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joined Feb 4, 2015

Damn you for not being loved so I can destroy your loved ones!

I... win? ;-;

What the hell is Groogy?

It's been said he's Paradox Plaza's King Joffrey. Also that he is an elusive magical creature. All I know is that I root for him whenever the Dev's test play the latest EU4 patch.

last edited at May 13, 2015 1:00AM

joined Mar 6, 2014

What the hell is Groogy?

THIS is Groovy!

Oh wait, GrooGy? No idea

last edited at May 13, 2015 1:00AM

joined Mar 23, 2013

Kojima has never been a good writer, he relies on tropes a lot ( to be fair all Japanese game devs do that ). And now they can't stop it, because the Otaku indusry of anime and games have cattered to a small but obssesive fanbase and if anything of the formula changes they get mad. This what happens when you let your fanbase dictate sure a large part of your creative process. It's cool that you know your audience but ultimately it will hinder creativity.

Leaving the quality of his writing aside, i don't think he gets too stuck on styles or anything, MGS2 and ZoE kind of has a similar feel to it, but MGS3 has a completely different style, so is MGS4 and MGS5
If anything i think MGS5 is a little TOO different, he's trying too hard to make things darker and edgier and only now he decides that he wants Snake to be the kind of protagonist that only serves as a proxy for the player to immerse in the world, i don't think this kind of protagonist has a place in MGS

I never said he got stuck on style or that the ambience or atmosphere is similar between games, only that tropes are used a tad too much. Only that numerous tropes are repeated a lot, in different games. It seems like the devs think the Japanese audience need familiarity through tropes or something.

I don't see why Snake being a proxy for characters is that important. Kojima loves inserting himself in the games. He made Quiet cause he wanted a sexy character, he wants to sexualize a women character, he said so on twitter some time back. SJWs were mad, how dare he creates something purely for his own enjoyment, games are made for us, not for you Kojima!

But I'm not sure about your statement thought, where did he say this exactly?

Edit: Also you don't get to decide what is a MGS protag, your god and ovelord and master ruseman Kojima does, for just one last time.

last edited at May 13, 2015 1:01AM

joined Mar 6, 2014

But I'm not sure about your statement thought, where did he say this exactly?

Metal Gear Solid creator Hideo Kojima says in a new interview that Snake "won't really speak much at all." Keeping Snake somewhat silent was a design choice Kojima made so that he comes across as an extension of the player.
"I've said it many times, but I understand why people feel Snake is cool and admire him," Kojima told IGN. "In realty, though, Snake is and always has been nothing more than an extension of the player. He's your alter ego. Therefore, I made a very conscious effort this time to bring Snake closer to the player's perspective. As much as possible, Snake will act based on the player rather than doing things like making spontaneous comments or flirting with women."

I think it's kinda late to pull a Zelda on him

joined May 10, 2014

I think I've posted this link twice but I never posted it here where it's relevant: http://ygopro.us/ and http://ygopro.de/en/ these are online yugioh simulators/emulators, you can play for free and has (mostly) all cards released. I like devpro(2nd link) more but they are both fine and are updated often...there's also DN and you don't even have to download anything but I don't recommend it...the community is pretty...um...let's just say anyone can enter since it requires little effort. Call me here if you ever want to challenge me to a children's card game ;)

EDIT!: I'm an idiot! I forgot to mention there's an android version of ygopro! there I'm out.

I think it's kinda late to pull a Zelda on him

VERY late.

last edited at May 13, 2015 2:18AM

joined Feb 4, 2015

I think I've posted this link twice but I never posted it here where it's relevant: http://ygopro.us/ and http://ygopro.de/en/ these are online yugioh simulators/emulators, you can play for free and has (mostly) all cards released. I like devpro(2nd link) more but they are both fine and are updated often...there's also DN and you don't even have to download anything but I don't recommend it...the community is pretty...um...let's just say anyone can enter since it requires little effort. Call me here if you ever want to challenge me to a children's card game ;)

I tried DN once. Couldn't find a practice mode and pissed of five people before quitting. Just didn't know what the hell I was doing.

joined Mar 23, 2013

I think it's kinda late to pull a Zelda on him

Maybe he always wanted to do that but it was refused? Or he's just copying "le western open world meme your are the character" experience.

