nice...the matureness~
itz ze opposite! :3 nice
gawd, them two :3
need more of this pairing >_<
ooh, the bliss xD
that mischievous face xD
Makoto <3
This is so adorable
..I get irritated when I saw a lot of couples specially when I'm alone and I say "you'll break soon" but when I see some girl couples, I squele secretly and I enjoy watching them flirting with each other...mooore!!!!
damnit! cuuuute! _<
ahahahah dem 2
gawd, love 'em! \o/
ahahaha, damn xD
OTP! \o/
the only incest (twincest) that I could really tolerate with all my heart xD love 'em~ <3
The yuri is so strong my goggles fried out.
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