^^ The show has not gotten any gayer, althought the relationship between the leads has gotten a lot closer and casual, it's in a platonic way thus far. It started very "we're only interacting because of the bullshit groom/bride neither of us really wants", but by now we see them actually getting along and habging out and helping each other just cause they're friends. It's all very slow-burn on the relationship side, basically.
Honestly, I prefer this to a rushed "suddenly they are both in love with a virtual stranger" development, but it remains to see how things go when things go romantic.
That said, it doesn't look like they will go ina "suddenly hetero" direction either. Elan-4 was the closest thing to a realistic hetero romantic option, and the poor dude was "decommisioned" so quickly by his corporate masters that the whole thing could be considered straightbait.