In other news, I saw that Xenoblades chronicles X went full waifu fag, bunch of costumes with less and less clothing on the character. International release censored coming?

joined Mar 6, 2014

Oh boy, got to download ygopro some time ago while Zexal was still kinda new and my poor little outdated Spell Counter deck stood no chance against them new shinny Xyz dudes, Yu-gi-oh's power creep is a thing of beauty
I do have plans of picking up Arc-V Tag Force soon though, then i'll be up to date with the power creep and i'll rain death upon those Xyz bastards who bullied me

joined May 10, 2014

I tried DN once. Couldn't find a practice mode and pissed of five people before quitting. Just didn't know what the hell I was doing.

XD it happens, a lot of yugioh players take this $hit waaaaaaaaay too seriously and...well there's the high amounts of trolls/forever noobs. Personally I always try to explain the basics to newbies and just laugh with the trolls.

Oh boy, got to download ygopro some time ago while Zexal was still kinda new and my poor little outdated Spell Counter deck stood no chance against them new shinny Xyz dudes, Yu-gi-oh's power creep is a thing of beauty

Them feels, I got back to yugioh with the 5ds DS games so it was a weird transition from early GX. The POWER CREEP oh you have no idea...search full power dragon rulers, full power spellbook(of judgement) or the current Nekroz/Qli...I hate the meta-game I mean just when my madolches were close to becoming tier 1 BAM! Shaddolls ;_;

OH right the link I posted is to the Salvation server which updates daily, we need the same version of the program so...which one do you have?

I do have plans of picking up Arc-V Tag Force soon though, then i'll be up to date with the power creep and i'll rain death upon those Xyz bastards who bullied me

It's great but has some flaws been at a lower budget than it's predecessors, since it came out a while ago it's missing some great archtypes like Zefras

joined Feb 4, 2015

XD it happens, a lot of yugioh players take this $hit waaaaaaaaay too seriously and...well there's the high amounts of trolls/forever noobs. Personally I always try to explain the basics to newbies and just laugh with the trolls.

It is waaaaay too manual though. I mean, I had on okay grasp of Synchros, and didn't bother putting XYZ in because I knew I didn't know how to use them then, so I thought I'd be fine, but just drawing my cards gave me trouble.

joined Mar 6, 2014

Mine's... V1.029.0 I suppose this number must have gone sky high since then

It's great but has some flaws been at a lower budget than it's predecessors, since it came out a while ago it's missing some great archtypes like Zefras

I'm just hoping it has a more friendly start than Tag Force 6, starting with a shitty deck is a given in any YGO game but absolutely every NPC there could wreck me with no chance to fight back, never had this problem with the DS ones

joined Feb 4, 2015

I'm just hoping it has a more friendly start than Tag Force 6, starting with a shitty deck is a given in any YGO game but absolutely every NPC there could wreck me with no chance to fight back, never had this problem with the DS ones

Only DS game I remember was Spirit Caller, and Syrus trashed me every time, unless I lucked out with my draws.

joined Mar 6, 2014

I'm just hoping it has a more friendly start than Tag Force 6, starting with a shitty deck is a given in any YGO game but absolutely every NPC there could wreck me with no chance to fight back, never had this problem with the DS ones

Only DS game I remember was Spirit Caller, and Syrus trashed me every time, unless I lucked out with my draws.

The 5D ones has a number of random NPCs in the story mode and they're mostly pushovers, they were a good sandbag for practicing things over

joined May 10, 2014

It is waaaaay too manual though. I mean, I had on okay grasp of Synchros, and didn't bother putting XYZ in because I knew I didn't know how to use them then, so I thought I'd be fine, but just drawing my cards gave me trouble.

The other 2 have things like auto draw, asks if you want to chain, etc things you see in the ds/psp games it's more player friendly and you can import your own backgrounds, card-sleeves, etc. You should try them if you're still interested in the game.

