Forum › Posts by Mayjaplaya

joined May 27, 2015

Blondie is pretty hard to like, huh?

I've seen worse half of Mochi's recent stuff

joined May 27, 2015

I want their future already. :P

I seem to recall a quote about writing that went something along the lines of: 'if you're not writing about the most interesting time of your character's life, then write about that instead.'

I've seen too many moe slice of life anime and manga (even doujins, really) to think that this kind of writing doesn't work in anime and manga.

last edited at Feb 13, 2018 12:36AM

Image Comments 12 Feb 23:51
joined May 27, 2015

Chicks dig giant robots


Megas XLR. That brings me back.

joined May 27, 2015

Also this one was so cringeworthy I am not sure it had anywhere to go.

Really? Huh, I guess I've been so desensitized by Mochi's cringe I didn't think this was even that bad.

joined May 27, 2015

Mochi has a sister ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Should asked her sister for reference instead.

And that would be a catapult into another incest yuri story, which Mochi loves so much ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

joined May 27, 2015

Ping Pong Porn? What a time to be alive.

joined May 27, 2015

I have thought too much about doujinshi over 8 or so years of reading them. Frequently I'll think "this one was too short" and make a mental count of all the pages, accounting for covers, forewards, afterwards, etc., so I thought this chapter did give interesting insight into how doujinshi is made.

Also page 160 "girls normally grope each other's boobs as penalty games" was pretty funny.

joined May 27, 2015

really tempted to recolor her throwing up with rainbows.

In hindsight... of course Arisa's barf would have sparkles coming out of it.

joined May 27, 2015

I wonder if they will make this story diverge from the movie's, like they did with the previous movie manga.

Well it's being advertised as a side story, so I'm thinking this will be more of StrikerS manga fare. Since they ran out of space/time in the main thing to do additional character development they'll do it here. Like the next issue is Kyrie meeting Iris as a kid.

Also I have the feeling that this translation is not very accurate in some parts, but this is a new group so there's room for improvement.

Well, I never claimed to be great, buuut since noone was going to translate this...In any case, I'm interested, which part do you think was most problematic from the accuracy standpoint. I'm interested.

Good on ya to be open to suggestions.

Like I said before, try not to put stuff like translation notes and snarky comments in the manga.

About that "Tonkatsu" "Soba" "Donburi" "Tempura" sequence on page 21: you either need to translate those words or leave them alone. Don't half-ass it by putting the words in quotation marks and giving a TL note for 3 out of the 4.

You also need to break this up into two parts.

joined May 27, 2015

Hot take: translators should leave their snarky comments in the comments section or credits page at the end of wherever they want to post their translations, and not directly on the pages of their translations.

last edited at Feb 5, 2018 12:46AM

joined May 27, 2015

CITRON (Yamada Ako) and Fukuya (Tama II) are two of my favorite Madoka artists. A winning duo.

joined May 27, 2015

The nurse is never, never in. If that nurse series in Sono Hanabira is any indication, we all know the nurses are always just off getting yuri themselves.

Also, I never noticed Homu's ear ornament had no piercing. It's odd she would be too afraid to pierce her ears, considering she could heal her eyesight long before getting her Akuma powers. I'd imagine she could numb, or even reverse, the piercing at will.

joined May 27, 2015

Where the hell did "Johannes" come from? I'm not super into Sunshine so I thought it was another chuuni name until I googled it and got nothing.

Edit: well shite. I thought it was either another chuuni name or some hilarious "translation" of Yohane.

last edited at Jan 18, 2018 2:39AM

joined May 27, 2015

It's no secret that y/urine is closely connected to yuri.

Reminds me of the poor guy who started the "Yuri Nation" blog.

Also, I'm shocked it took until 2017 for someone to finally make a yuri piss game using that pun, "Yurinate". It was pissy as fuck but I felt it wasn't yuri enough

joined May 27, 2015

Jail baits for short.

I think Kodama is over 40 years old, ma'am.

Maybe they meant "kodomo"

Image Comments 10 Jan 03:25
joined May 27, 2015

Most people, like Norainhere, say Deen's F/SN wasn't any good.

Image Comments 10 Jan 01:25
joined May 27, 2015

Everyone says "read the fucking visual novel" but I got bored of it about 15 minutes in. Then I blasted through Fate/Zero and it's still the best anime I've ever watched. But I still want to get through the VN before watching ufotable's Fate/stay night stuff.

joined May 27, 2015

I was just re-reading this and realized the guy who commissioned this scanlation's called "runareo". And if that's a reference to the two blond lolis in Sono Hanabira, well then this commission makes perfect sense.

joined May 27, 2015

I started reading the foreword and was like "wait a minute, this is chinese! I didn't know Nanashiki was chinese..." then I looked back at the cover and realized this is a Japanese -> chinese -> english translation, and the chinese typesetting/foreword/afterword were simply not overwritten in english.

joined May 27, 2015

Am I the only one who wishes Yuri-ism wasn't so focused on this series? I mean, it's nice and all, but it's not actually yuri.

They're just a fan of the artist. Before this, they did Hiiragi-sensei's four lewd comics about Sato-chan and Hiyoko.

Unfortunately, Hiiragi not making good yuri porn anymore can't be helped.

But still.

I want to goggle it. Also, so much threesome subtext weew!

last edited at Dec 24, 2017 11:47PM

joined May 27, 2015

Poor Shi-chan, RIP. Reminds me of the SUDDEN VIOLENCE fire extinguisher scene from Shoujo Sect, except it wasn't really justified and a bit of a misunderstanding.

joined May 27, 2015

kind of nostalgic to see this entry on the home page

Yeah, wow, nostalgic to see this old zombie come back with updates.

The weeaboo in me is just happy to see all the honorifics left in, thanks, /u/ bastards

last edited at Dec 22, 2017 3:53AM

joined May 27, 2015

I dunno about you guys but if I were Tachibana and I could read Sako's mind, I would've probably slapped her at "Screw everything, I just want to play games." Or at least escalated the yelling and fired her.

Just something about that attitude that really pissed me off.

that would help to solve the severe social axienty "attitude".

It just reminds me of all the loser hikkikomori NEETs in real life and in fiction, especially those asshole self-insert fantasy male MCs who get transported to some fantasy RPG world to save it, and have a harem fall in their laps because otaku wish fulfillment.

Also hard to feel sorry for Sako when she's all "old bag", "hag", and "she's gotten soft after I started crying-- can she actually be that simple?"

Also, I may have been reading too much Mochi au Lait, because I am very wary of him/her doing the whole "nice-looking girl who can actually be very evil" shtick again, like with Hana from the Kagaya Inn.

joined May 27, 2015

I dunno about you guys but if I were Tachibana and I could read Sako's mind, I would've probably slapped her at "Screw everything, I just want to play games." Or at least escalated the yelling and fired her.

Just something about that attitude that really pissed me off.

Image Comments 16 Dec 20:27
joined May 27, 2015