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joined Sep 25, 2019

10 bucks says last girl had an overnight change into delinquency as a last minute challenge.

joined Sep 25, 2019

"Let's all gang up on her and then have some fun with her later."

You can be naïve if you must, but the message is pretty clear.

Not really, that is exactly the sort of thing they would say even if they're not planning to rape her, generic tough-guy-bully-trying-to-be-intimidating stuff.

joined Sep 25, 2019

KoguMAD ( ͡°ω ͡°)

last edited at Nov 10, 2020 9:09AM

joined Sep 25, 2019

Great, she went from one extreme in having an overly critical and possibly ill-intentioned person as her editor to having the opposite extreme; a fangirl who probably won't be able to look at her work without rose-tinted glasses.

I see no issues arising from this. ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ

last edited at Nov 6, 2020 7:12PM

joined Sep 25, 2019

@bitfarb I did for a few panels not sure why- probably just because of how long they teased us with no progress in the past.

But it was amazing it WASNT a tease :)

Probably because Mari was being a lot more ditzy than usual I think. I don't feel like she's the type who'd run outside half-naked without realizing it, for example. She's usually a lot more level headed and rational.

School Zone discussion 07 Oct 18:35
joined Sep 25, 2019

Holy shit Kei-chan is legitimately rocking double-Ds!

joined Sep 25, 2019

Truck-kun foiled again!
What do we say to the Truck-kun of death? NOT TODAY! >=D

joined Sep 25, 2019


joined Sep 25, 2019

I'm sorry m'am, I'm afraid you've caught... the gay.

joined Sep 25, 2019

...Someone should probably tell Japan that the whole "foreigners kiss as a form of greeting" thing only really refers to a few countries, and England is certainly not one of them.

Then again, if it leads to Yuri kisses I guess it's fine?

joined Sep 25, 2019

As adorable and wholesome as this is I just can't stop looking at it as enabling terrible business workplace leadership.

...I mean, it would be near impossible to show a Japanese desk-job worker's work without doing so, just by virtue of "that's just how awful Japanese working conditions are."

Pushing in a narrative addressing the topic would certainly be noble and all that, but it would kinda pull away from the intended focus of the piece. (Which is the slice-of-life relationship between the two women.)

joined Sep 25, 2019

I know it was a twist but stuff like this needs better tagging. I did not want to read this.

Ayakashiko discussion 02 Sep 13:36
joined Sep 25, 2019

Normally I'd cut the author some slack when their series gets axed and they have to hurry up and finish everything they started prematurely, but in this case the entire drama was literally started in the last two chapters after the end date was set in stone.

Like, I totally get having to abruptly cut off something that you don't get the time to do properly (Bleach REPRESENT!), but why on earth start something when you know you only have 1 more chapter to wrap it up and it won't mean anything? There wasn't even a journey in there to experience the characters going through it, it was just panel after panel of "what's going on?" and then it ends and that just happened.

...At least it ended happily.

joined Sep 25, 2019

...Am I the only person seeing a very blatant dick shape on page 6?

Ayakashiko discussion 02 Sep 03:08
joined Sep 25, 2019

...Well that was some incredibly pointless drama there at the end.
I tend to hate drama even when it's contextually warranted, but this was just unashamedly there for no reason at all. What was even the point of it? Was it just so they could leave the penultimate chapter on a cliffhanger so more people would buy the next issue of the magazine? I can't for the life of me think of any other reason that's even slightly logical.

That was like, 20+ solid pages that could've been used on explicit yuri confirmation and stuff. Instead, all we got was random drama that has no point message or consequence, a cameo from her grandparents who actually just say "leave" and she does, then we don't even get to find out what the hell was going on or why/how it resolved itself.

The random pointless drama even made it so we get nothing with the ayakashi girls in the final chapter! Nene's final line in the series is last chapter's panicked "Mahoro's feet"!

I've loved this whole manga to bits but I gotta be real guys, this was a shitty ending stretch to an otherwise good series.

What if MC lost her powers?
JK lol it comes back and she sticks around, dun' worry 'bout it.
The End.