Mine's... V1.029.0 I suppose this number must have gone sky high since then

No no wait, more like the links have changed or rather they are the same program by different teams/servers, you need to be in the same one to play, I'll assume you're using the vanilla one? devpro is more stable but I can download that one too I guess if you don't want to.

It's great but has some flaws been at a lower budget than it's predecessors, since it came out a while ago it's missing some great archtypes like Zefras

I'm just hoping it has a more friendly start than Tag Force 6, starting with a shitty deck is a given in any YGO game but absolutely every NPC there could wreck me with no chance to fight back, never had this problem with the DS ones

Transfer a TF6 and you get a bunch of money +saved deck recipes +1 copy of each card collected, if you don't have it download it from gamefaqs/edit one yourself somehow. You start 3 okay decks and with enough money to buy a full deck like lightsworns not to mention there's a difficulty select at the start of the game(you can change it in the options) the game is in JAP btw.

joined Feb 4, 2015

The 5D ones has a number of random NPCs in the story mode and they're mostly pushovers, they were a good sandbag for practicing things over

Well I rue that when I had a DS, I abhorred anything 5Ds because 'too new'. Anything would've been better than gambling who it is your going to face knowing one option had three subroids, and you only one monster with a base above 1800 ATK.

The other 2 have things like auto draw, asks if you want to chain, etc things you see in the ds/psp games it's more player friendly and you can import your own backgrounds, card-sleeves, etc. You should try them if you're still interested in the game.

Is it all PvP? I don't think my ego could take the failure if there's no option to practice against some for AI.

last edited at May 13, 2015 1:39AM

joined May 10, 2014

The 5D ones has a number of random NPCs in the story mode and they're mostly pushovers, they were a good sandbag for practicing things over

Well I rue that when I had a DS, I abhorred anything 5Ds because 'too new'. Anything would've been better than gambling who it is your going to face knowing one option had three subroids, and you only one monster with a base above 1800 ATK.

The other 2 have things like auto draw, asks if you want to chain, etc things you see in the ds/psp games it's more player friendly and you can import your own backgrounds, card-sleeves, etc. You should try them if you're still interested in the game.

Is it all PvP? I don't think my ego could take the failure if there's no option to practice against some for AI.

Hm...why don't you watch a couple of duels on youtube? maybe get used to the new stuff...also roids always sucked so I think you picked the wrong archtype Although there's a stupid/hilarious loop you they can do with soul charge I can help you with deck building too since there's an in-app chat.

Yes it's mostly PvP but there's also AI duels if you want to practice, unranked is basically for fun mode though! anything goes.

joined Feb 4, 2015

Hm...why don't you watch a couple of duels on youtube? maybe get used to the new stuff...also roids always sucked so I think you picked the wrong archtype Although there's a stupid/hilarious loop you they can do with soul charge I can help you with deck building too since there's an in-app chat.

Yes it's mostly PvP but there's also AI duels if you want to practice, unranked is basically for fun mode though! anything goes.

I wasn't using roids, it was at the start of Spirit Caller when Syrus had absolute power if you got him before you had a chance to build your deck. Though I was pretty young when I played it, and I may over hype him because the only human I ever played was my Brother, and he was worse than me.

I'll try watching some on YouTube, but I have a short attention span, I'll switch tab and forget it's on in the background. If there's some practice mode, I'll give it a go. My deck making is hampered though as I can't go without a BLS variant.

joined May 10, 2014

.....did you say BLS? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) search "lightsworn chaos" on google it's a ridiculously easy to learn/auto pilot deck if all you need is a confidence builder deck...well there's also chain burn and dark worlds but........ANYway you can't really learn if you don't play! don't worry about winning and losing it's about having fun!

last edited at May 13, 2015 2:17AM

joined Feb 4, 2015

.....did you say BLS? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) search "lightsworn chaos" on google it's a ridiculously easy to learn/auto pilot deck if all you need is a confidence builder deck...well there's also chain burn and dark worlds but........ANYway you can't really learn if you don't play! don't worry about winning and losing it's about having fun!

