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joined Aug 30, 2020

Some trans people set a standard for themselves as what it means to be their gender. As a trans woman myself, my personal ideal is rather traditionally feminine, though in my case I've come a decent ways in making exceptions for typically masculine hobbies or interests I still retain. They are not "men's hobbies/interests" or "women's hobbies/interests" any more, they are my interests. That out of the way though, my point was going to be that Chiaki's ideal for masculinity seems to be set in his father.

So, for Chiaki, presumably to be a man is to be like his father. His father is a hunter. For Chiaki to be a man, by his own standards, is to be a hunter. And above all this is to be a man and to be accepted by his father, so for his father to finally agree to hunt with him is his father seeing him as the man he wants to be.

Maybe if this were a longer series, we might see Chiaki coming to terms with some feminine interests he has and finally internalizing them not as gendered interests, but as his interests. This is a one-shot, however, and I personally think it handled the aspects that it did just fine.

I would like to hope that we can all agree though: Takatou is a man among men and sets a high bar for friends. You rock, Takatou.

joined Aug 30, 2020

Thank you for the food

VAMPEERZ discussion 21 Jan 13:03
joined Aug 30, 2020

The kissing always looks real fuckin' nice

joined Aug 30, 2020

Now that's what I call some good fuckin' food

joined Aug 30, 2020

There's a lot of "BUT ARE THEY REALLY IN A ROMANTIC RELATIONSHIP" arguments going around and I'm just here, with my big brain thoughts of "if it wasn't romantic, why would they jump to the idea of marriage instead of arranging something else?"

But yeah, in the end a lot of this discussion is just reinforcing my immediate distrust of "pure yuri" fans. A lot of it just reads like "I'm open to (bisexual/poly relationships) BUT" where everything after is just being vindictive of the relationship mentioned.

joined Aug 30, 2020

I wonder what causes more discourse here. People mad that bisexuality and polyamory exist, or the cheating-themed stories we occasionally get.

joined Aug 30, 2020

I don't find the husband to be a likeable person because he's just as guilty as keeping this marriage up for appearances as Yukako is. Right now we only see that he's in this for the idea of having a family, because having a family is expected at a certain point. Given how their intimate relationship was presented, he also doesn't really seem to be particularly in tune with Yukako's feelings, if he was he might have noticed that something was up, both in their sex life where Yukako doesn't seem particularly interested and in their love life where Yukako's got Chinami on the side. He just seems like poor husband material from how he's presented.

joined Aug 30, 2020

Lilification posted:

All things considered the discussion's a lot tamer than I was expecting though. I'm impressed.

It's just first page/chapter. Just you wait xP

Yeah, but usually the tag alone is enough to ruffle feathers. The number of chapter is meaningless when they see the tag and jump straight at the discussion to complain about another cheating manga

joined Aug 30, 2020

Husband's a shitter, so I feel zero sympathy for him

All things considered the discussion's a lot tamer than I was expecting though. I'm impressed.

joined Aug 30, 2020

Oh no, he has a face

joined Aug 30, 2020

I feel like part of it is cocoa trying so hard to make sure everything's perfect once they get to the hotel. During the date her clumsiness could've been passed off as her "character" but it started feeling less natural and more... Forced?

joined Aug 30, 2020

I feel like some people are taking this way too seriously. Like, you'd have to be pretty far off to take this whole thing as advice or think that it needs to portray a 100% realistic situation about suicidal ideation and shit.

joined Aug 30, 2020

Ruining my ship isnt ganna do anything! >:(

bruh, polyamory's the name of the game. she isn't ruining it, if anything she's making it Better. or will be, presumably.

joined Aug 30, 2020

God, a lot of y'all are a bunch of wimps.

On another note, it's difficult to tag something to avoid spoilers. It'd be kinda disappointing to have a twist like that ruined ahead of time, it's something that's intended to be shocking.

joined Aug 30, 2020

I don't doubt there are well adjusted prostitutes, but I think they are the minority among the millions of exploited others.

Millions are exploited because prostitution isn't legalized in many countries, simple as that. And it isn't legal because people tend to stigmatize prostitutionーand sex, especially when women take the initiative, is still taboo in our society.

Legalizing prostitution doesn't make them any less exploited, especially those stuck in sex trafficking. It just makes the market blow up. You don't need to look much further than parts of the world where prostitution is all but legal. You wind up with children openly soliciting their services for pennies on the dollar. Even if prostitution was legalized, checks and balances in place to keep them safe and healthy and paying their taxes, there would always be a black market for it offering the service that much cheaper at a cost that undercuts the "legit" business, at the expense of the workers themselves, of course.

