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Dynasty Reader
joined Sep 7, 2021

This could be the start of a supernatural manga where they team up to fight trouble-making ghosts.

The Ring girl wants to live a normal high-schooler life with her new lover, but realizes that she must work hard to protect Minaki's world from ghosts who wish to invade and defile it as she did in the past.

In time their actions alert the ghost hunters, who sees this as a golden opportunity to catch the Ring girl and exterminate her. However, just as it seems the Ring girl will be exterminated, and just as the Ring girl resigns to her fate, Minaki jumps in and validates the power of love. Minaki demonstrate how much she cares for the Ring girl by shielding her from the final blow and proclaiming her love.

Minaki, realizing how much she has changed from being a useless and bored teenager, gathers up her courage and her last bit of strength to confront the ghost hunters. Impressed by her courage and love, the ghost hunters, Minaki, and the Ring girl team up to battle supernatural entities.

To be continued...

The intermission is lots of sex or something...

Is this something yet?

joined Sep 7, 2021

This is so good, all the food got me drooling and it's time to eat too. Love the little recipe's included at the end. That's so cool. Might try one some day.

Dynasty Reader
joined Sep 7, 2021

Okay I did have some misconceived notions about the characters before. I see that Ayane is sick and it looks like Miichan also likes Sana or whatever her name is. Ayane seems to be baiting out her feelings. I have a theory as to why but I don't wanna entertain it too fast for now.

last edited at Oct 19, 2021 5:27PM

Dynasty Reader
joined Sep 7, 2021

I wonder if anyone else gets red flags from Ayane. Idk, so far she seems like the kinda girl who has no problems messing with peoples feelings and that's a red flag for me.
Still, the story so far has been enjoyable and I am sure it will remain so regardless.

Dynasty Reader
Past discussion 18 Oct 22:06
joined Sep 7, 2021

It was kinda hurrying to the end there but the impact hit it's mark anyway. Something about the dead being able to move on, whilst we still cling to them in our hearts, even if it's all in our head, it's still there.

joined Sep 7, 2021

I love everything about this but the real ship here is between class rep and the delinquent girl. XD

Dynasty Reader
joined Sep 7, 2021

Is the slaughter of innocent folk in this lore linked to the existence of mythical creatures?

Dynasty Reader
joined Sep 7, 2021

Ah man, I wanted to see more. XD

Dynasty Reader
joined Sep 7, 2021

The MC is pretty abhorrent but works well for this kinda comedy so I can't complain, really enjoyable read so far.

Dynasty Reader
joined Sep 7, 2021

Man I wish the anime got another season. It kinda just flew under the reader and never resurfaced.

joined Sep 7, 2021

Ah man, I wish we just got a little more. Like just a bit more development on the beginnings of their relationship or something but either way, great read.

Also I think it's missing a few tags.

Dynasty Reader
Friends discussion 13 Oct 18:25
joined Sep 7, 2021

That was creepy. I liked it.

Dynasty Reader
Roomshare discussion 13 Oct 17:59
joined Sep 7, 2021

Oh come on.. What's with all these cliff hangers..

joined Sep 7, 2021

Will there be more?

joined Sep 7, 2021

Okay this one looks interesting. Can't wait to see where things go.

joined Sep 7, 2021

This author illustrates climaxes like nothing else.

Dynasty Reader
joined Sep 7, 2021

The zombies and apocalypse aren't the most frightening thing about this. Psychological horror is more scary than any other kind, I feel like. My heart sunk like a lead balloon. I was disgusted, horrified and concerned.

Dynasty Reader
joined Sep 7, 2021

Interesting but how can she get close to her without getting bitten.. Makes no sense.

Dynasty Reader
joined Sep 7, 2021

Let's not get it twisted for nothing. The sex is good shit, top shelf, but rt no shade, I hope they get caught by the mother and the authorities. Wishful thinking on my part but fingers crossed.

Dynasty Reader
joined Sep 7, 2021

Is there any reason why a solid chunk of the series is just straight up missing..

joined Sep 7, 2021

I'll save this to a list and binge read it at a later date. Ch1 looks promising.

Dynasty Reader
Jewels discussion 07 Sep 11:02
joined Sep 7, 2021

This is quite a great story. It's nice that they kept drama to a minimum and just got straight to the good vibes. That's nice sometimes.

Also, is it legal to get registered in any Japanese province yet, is it illegal by constitution. I am not so well versed in the specifics.

joined Sep 7, 2021

Finally a story with an adult character, that knows how to act, react/ approach and deal with things like an adult.
Finally a story where it doesn't just result to copious amounts of: "you don't love me, so I'll just harass and assault you until you do."

Round of applause for this genuinely being a solid write up as well, thoroughly enjoyed.

joined Sep 7, 2021

I am seeing a lot of comments praising one mom and discrediting the other.
This is no good, neither mom are perfect. Both care about their children, just one is absent emotionally and the other is absent presently. Neither is ideal and neither is particularly lordable, in context:
You have one mom who's off running down her teenage fantasies, whilst her daughter was at home crying on her birthday no less, because she's lonely with no one to celebrate with let's not forget, that's not good parenting in my book.. however, too her credit, she's always supportive of her kid, and wants her to be happy.
Then you have the other, who's completely aloof to her kids mental well-being. She's there but not there, doesn't seem to be at all attentive to her kids feelings, again, not very good parenting, but too her credit, she's there and cares about her kids safety.

This however, isn't to discredit the author. What I like about the authors work is, that's it's well done enough, that you can see the strengths and flaws of the parents, reflecting in their children. That's a mark of good writing to my mind, very impressed. :)

joined Sep 7, 2021

I am loving this so far. For a beginners work, this is superbly strong. The art, the writing, everything has a welcoming feel to it, it tugs at your emotions well and everything comes across somewhat relatable/empathisable~ for a romcom (if that's what this is.)