I think Asumi-chan makes more sense, too. I mean, it's a pretty low-probability plot, but it has an internal logic that someone somewhere might actually engage in.
Younger Senpai and this one are, I feel, more outside the envelope of sensible behavior. Like, even taking a premise of super-horny girls, they don't really 'work'. Asumi is "I can believe these people would do this" while the other works are "yeah, this is a porn plot, roll with it".
I'm not complaining, but it does push them out of the running for Great Work, IMO.
(Possibly Asumi-chan is just fooling me -- but even being able to pull that off is an artistic merit.)
Asumi-chan is legitimately well written and super compelling. This is literally just porn. I know theres been a huge boom in sex work yuri after the success of Asumi-chan but very few of these series actually deliver on character writing and plot like Asumi-chan does.
This series is literally just porn, and the story and character writing only exists as a vehicle to get our protag from one sex scene to the next.