No, no, it's all about winning. Don't listen to Kuriboh hair. Re learning will be hard considering I'm so used to 'All the attack points, smash' way of playing. All the chaining is going to be a headache. I'll save it for the weekend I suppose, because I've my only two exam day tomorrow and today I've not slept and am waiting for the one on Louis XIV.

joined Mar 23, 2013

I wasn't using roids, it was at the start of Spirit Caller when Syrus had absolute power if you got him before you had a chance to build your deck. Though I was pretty young when I played it, and I may over hype him because the only human I ever played was my Brother, and he was worse than me.

Haha, reminds me of my yugioh days in the very early days. I was in like Grade 7-8 and mostly played with my nextdoor neighbour and friend. Then he moved in grade 8 and. i had to get new friend etc... I end up at lunch in some room and its basically all day every lunch pokemon/yugioh/any board game room.

So I got rekt so hard, I didn't even have card protectors and all, that's how much of a scrub I was. Then i got better and thought I would go to this tournament that was hosted in the card store I got my stuff at. That's when I learned adults played the game and their deck was insane.

Same thing happened to my friend for Smash, think your good bevause you're the best in your town or whatever, but jk ur shit. Those were the days... No online games and ladders to know what your true worth was. I sometime miss this ignorance because each time you'd fo further you would marvel at a whole new world.

joined May 10, 2014

I should edit the 1st post instead whoops.

@ChocolateCakeLover: you like beatdown then? Qli's nuff said.

@Evilnemesis: haha I only had my Kaiba+Joey starter deck when I started playing...yeah that went well against vampires/legendary ocean XD. Was it Frogs FTK maybe?(the insane deck I mean) actually I don't know how old you are so...

last edited at May 13, 2015 2:25AM

joined Feb 4, 2015

Rye: No no, random cards I like thrown together is the way for me. All this structure around deck building is what really takes the fun away.

Seems like my weekend is going to be spent on the Yu-Gi-Oh wiki.

EN: Me and my brother had the same pool of cards to draw from. It should have been fair, but he trusted me to make the decks. I felt like Jesus every time I won. Thank God I never faced anyone competent.

joined Mar 23, 2013

I should edit the 1st post instead whoops.

@ChocolateCakeLover: you like beatdown then? Qli's nuff said.

@Evilnemesis: haha I only had my Kaiba+Joey starter deck when I started playing...yeah that went well against vampires/legendary ocean XD. Was it Frogs FTK maybe?(the insane deck I mean) actually I don't know how old you are so...

I'm 23...Haha, yeah I had the Yugi deck and friend had Kaiba. Fun fact: my first buy was the deck and 2 booster packs and I got a Raigeki out of it, my friend was mad jelly man you have no idea. The other one had that effect monster that went into the opponent's deck and if drawn did damage and all monsters on the opponent's side were considered insects. A lot of kids wnated to by that card when I pulled it out. I forgot what's it called.

Worst feels was the 2nd guy I played was the best guy in the group. You should of seen my face when I got crushed so fast by this guy. He had a Harpie lady deck, I was so confused when all dem fusions and equips were coming to me at full speed.

joined May 10, 2014

Choco: Well you can't win if you have baby dragon in your deck just saying, if you don't like to copy decks thats great but you every deck needs 1) consistency 2) chemistry 3) a win condition(optional if for fun). There's are 1000s of cards so throwing random stuff in will not work. Thats enough for now this is a videogame thread.

EN: hahhaa we are not too far from each other then...you should totally watch the frog ftk then, also harpies are still strong unlike most older decks.

....ok I'll say my age as well cuz I feel like I asked the question and should answer too. I'm 23 as well and that was not a good time for the starter decks haha.

last edited at May 13, 2015 2:39AM

joined Mar 23, 2013


I have the English PS2 version and a working Ps2 and first gen Ps3 but they do it again!
"Game made in Japan is for Japanesu~~~!"

Why do they do this?

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