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joined Mar 28, 2015


joined Sep 23, 2022

Het story are really something. Like personally I really don't understand what this is trying to convey at all.
The only thing I got from this story is that a adult teacher is cheating on their wife so they can't commit" with the student, that the girl with the pigtail likes going commando all the time (idk what she does on the time of the month) and something about a short hair girl that burns her drawing she doesn't like and when she does draws something she likes she'll hope to go "to a place where it's not needed to draw anymore" whatever that means. I don't even get what the flash back page for her young is for. Is it to show us that's she's always alone? idk im confuse.

joined Jul 16, 2013

Dunno about this one....The idea with the bullying, the drawing and the implications of suicide with the bully trying to save her are good. Not sure why we needed the het affairs in the story? They did not really contribute a lot. Also, the ending would have had more impact if she really tried to commit suicide.

Yukari Yakumo
joined Nov 24, 2016

Someone thinks they're T.S.Eliot. "I do not give one shit whether anyone understands what I'm talking about."

joined Feb 23, 2013

Here's what I understood.
Momo's jealous of Sumire's because of her commitment with painting (she also thinks Sumire's good if what the boy said is true) , since she's not committed to anything (relashionships or hobbies - from underwear's to people she doesn't like to feel hemmed) . Also she's jealous of the teachers interest in Sumire's strange habit of destroying all pictures she paints. Thus causing some envy and hate both feelings Sumire says are allien to her. Kinda "wish I could draw like her and there she goes yapping nonsense with difficult words and burning her painting like they were nothing". So on the other side she admires Sumire's paintings and also there's this sense both are lonely, have trouble connecting with people and
Sumire on the other hand seems to be paying attention to Momo's shenanigans, she reacts harshly when the boy speaks ill of Momo's and knows she has an affair with the teacher. Also she seems to be aware Momo's jealous of her. When they're talking in her room she is drawing a princess doll as a kid, as they finish talking she looks at Momo and I understood this means that in Sumire's eyes Momo is a princess but, as she stated previously, not only flesh so there must be more to it, if Sumire has difficult feeling things and expressing them, in that sense Momo does it easily, thus surpassing Sumire. I think That's why she didn't burn the painting in the end and it kinda also mean something more and makes clear that Sumire's not interested in least in the teacher (so if she has an attachment with that place and we only see Momo there there... ). So in the end Sumire's states that affairs are bad and Momo agrees and they leave together... Since sumire almost doesn't speak, I feel it's very meaningful she's talking about it to Momo. Also for someone who dislikes being attached to something searching up and down for someone else indicates some feelings too.
Well... in the end they're both weird and have a weird bond.

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