Random question, what is your opinion on worker's unions?
My answer varies from union to union, and there's also what rainbow8 said that's crucial to consider, as there's quite a bit of truth in that (well, I'm understating it a bit, especially for the police and prison guard part), but, by and( en?) large, I think workers' unions are a force for good. Most, under our current liberal/capitalist world, exist as the workers' counter-balance to the corporate and/or state interests, while some (that happen to be my favourite category) are mass movements with more radical views on labour rights, akin to their predecessors from the XIX century, the largest of them being the IWW. There are socialist/leftist factions that see workers' unions as the key to revolution, and as an anarchist who has a general distain for political parties, I can't say that I'm not one of those socialists.