I don't even necessarily think it shouldn't be legalized, but I have no disillusion that it's going to somehow create a safer world for workers. Maybe on the brightest surface we're able to easily scrutinize. But those on the lower rungs are always going to be exploited. Mary Joe who wants to get into the world of prostitution like she wanted to be a topless dancer might be fine in a decriminalized market, but those forced to be a prostitute behind closed doors won't see any of that safety.

Did you miss rainbow8's post with documentation or are you just too stupid to read.

joined Aug 30, 2020

What the fuck is up with all this prostitution lately. Is this yuri's NTR or something? I know, next should be prostitution + NTR. I bet Kodama Naoko is working on it already.

Do please explain how sex work has anything to do with NTR.

You mean to tell me you can't see how "your partner has sex with other people for money" has anything to do with "your partner has sex with other people"?

Sex work on its own doesn't, sure, but we're talking about an influx of romance stories about it, and romance + sex work is pretty much NTR territory.

Bullshit. Every one of these stories is about either single women or women with no shown or even mentioned partners. You basically pulled NTR right out of your ass.

"Umm... we're already going out right?"
"Then why are you still using the service to reserve me!?"

Yes, they are both aware of her job and consent to it. That's not NTR

joined Aug 30, 2020

Just answer about this sincerely: would you want your sister or your mother work that kind of job? Just think about it carefully. If you answer yes, you're a liar.

Given how I'm for the destigmatization and the legalization of prostitution so that it can become a safer profession, I'm not sure how me saying yes would make me a liar. It'd have been their choice, and as such it'd be none of my business to say they couldn't or shouldn't. I'd support them as I would any sex worker.

It's a poorly worded question though. It'd be better asked if I'd support them if they wanted to work that kind of job.

joined Aug 30, 2020

Don't bother arguing with the "monogamy bad" people, they're being disingenuous. Romantic attachment to intimacy is normal (it's called making love for a reason), not some grand societal conspiracy to repress the people who want to fuck around, and not something even most people that argue those positions REALLY fail to understand. Finding the idea of selling intimacy repulsive or degrading is not evil. The people that would choose that line of work if it wasn't extremely profitable (because it's criminal) / if they weren't desperate are in the minority of the people in that profession.

I never said monogamy was bad, my statement was more in line with the fact that it's by and large the most dominant kind of relationship you'll see in media. There isn't much that deviates from it, much less in a positive manner. I also never said it was wrong to feel romantic attachment to your sexual partner, just that it is entirely possible to not have a romantic attraction to them.

As far as thinking of the people who find it "repulsive or degrading" my most positive opinion of them is that they're misguided, misinformed, or a puritan who thinks their opinion on how another person uses their body and sexuality is worth something.

I would like some recent numbers on these people you claim are only there in desperation though. Could you provide a source? I could use a good read or a good laugh.

last edited at Sep 2, 2020 4:40PM

joined Aug 30, 2020

chill lol it's just an anthology about lesbian prostitutes

These people are brainlets who can't read tags in the first place

joined Aug 30, 2020

I wouldn't say it's a job "like any other". If that was the case, it wouldn't be such a touchy topic.

"Love and sex aren't intertwined things"? Come on. It's blatantly untrue. They don't necessarily come in pair, but they are obviously linked in most cases.

And your statement, "people aren't properties to be claimed or owned" is contradictory with the concept of buying and selling sex. You can try to spin that you're selling "sexual services" and not your body, but at the end of the day, it's still selling your body.

The thing with prostitution, or sex work, is that it can easily turn into exploitation or auto-destruction. There is a fine line between "I do it because I want" and "It's hurting me, but I do it anyway because (reasons)".

It's a touchy subject because people like you have such wild misconceptions about it.

Love and sex being intertwined is a common perception pushed by a media that's largely engrossed with things like the purity of virginity, monogamy, and the treatment of sex as a somehow dirty thing you should only ever share with your partner. You can love someone without wanting to have sex with them, you can have sex with someone without loving them.

The thing about selling oneself is the fact that it should be your choice. It is your body to do with as you wish, and if you want to commodify your talents between the sheets that's your choice. It's not the trading of a body, but of a service that, like any physical labor job, just happens to use your body.

The harms and exploitations of sex work are perpetuated by the negative misconceptions and persecution of sex work and sex workers. Education and legalization lay the groundwork for protections and safety in the job. A sex workers who is in trouble would be more likely to go for help if she did not believe that she would be considered a criminal for her work, don't you think?

joined Aug 30, 2020

More smoking and prostitution, ew

The prostitution is tagged and the smoking is barely there, not even a focus. Piss off.