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joined Mar 22, 2021

Oh, Tongtong is such a precious cinnamon roll. I love that she is so sure of herself as her confession will be amazing and her mom is so supportive and great. The art style of the characters is hilarious and I love it. I feel so bad for Xiao Lu and I am wondering what the situation with the mom is.

joined Mar 22, 2021

Wow that escalated quickly. I am now curious to see how far that girl will go.

joined Mar 22, 2021

Won't be long until they do the lewdest of things: Handholding

joined Mar 22, 2021

Omg Melissa is so adroable, what an adorable fear. I am glad she is better than her past.

joined Mar 22, 2021

Yuri manga loves ending nice chapters with creepy stalkers at the end.

joined Mar 22, 2021

Interesting first chapter, don't see the yuri yet but I am also curious as to why the last person left since it was mentioned a few times.

joined Mar 22, 2021

A really nice chapter. I really enjoyed them having a nice time together. Also I love the landlord just lays about on the floor or couche.

joined Mar 22, 2021

Oh this is really interesting and I am looking forward to when the sister comes back. I like the best friend as she is trying to help the little sister.

joined Mar 22, 2021

God this MC is just so strange. She just keeps acting like her younger self is a compelety different person and keeps getting jealous of them. It's just so weird that she barely acknoweldges they exist and doesn't even think of them. I thought maybe she might befrend her since it seemed like she had a pretty lonely time in high school but no, she doesn't care about her younger self. This MC is just so one dimensional, all she think's about just senpai.

joined Mar 22, 2021

I am damn sure that the new character is just going to be family. Also the MC isn't as scummy as I expected as she realised her identity but has decided to try to hide that she knows it.

joined Mar 22, 2021

Oof thats a really awkward situation when she's been working at an ero place and is still a minor.

joined Mar 22, 2021

Rest in peace your dog. While you might just be few words on the screen for me, I appreciate the work you do in translating this. Thanks.

I am now even more curious what is going to happen later so much that Rei is making Claire reaffirm her promise. Must be pretty serious. Also I love that the two guys did a good impression of Rei, everyone just knows her antics with Claire.

joined Mar 22, 2021

I find it really funny that she just carries flask with tea spiked with the love potion on hand at all times in case the opportunity presents itself. That chuunibyou is pretty eccentric. I do wonder if she will appear more since they did connect over the manga. Also I love the fact that her best friend just abonded her. A shame that she admitted that she's just interested in her sexually.

joined Mar 22, 2021

If only Sakurako had said they were roommates then maybe Ranbara would have understood what she meant.

Kill Switch discussion 24 Jul 13:49
joined Mar 22, 2021

I went back and read the prologue and after reading chapter 18 and wow. She is insane. Things are going to get so messy and I am sad about that because when I first read this, I thought this could just be a nice love triangle but nope, it's probably is going to be bloody.

joined Mar 22, 2021

Oh so I am guessing it's Toda's sister who has arrived. I am curious to what is Toda's background and espieically why she didn't have a bath for a while.

joined Mar 22, 2021

Oh she knew about it faster than I think that would happen but I find that more interesting. Glad there is 3 more chapters as I am curious what will happen from here. Wonder why the author posted them to an alt.

Also thanks for translating all these chapters!

joined Mar 22, 2021

Ok tbh this chapter was bad and the future MC is weird. She doesn't seem to care at all or even think about her past self. It's clear that the senpai does have some feelings for the past MC and the future MC just doesn't care?

While the MC isn't making much of an effort to explore how time travel works in this story, It seems increasingly likely that the time travel rules being used in this story are "Paradoxes do not happen because time travel to the past drops you in an alternate timeline"

If that's the case, then nothing the MC does in this alternate timeline matters to her own past, and the resolution will probably be "All the things I did in the alternate timeline made me decide to pursue Senpai when I return to my timeline's present.",

I would actually be really disappointed if it is the case that anything happens here wouldn't affect the future in anyway. I would find it very interesting if the MC started looking at her phone to look at old pictures of senpai and her together and then found that they are changing or disappering. Would be interesting to see how our MC would react to that sitatuion or see if it was too late and this was the bad end timeline and it would require she would need to go back again.

It probably isn't going to be that case though so I am just going to wait see how things play out as it is still really early on in the story but yeah, I do agree that what you said is the most likely ending for now. Other than of course the polygamy/monogamy(since it is technically just one person as two people) ending. At the least the artist draws these characters beautifully.

last edited at Jul 23, 2021 6:52AM

joined Mar 22, 2021

Ok tbh this chapter was bad and the future MC is weird. She doesn't seem to care at all or even think about her past self. It's clear that the senpai does have some feelings for the past MC and the future MC just doesn't care? How did she not notice. I thought the future MC might notice this and help her past self get with senpai as from looking at their relationship from an outside perspective, she could realise she missed an opportuinity to confess to senpai. Instead no, she just gets jealous of herself and then tries to force something with senpai. The moment in the theatre between past MC and senpai was really cute and I am really glad senpai got the future MC to stop. I am also surpised the future MC wasn't cringing the entire time. If I met myself 10 years ago (i think the gap is 10 years?), I would be dying from embarresment looking at how I used to be. I hope the future MC realises that senpai might have feelings for her past self and tries to support the two getting together, as that would help her in the future. Instead of just cucking herself and ruining everything. Unless of course there is going to be a another time loop where she goes back again because she fucked up her releationship with senpai by cucking herself which would be hilarious but there would need to be some hints towards that because if is just more moments like this I just don't think it will be as fun or funny as previous chapters.

last edited at Jul 23, 2021 4:50AM

joined Mar 22, 2021

Wow she just aced everything she tried. A real genius. Also she of course is going to tag along to her home for some reason.

joined Mar 22, 2021

Aw that was a nice chapter, I am glad the demon was able to help her get better at archery.

joined Mar 22, 2021

I completely forgot about this but I am hooked again because Taki and the way she acts. I am hoping we get a chapter soon of Nanase and Yuni being together because I want to see more of their relationship.

joined Mar 22, 2021

Wow the MC is pretty stupid or a least really unmotivated. TBH i don't think she's going to blackmail the teacher that bad as she probably won't think of how. I am guessing how she is going to blackmail her is just get her to teach her in cram school so that she can get her grades which isn't really blackmail because thats her job.

joined Mar 22, 2021

I was wondering how she was going to pay for these meetings because maybe she would get more but no she only got to two. This part time job will probably kill her motivation to study even more since part of her day will be taken out to work and then do more studying.

joined Mar 22, 2021

Hmm, this does now make me wonder what will the MC's reaction be when she see's senapi's ex-husband. It's going to be an interesting seeing her trying to prevent the two from hooking up. I say she will want to strangle him then and there.

last edited at Jul 20, 2021 4:35PM