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joined Mar 22, 2013

good thing it's so short. any more detail and explanation would have made this too real for me...

Their Story discussion 02 Jul 18:25
joined Mar 22, 2013

Teaching fear (or shame even), however, is not the way to do that.

Sometimes it's just that parents are overprotectives,they teach fear (indirectly)because they're afraid themselves that something happen to their kids.

yes and ironically that can hurt their kids (psychological) more than anything

Delinquent discussion 02 Jul 18:19
joined Mar 22, 2013

There's too few delinquent yuri manga!

Their Story discussion 01 Jul 12:26
joined Mar 22, 2013

That's great advice. Don't do anything. And never alone. Just sit still. Because you're weak. Is better anyway, because you're more pretty that way. #sarcasmend

joined Mar 22, 2013

Even I want to read a fanfiction of those two delivery boys now... and I'm not even into BL.

joined Mar 22, 2013

Hold on, she used to shower with her cat? Since when is that a thing?

Hmm... i guess she just used to let the cat go into the bathroom when she was showering, i do this to '-'

I know some people with really long haired cats who occassionally bathe their cats for cleaning. Because the fur is so long it can be hard for the cats to get some of the more nasty dirt out of it. Still haven't met a cat who actually liked that though, lol.

Which brings me to... what kind of cat behaves like that lol? My cat would've ignored and ordered me around all day xD

joined Mar 22, 2013

Uhh... I kinda ship Amane and Kou

That would be the best possible outcome. I'd like to read a story where the person at the center of the love triangle ends up alone, because the love interests get together.

Now where did I hear of this type of shipping before?

The Legend of Korra.

Guilty xD

joined Mar 22, 2013

Uhh... I kinda ship Amane and Kou

That would be the best possible outcome. I'd like to read a story where the person at the center of the love triangle ends up alone, because the love interests get together.

joined Mar 22, 2013

Damn, what did I say? Nene is some cruel spiteful bitch. Makes me wonder if something big happened so that she wants to hurt Amane so much. Maybe she's even using Kou just for that purpose. I can't understand her at all.

I think Kou is not really in love with Amane. She said, she couldn't turn her down, meaning she actually wanted to and doesn't really want this relationship. Probably because of feeling guilty, but still Kou seems to be someone with high moral believes. She'd probably step aside if it would make Amane and Nene happy.
And with that I've finally found a character that I can find interesting in this manga. ^^ it's getting more interesting.

last edited at Jun 23, 2019 9:15AM

joined Mar 22, 2013

it's a story about cats, right?

joined Mar 22, 2013

Oh no, it's the almighty evil senpai-san. Be gone evil spirit of evilest evilness!

last edited at Jun 21, 2019 6:01PM

joined Mar 22, 2013

Akaris one burnt child. She gives advice about not being honest, because it would hurt the husband (but wouldn't it hurt even more if he found out? and Akari is also hurting the whole time) and obviously it has never worked out for her. But she still believes it's better that way :(((
Now I'm am hooked nonetheless. I hope the author deals exactly with this issue and not (what was my previous fear) with a passionate forbidden love that goes to hell in the end. There's already too many love triangles like that. And they usually are one big mess.

Thing is, lots of yuri manga has undefined characters in part because a lot of the audience thinks it's gauche and rude when a woman says something like that out loud about herself. The purity is the point. And I'm never gonna get behind that... good to see this author isn't doing it.

That isn't really why I don't like it. It's just more romantic to me if you love someone and because of that you are gay, rather than being gay and because of that you love someone.

I agree. I'm also a romantic like that. Nicely said.

last edited at Jun 21, 2019 4:03AM

Citrus + discussion 20 Jun 18:01
joined Mar 22, 2013

what's with this physical awkwardness when they've already hit second base in the actual series

this is supposed to be Citrus PLUS ;-;

Lol that was weird, yeah. I even wondered if there was a page missing.

I mean, I always think it is a pity that once a pair gets together the story usually stops. so we should be happy that there is a Citrus+. But somehow it's just more useless drama. Maybe I can enjoy this more when it is done...