乁( ⁰͡ Ĺ̯ ⁰͡ ) ㄏ

last edited at Sep 2, 2020 3:10AM

joined Sep 25, 2019

Death by Bonk

School Zone discussion 23 Aug 04:20
joined Sep 25, 2019

Prognosis: She got de gay. Like, -ALL- the gay.

Ayakashiko discussion 22 Aug 02:12
joined Sep 25, 2019

Nene keeps saying abandoned, as if it was her owners fault for getting killed. Or maybe she was just hospitalized?

I think maybe it's a translation thing, like she might be saying the Japanese equivalent of "abandoned" because that's what you would say in Japanese and it's just awkward to translate in this context.

Or I might be talking out my ass, I don't speak a lick of Japanese. <:D

joined Sep 25, 2019

All true, but let’s not go overboard. It’s great that Kon perceives her father as being nice to her, but the divorced dad who shows off by buying the kid things the mother can’t afford is a classic split-family trope. That’s some distance from being a “decent father” (which * gag * Tazune may be; we just have insufficient evidence for it).

And I agree with everybody else—one of the best timeskip endings I can recall.

We don't actually have any basis to doubt his motivations in buying his daughter her backpack, it's something that a divorced parent without custody of their child would jump at the chance to do regardless of whether they have a grudge with the other parent or not. (So pretty much it doesn't speak for his human decency one way or the other.)

What is a good sign however is that Kon has at least a good impression of him. It implies that he does have a presence in her life and that he hasn't done anything overtly awful or attempted to mess with her moms' marriage. (Which is already in itself a good sign considering how angry he was at everything that happened, justified or not.)

It's still nothing concrete and he could absolutely still be a gigantic cuntwaffle who's just good at hiding it, but for what little information we have available I would say it's not unreasonable to speculate that he may in fact have turned out to be a decent father so far.

As someone with a near identical family history as Kon's, I can vouch that the "Tazune" role can absolutely change for the better and become a decent, even good, human being in the end.

last edited at Aug 17, 2020 10:12AM

joined Sep 25, 2019

Credit where credit is due, apparently Tazune turned out to be a decent father and is even "forgiving" enough to both not fuck with the gay duo in revenge AND still stay in contact to have a presence in his daughter's life. (Even if separated and presumably without custody of the child.)

Doesn't undo what a shit he's been, but it's great to see a narrative acknowledge that bad people aren't necessarily 100% bad in everything they do or incapable of positive change. Eye for an eye makes the whole world blind and all that.

Maybe after 13 years he's actually a decent person, or maybe he's the same old shit just seen through the eyes of his child who wants him to be a good guy, but either way he's not just some cartoon villain swept under the rug.

joined Sep 25, 2019

I'm so glad they brought up the nails because I have been thinking about that the whole time throughout the manga just being like ooo no those nails are TOO LONG! And I'm glad to know that her girlf is also very aware of this too hahahaha

Gonna suck to be the Gyaru after she figures that out.

She'll either have to keep all of them short despite wanting them long or trim just 1 or 2, but when the rest are that massive she may as well wear a shirt that says "HEY EVERYONE, I HAVE GAY SEX" written in big fat letters. ಥ◡ಥ

last edited at Aug 16, 2020 5:45AM

School Zone discussion 15 Aug 14:41
joined Sep 25, 2019

Not gonna lie, big sis is a real bitch. The sheer audacity and irony of calling her younger sister "inconsiderate" just for being a nice and decent human being is staggering.

I chalked the first time up to comedy but now she's really just being an over-the-top asshole, this is the kind of behaviour that would seriously fuck up a younger sibling's mental health if nothing intervenes. She needs someone who won't put up with her shit to give her some real-talk.

School Zone discussion 14 Aug 12:43
joined Sep 25, 2019

Well, that was shit. (͠≖ ͜ʖ͠≖)

joined Sep 25, 2019

I'm supposed to believe that that grown-ass woman only weighs 43kg?
Further, that weighing 50-something is even remotely "heavy" for an adult?

Fuckin' hell Japan.

joined Sep 25, 2019

Katsu-san is the ideal we should all strive towards.