Forum › First? discussion

joined Apr 5, 2023

Poor Umi, not even in doujin she can escape from the suffering. Very cute, thanks for the upload!

joined Sep 23, 2022

This is really cute. Sorry Nico looks like Maki is just a very quick learner and you would end up as the bottom always, lol. Thank you for translating and uploading it here! Makes me happy still seeing Nico stuff especially on her birthday.

joined Oct 24, 2023

Ah, first times. For mine, I used a combination of what I'd heard from women, and stuff I'd seen in porn. I seemed to do ok.

joined Apr 25, 2020

Nice to see a doujin about first times and actually dealing with being inexperienced in a realistic way, like they start doing it and suddenly they're great at it just because they love each other. Usually the first time sucks, so I like that they had to go at it another time to make it work, great doujin

joined Nov 14, 2016

Poor Umi, not even in doujin she can escape from the suffering. Very cute, thanks for the upload!

No, she can't.

joined Jul 3, 2020

I love the implication that Maki thinks that Kotori would have made a move on Umi before Nozoeli would get together.

joined Jul 9, 2021

seeing my fav OTP happily in love healed my depression, nicomaki still strong as ever even after all those years

joined Jun 25, 2024

Love this one because let’s face it Maki and Nico are both sheltered and would have no clue how to sex

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