Still Sick discussion 20 Jun 12:16
joined Mar 22, 2013

This is amazing!!!! Reading this makes my vocabular shrink to the word amazing!
I seriously love this story. Such a nice pace, nice characters, Amazing!

joined Mar 22, 2013

"What is this feeling?" Some please save us all the drama and tell her it's jealousy.

TANKOBU discussion 16 Jun 18:31
joined Mar 22, 2013

Almost skipped this because the tags were so generic xD Glad I didn't though. This was amazing. :]

last edited at Jun 16, 2019 6:31PM

joined Mar 22, 2013

this was cute through and through ... an on hiatus T.T

joined Mar 22, 2013

This is a not a bad story... at least how it is done... but it's already pretty clear that a lot of shit is gonna be happening.

First Time discussion 13 Jun 18:16
joined Mar 22, 2013

This is actually a really adorable first time. I don't see it as manipulative since she also didn't know what she was doing. was very nervous, it felt like she was rushing and just didn't consider that her gf didn't know what was going on. But she always asked if it was okay.
Maybe they could have talked a bit more beforehand, but it seemed like both of them wanted it. Even to a point where both are really comfortable with each other. I think their realtionship came across nicely.

joined Mar 22, 2013

The end. T.T another promising series dropped...

joined Mar 22, 2013

Amazing. One of those stories you can read again and again and never get bored of it.

Liberty discussion 11 Jun 17:31
joined Mar 22, 2013

the pages are a bit out of order, looks like they are sorted by name ;) Look at the numbers

anyway, of course it's senpai :B So i guess there could be a tiny bit of character development here? When MC manages to calm one of Liz's tantrums down. Will Liz someday learn respect and grow up? Let's see next time.

I was thinking, maybe Liz is some kind of physical Tsundere. Always when she is having feelings she doesn't just deny it, she becomes violent. RIP main character, was nice knowing you.

last edited at Jun 11, 2019 5:48PM

joined Mar 22, 2013

I have now this mental image of the two having sex and Yae-chan thinking nonstop things like: "Oh ah oh Azusa is doing xxx to my xxx with her tongue, licking just like a little puppy, how cute, MY WIFE IS TOO PRECIOUS!!!"

well thanks for planting that into my head xD

joined Mar 22, 2013

Wow, this was so positiv and optimistic. I love it. leaves you with hope for the future.

joined Mar 22, 2013

And averague native person of whatever language knows more than 10k of words. Spanish has more than 80k. What's different about 力 = power and 人 = person? In the end they are words, just because the way they are writting is hard for adults doesn't mean that it's that hard to see that all languagues has words and it's a way to have them. Know 3k of words I think that it's pretty normal.

learning vocabulary and learning kanji are two very different things. i don't know a single language (not saying there aren't) other than chinese ofc and maybe egyptian and any spin off from that, that has a different character for practicaly every word in existence. so yes, harder. MOST langauges have a normal alphabet or some version of it that they use.

My point was that learning languagues at that level is pretty hard and a little bit more those, like japanesse, which doesn't have an alphabet (talking about kanjis, I know they have hiragana and katakana), but knowing 3k of words to normal talking it's pretty normal. In fact, they are so much kanjis which are formed by others kanjis, so if you know those first kanjis you'll get what that kanji is. Forst is 森林, tree is 木, in fact they have some things that holly shit... Woman is 女 and rape is 強姦... The second kanji is formed with 3 times the woman kanji and the first it's like strenght or something like that.

Melon: But the Kanji have different meaning regarding context and also a lot of different ways to pronounce them. You need not only to learn the kanji and the meaning but also the Onyomi and Kunyomi (those are "pronounciations" and there are usually several for both, don't even ask me what the difference is between KUN an ON and when to use what, I haven't grasped that yet). I wonder if that gets easier by time, but as a beginner I find it pretty damn hard.

I don't study japanesse but I have friends who do it and they say than yes, so keep going! ^^
But I have to say that having multiple meanings it's also pretty normal, isn't it? In spanish we have words that the context can made them opposites. I'm seriously asking.

Thanks^^ I'm really not sure. It's probably normal i some way. In German we have words where the meaning changes depending on the article used (die kiefer = pine / der kiefer = jaw). Maybe it is just that hard because it is an entirely different language system. sentence structure, grammar is all pretty unfamiliar.