D departement

...that's Shimizu. -.-

oopsie, i always tend to swap their name for some reasons.

joined Jun 25, 2019

This panel got me.

"It's me, yo boi Guzma"

joined Jun 25, 2019

I will just copypaste my comment on Mangadex because i want to say more or less the same thing :

Bro, never act cold toward your lover just for an act, never. That will just make the other anxious and tought they have done something bad. Worst part is, she didn't even apologize for that and it's even Sana who apologize for what exactly ? Because nothing it's Sana's fault here,all what happen is because of Ayane. Sorry but that's just tick me off when someone apologize for something they didn't do and also when someone didn't apologize even if their attitude was a bit shitty.

Still Sick discussion 19 Jan 20:40
joined Jun 25, 2019

Anyone have a guess as to what Maekawa's job actually consists off? Been wondering. She's a manager right? I imagine she is trained in conflict resolution between co-workers among other things?

She is a team leader of the R&D departement

joined Jun 25, 2019

I don't even know who that guy is and i don't really want to know from what i see.

joined Jun 25, 2019

but it's gotta be pretty fucking rare to have preteen yuri, that's early middle school

i don't remember a lot of middle school set-up. Only "middleschool" i remember is the MC of Vampeerz who is 14 but it's late midschool and well the other is a vampire. There is Skeeter Rabbit but i don't think that's really good.

I also prefer adult yuri to high school

I loved some adult yuri from time to time.

joined Jun 25, 2019

I'm starting to wonder how many of their marital problems are his fault or based on reality, versus products of Kaoru's own terrible self image and everyone's inability to communicate more competently than a turnup.

Beside the cheating (which at this point is not confirmed),it's still true that Reiichi never been the shoulder Kaoru wanted him to be, role that ended been taken by Uta. Is it entierly his fault ? Maybe not completly but at least a part is his, the other might be the problems of communication between him and Kaoru. More than the cheating and Risako's lie is Reiichi's lie : Why did he said to Kaoru that he was still on business trip if it was already in town ? Assuming he was in business trip to begin with and not just in a hotel outside the town.
Maybe he encounter Risako during the business trip (iirc Risako work in a company too) and Reiichi has told Risako about his couple's problem and Risako seen this as an opportunity to try to put the hook on Kaoru once and for all. That would explain why Kaoru just started now to get back on the offensive as she know Kaoru and Reiichi marriage is in peril.

joined Jun 25, 2019

Or at least that's how the phrasing makes it seem to come across.

I think that was how it mean to be understand, at least for the readers. Risako phrasing was vague enough to make Kaoru think it was about Reiichi.

joined Jun 25, 2019

But she still doesn't want Ookuma to find about her true gender. Why? See (1).

But she said she will be ok if Kanda is a girl if she stay with the same cool attitude. That's the main problem we had. Kanda don't want Ookuma to found out is just farfetch and her own cowardice at this point. Ookuma is for nothing, the whole problem lie in Kanda.

joined Jun 25, 2019

I love how a lot of mangadex readers completely hate this manga since it started off creepy and rapey while dynasty scans readers will eat everything as long as it's GAY.
I'm with all of my fellow dynasty readers on this one.

I think you shouldn't read the overall comment on the manga but rather the comment on the chapter itself. Nearly no one has been grossed out by what you saying. Plus it was like 2 peoples, it's not like it was everyone.