And have I mentioned this petty grudge of yours is right tiresome?
I'm getting tired of your insistence that you are in any way special to me. I argue the same with you as I do with anyone else.
The relevant lines are on separate pages with no realistic possibility of confusion of order, as might be the case with 'creatively' placed frames and/or speech bubbles on a single page. Trying to argue authorial mix-up here is beyond ridiculous whatever one now might think of the overall quality of their worldbuilding.
Yeah yeah, except it isn't. Phrasing can very well be awkward or lead to misunderstandings, especially when you don't know the translation's accuracy. Even you should comprehend that the subject of the "after that" could be anything from the previous page. Now you are just stretching to be contrarian.
That's already considerably more concrete scaffolding that you have propping up your increasingly far-fetched premises though. Glass houses, living in, throwing rocks...
Not viable proof is no better than no proof, sorry.
The text only fails to contradict it by way of comically tortuous mental gymnastics and even more arbitrary assumptions.
Pot meet kettle.
There is a pretty fundamental difference between "already existed at the time" (as you claimed) and "invented sometime later" (as the narrative quite clearly states) actually, irrespective of how soon that "later" was. It's okay, I never expected you would deign to admit to simply being wrong or at least having misphrased the case anyway.
Why did I expect you to understand such simple context? In context, the difference is not relevant.
And here I thought you had no interest in it a priori. Decide already.
I already read your silly guesswork timeline before we even started this conversation.
Are you using words you don't understand again? Oh wait, you just alter the meaning of what I say to suit your persecution complex. Me saying that you should just link it to shorten the torture of your repetitive paragraphs does not mean I need that link myself or want to read it again.
You insist on keeping a non-existent audience up to date, so I gave you advice.
Isn't it ironic that you misunderstood a phrase I used, even though to me it was really obvious? That kinda proves how phrasing and intent can easily alter context.
EDIT: Yeah I think we are done with your stretching now. Nezchan is right.
last edited at Apr 15, 2019 3:33PM